CPAC kicked off its 1st day with clown speeches from Dr. Ben Carson and Mia Love to claim that the GOP is the Party that looks out for the poor by taking away any assistance. Video of Carson proposing a way to eliminate the IRS. Police in Pasco, Washington were caught on tape shooting a Mexican man to death in the streets for throwing rocks at cars and the police. Latest reports after the autopsy was conducted showed that he was shot at 17 times. This killing was the 4th by Pasco police in less than 1 year, with all other 3 exonerating the police in question.
David Rubin joins Cenk to announce his departure from the TYT Network. ISIS militants recorded themselves destroying ancient sculptures from as far back as 3500 years. Cenk has a visceral reaction to seeing them destroy things that we can never get back. Dave and Cenk point out that this is another ploy to appall us and drag us into coming after them in a specific way.
Show notes by Jayar Jackson
Hour 1 Source Articles:
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New ISIS Video Shows Militants Smashing Ancient Iraq Artifacts
Police officers fired 17 times at unarmed Mexican man shot dead in Washington
O’Reilly Also Lied About Witnessing Nuns’ Execution in El Salvador, Report Claims
FCC OKs landmark net neutrality rules
Which Republican has the most to prove at CPAC 2015?
Not talking about boot straps Jon said. I hate that term. I want some rich guy to get knocked down, unable to get up, the only thing he can do is pull on his bootstraps. He will die there, with his boot shoved real tight onto his foot
Yes, I’m conservative in many ways and being military I have a bias toward cops…however that shooting videos was unreal…that was inhumane…that was murder…I mean Jesus Christ, HE WAS THROWING ROCKS…for fuck sakes, 3 of you tackle the dude…Fuck me, that is the epitome of the militarization of the US police…God help you guys…
Maybe the cops are being trained to kill suspects because 1) dead people can’t sue and even if their family sues, it’s more expensive to fight a lawsuit where the person is seriously injured, particularly since that person can testify; or 2) dead people are less expensive than paying the cost to replace an injured cop, pay his workers comp, disability or retirement,
Been listening to you guys for about 10 years and I’m thrilled that you’re coming to Ausitn. We’ll be there!
Some Alamo Draft House Dining Recommendations:
The Burgers and Pizzas are pretty good. I hear the wings are delicious although I’ve never had them. Some other tasty snacks are the hot pretzel with three different dip sauces and the cheese fries. If you like them, there are fried pickles. Some of their desserts are great but I recommend their fresh baked cookies. They cook them per order. Full bar, including some really good beer (hence the name).
See you on the 16th!
At first I was sad John was replaced by Dave but Dave made up for it by announcing he was leaving the network, this is a good day for TYT.
Forget about the members who agree with you, I think Cenk himself is happy that Dave is leaving ! Was anyone able to detect genuine remorse in Cenk, whilst he made the announcement ? Infact, I think Cenk was sadder to see Ricky leave. Tyt 140 was Dave’s responsibility and he couldn’t have been bothered to put in the effort to make it a success. Dave was always spineless- he’d keep criticizing Turkey’s role as a irresponsible NATO member mishandling the ISIS problem-and I’m not saying Dave’s wrong -its just that he never dared to say this in front of Cenk, who’d have rebuked him or at least would’ve debated him , Invariably, he’d always make these points when Cenk wasn’t around. Lastly, Dave’s a very stubborn person-often that’s an admirable trait, but in his case, if he said something wrong and you had all the facts to, conclusively, disprove him, he’ll just do a Glenn Beck/Rush Limbaugh/Christie and totally ignore whatever you’ve said and simply keep believing whatever he wants to. Though I will say this, he has a very cheerful demeanor, he’s lucky to have a wonderful life partner, may providence keep him in this happy zone forever, and Ana for one, will surely miss him…
I absolutely agree with you, he’s not a bad guy by any stretch of the imagination and I wish him and everyone else all the happiness in the world, but he came across so spineless and wrong on so many issues and would stubbornly talk down people who often made waayyyyy better points than him. He just comes across as a close minded bigot on so many issues and he used the gay card and the comedian card to say ‘hey don’t criticize me, I”m just a gay comedian’. I think Cenk is secretly glad to see him go, there’s a certain arrogance in Dave’s demeanor too, Cenk can be stubborn and refuse to change his position also but I feel like Cenk is way more willing to change his mind in the face of evidence.
