Cenk hosting today. News broke that Trevor Noah has been named to replace Jon Stewart on the Daily Show. Cenk thinks that every other comic is feeling some bitter feelings about this no name getting this huge job. Further damning evidence that Bill O’Reilly was lying about his war coverage in the Falklands War from his cameraman. The alleged cameraman came forward to point out he has no memory of being knocked down and bleeding, only to be saved by Bill. Syrian president Assad told 60 Mins that ISIS has grown since airstrikes have begun against them. A Reuters poll showed that
Republicans think President Obama is a bigger imminent threat to the U.S. than Assad, Putin, or Ayatollah Khamenei. N Korean dictator Kim Jong Un tied Obama as a threat.
Indiana governor Mike Pence comedically defended his signing a bill into law that would allow businesses to discriminate against gay citizens based on religious views. Many big name athletes and public figures have spoken out against the law. Charles Barkley, Reggie Miller, and Tim Cook of Apple responded strongly. Videos of Pence dodging the question of whether or not discrimination is legal in Indiana over and over again on This Week. In Pence’s private signing of the bill, 3 anti-gay lobbyists stood all around him in support. GLAAD’s exposing this showed that Pence fully knows the objective of the law is to allow religious people to discriminate against gay citizens.
Final Judgment on the Hands Up charges related to Michael Brown and Ferguson shooting. Cenk goes over the forensic findings of Brown’s movements and shots fired. He also gives his conclusions based on all the evidence.
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Trevor Noah To Replace Jon Stewart For The Daily Show
Cameraman Reveals More Bill O’Reilly Bullsh*t
Lawmakers Of Discrimination Religious Freedom Law Don’t Give A F**k
LGBT Celebrities’ React To Anti-Gay Religious Freedom Law
Indiana Governor Mike Pence Defends Discriminating Religious Freedom Law
Cenk it seems like Trevor Noah was wanted because he is like Obama and just throws softballs. He won’t attack whoever the president is. If they wanted somebody like that they would have taken More Dore.
What a clown operation going on here. If TV or mainstream news ever gets good again, TYT will die a SWIFT, SWIFT, death.
Then why are you subscribed?! F Off!
Because TV and mainstream news is fucking terrible. So terrible, that THIS beats them. Now you can go gag on dicks! MULTIPLE DICKS!
Hahahahahahahaha! You are having a little pity party aren’t you?
I agree with Gryphon. The fact that TYT can stay in business is a testament to the pathetic quality of the mainstream media. Actually, if it weren’t for Jimmy Dore, I would cancel my membership in a heartbeat. TYT has gotten to the point where it’s actually more one sided and deceptive than the mainstream media on a few issues, i.e. Ukraine, Libya, Syria.
So desperate to insult me. Am I getting to you? Are your terrorism apologies sounding hollow, even to yourself?
insult you? You’re a dumb bigot. You insult yourself. You don’t need me. I just think it’s funny how gung-ho you were for Cenk and how pissed off you were every time he wasn’t here, and he directly called people like you out for your dumb bigotry, and now you hate the show.. I have no ill will towards you at all. I hate the ignorance you represent, which is unfortunately common in the US.
Your security feature is blocking what I had to say.
Let me get this straight, you tape the show live, you clearly have the tape because some of it is here, Still; somehow, a portion of this tape has grown legs walked away?
Rolling on the fucking floor laughing my ass off!!! The fucking CEO of apple talking about doing business in a just and fair way… I’m glad this fuck has the bawls to be a hypocrite enough to comment on the insanity and unfairness of this states laws but to hear this fuck preach about this shit while hes got Chinese workers jumping off of buildings for better profit margins is a bit much…
Cenk’s degeneration is so depressing. You’re really going to base conclusions on a Justice Department report designed to cover up Wilson’s crime? After the Ferguson authorities have admitted that many witnesses who initially made the “hands up” claim “changed” their stories after being “talked to” by the police? Come on Cenk, you know what that means, you even covered that phenomenon during the Trayvon Martin episode, when the police tried to convince witnesses that they had heard Zimmerman rather than Martin crying for help.
And it’s a much more minor point, but to pretend that a struggle over the gun is the ONLY way for the gun to have discharged near Darren Wilson’s hand really insults the intelligence of the TYT army.
The bottom line is, Robert McCulloch had to bend over backwards to keep Darren Wilson safe. He had to scrounge up some racist woman with a history of lying to find testimony corroborating Darren Wilson’s account. He had to lie to the jury and tell them that it is legal for a cop to shoot a fleeing suspect in the back. Cenk may think Wilson wouldn’t have been convicted in a fair trial, but the racist prosecutor who got him off CLEARLY disagrees.
“””near Michael Brown’s hand””
Degeneration is too strong of a word. Cenk’s analysis is that a jury would not have convicted Wilson. As a lawyer, it may be an analysis that doesn’t speak to the truth but does address the intention of the DOJ’s report. In the end, Cenk is clear that an awful, unjustified shooting happened. You’re seeing it from a factual perspective, not a legal one like Cenk is. Cenk thinks the analysis demonstrates that the legal system would have also permitted a cop to kill a human being without a gun, a standard that is atrocious. We should be advocating that the police are held to the highest standards, rather than the current situation where they are given the most doubt and protections. There’s a reason that TV is showing you so many cop shows: it’s to create an environment where the police can act with impunity and kill without justification.
Revolution, I think you’re projecting your own analysis on Cenk. I can understand, I was hoping Cenk would go in that direction too. He’s not seeing it from a legal or a factual perspective, because he’s ignoring the legal and factual issues that you, I, and Yakko82 raised.
Unfortunately, Cenk said very clearly that if he couldn’t prove Wilson shot at Brown’s back, he wouldn’t even want to take the case to trial. It sucks, but I would take him at his word that that’s exactly what he means. He talks a lot about how he’s really a conservative at heart, and situations like this are when it shows the most.
Even being the MOST kind to Officer Wilson and all this information, it was still an execution of an unarmed black teenager. And that’s assuming that Wilson told him to stop, chased after him without firing and when Mike Brown turned around and was moving toward him palms up and unarmed, Wilson decided to gun him down because he was threatened.
The saddest thing about this case and the saddest thing for Mike Brown is that if he really did want to engage the officer, then he forgot he was black male in America. And there is no understanding of your situation. No one tries to reason with you. Or gives you the benefit of the doubt. If you’re black in America, you’re better of dead, then we’ll question whether you were criminally in the wrong or not. Judge, Jury and Executioner.
I think the saddest think about this case is watching Cenk fall in line with the Obama administration and the rest of the media.
Could we at least get a recap of the small missing portion at the begining? Also may I point out that just a small portion means a lot if phrased just the tip.