Dave was unmovable (and wrong) on the issue of Israel. Just like Cenk and John and others on TYT have the from-on-high-edict of Islam apology, regardless of facts. Look no further than Cenk ignoring the Copenhagen terror attack by a muslim to tell the story of how local muslims did some dumb show of solidarity after the attack. Biased much?
In light of John Stewart leaving the Daily Show later this year, I really hope O’Reilly takes the fall for all of his lies. There must remain a balance to all of this mainstream madness. Can’t have the ying without the yang.
Cenk is glad donkeysex is not blocked. Not saying anything. Just saying.
The only reason we won with Net Neutrality was cause of the big money on our side, sadly.
ugh, wish I could edit, anyways:
btw, Cenk, Google is far from their “don’t be evil” slogan these days. They do a lot of evil.
Their slogan is “don’t be evil” but maybe it just means that they have to keep reminding themselves. : )
Like what? Im legit curious.
No, they don’t. I used to work for Google and literally all of my friends work there. It is the sole example of a morally good multinational corporation. .
“Did we leave Iraq too early?”
Really? No, in the context of how US’s war was run, in the sense that the right resources were not going towards propping up and modernizing Iraq, , in the sense that we only wanted to keep supplying and building their useless military, obviously we didn’t leave ‘too early.’ If we were actually building their government and helping their people build an economy, that’d be something different.
Cenk toots his horn at every possible moment about how he is so concerned about the facts and yet he says, “God bless.” Just as often. Cenk, man. Religion is a huge problem. Talk about child abuse. Stop endorsing it my friend. Saying you’re an agnostic is cute. Saying God bless is cute. You’re not cute. Stop pretending. If you actually believe in a God it should be the focal point for everything you say and you owe him every thought you’ve ever come up with. You believe that there is a God? Why don’t you ever talk about his existence? Oh. Because you don’t believe in God? What is a word for someone who doesn’t believe in God? Ana has the balls to say she’s an atheist. It’s time to come out of the closet, my friend.
He says it in the same vein as someone who says “bless you” when someone sneezes. It shouldn’t bother you that much.
If Cenk says he an agnostic then fine. If you want to talk about child abuse then look at the facts. Most child abuse is done in the home by members of the family. Have paedophiles used religious positions to further their own perverse actions, Absolutely!!! but they have also used all positions of power such as Politicians, sports coaches, Medical professions and, teaching positions.
If someone says they are Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Agnostic or Atheist then respect their position. A persons beliefs don’t make them right or wrong, their belief that EVERYONE MUST believe what they do or suffer ridicule and pain makes them intolerant. This is the belief system that we must fight..
The internet has bred a new form of ignorance, Pseudo intellectuals who support ‘science’ but dont know anything about it. Self proc’aimed experts, stupid people who believe everyone else is stupid, and worst of all: the atheist equivalent of ignorant right-ring evangelical christians.
The hateful, ignorant christian says ‘Go to hell!’
The hateful, ignorant atheist says ”Be removed from the gene pool!’
They are one and the same, under a different name.
I now think you are a complete idiot.
Oh my god! I never saw the “God bless” thing :)
I don’t believe he is agnostic either based on his never ending rants on Christianity and endless passes to Islam, I fast forward every time he starts bitching about Christianity and tells us how great Islam is.. I miss Cenk talking about real issues in the first hour and how it degenerated to my dick/religion is better than yours shit. These days second hour and PG is what i look forward to more than first hour.
Having said that you are having issues with someone saying “God bless” ..cmon..
BTW will miss Dave. Dave, Desi, Jimmy and Michael Shure are the best of the best!
Although the neverending rants against christianity are tiring, his ‘now wait a minute’ moments to be fair for islam is a breathe of fresh air in a society which paints all muslims as evil hitlarian satanists.
The fact you have such a skewed perspective on Cenk and muslims just goes to show how great your prejudice is. So many TYT members re so close minded, hateful, and just like the conservatives they are so against. It is sad.
What you call being fair, objective people see as apologies for a violent death cult of a religion that his nuclear family belongs to.
How about “”God damn~?””
“”Jesus Fuckin’ Christ~?””
“”Oooooooh~! God””during sex~?
Get over your righteous self. “‘Oh, shit~!”‘ has nothing to do w/ feces.
‘””Dumb cunt”” isn’t about pussy.
“”Don’t give me this fuckin’ shit,”‘ doesn’t mean….oh, well. Why fuckin’ bother~?
Riddlen, are you 15 years old? Are you a dumb kid who will grow out of this absurd phase, or are you a hopeless adult who will be stuck like this forever? There are religious idioms all over our language, because of our religious past. It means nothing. I’ve been an atheist my whole life, never been religious at all, and I say “Jesus” as an exclamation and “bless you” when people sneeze.
By his logic, you must be the pope.
All hail Pope Gathly!
Sad to see Rubin go he was a great host. Who is coming in to fill his shoes?
I haven’t listened yet to this episode. Rubin’s leaving? That’s great. No more Islamophobic, Israel can do no wrong douchebaggery.
Calling out Islam and CORRECTLY describing the HORRID, EVIL shit MILLIONS OF PEOPLE FROM THAT RELIGION BELIEVE, is not Islamophobia. You are a stupid person and an apologist for violence done in the name of Islam. You make me and every other honest intellectual sick.
Gathly here is one of the most honest people around (although I agree you are honest too), he/she is a true fiery liberal lion who only offers their true unbiased opinion-that you think gathly is an apologist merely shows that you see the world thru tinted glasses. Gathly has called out cenk on many an occasion. Look I actually dont want to debate you- i have no arguments right now(also i know how stubborn you are) , but I admire you gryphon87, in a way, seeing as how you are so disenchanted with cenk, yet you still hang on because you believe in TYT as a whole, also, ironically like gathly, you will call a spade a spade, you wont hold your punches ….but c’mon man you call youself an intellectual and in the same breath you call gathly stupid, you don’t think that’s a bit condescending? have you read ALL of his/her comments to make such a judgement ?
I didn’t say Gathly is a Cenk/TYT apologist. He is an Islamic apologist.
I actually have read EVERYTHING posted on Hour 1 videos going back at least a year. The removal of the forum system is a real kick in the nuts to member connectivity. Every time Gathly speaks ON THIS ISSUE, Islamic terrorism, he is an out and out apologist. When he isn’t apologizing, he is deflecting the empirically based, accurate attacks on Islam and it’s believers disproportionate belief in evil to Christian atrocities. He treats me and others like me as pro-Israel despite their murder of Palestinian innocents. To Gathly, if you attack Islam, you are either a bloodhungry Israeli or a racist right winger.
I am neither. Fuck Israel. I want a global boycott and sanctions until a 2 state solution is achieved. Fuck the right wing as well. I am a socialist and voted Green party in 2014 after voting for Obama twice.
But I recognize that, according to goddamned empirical polling and statistics, that a Muslim is MORE DANGEROUS TO ME than a Christian. What do I mean by this? I know and work with a few Muslims. We have no problem. They aren’t who or even what I am talking about. If a nuclear device or other mass casualty device is detonated on American soil, it will be from an Islamic terrorist. Not a domestic right winger. I understand that also, empirically, there have been more domestic terror attacks on US soil by extreme right wingers than muslims. I know and accept this fact. I do not believe a domestic right wing terrorist has the ability to obtain a nuclear device. I believe a nuclear device can only be obtained from failed states or North Korea. Due to a right wingers necessary racism, he is unwilling to deal with these parties to obtain a bomb he would then use on NYC liberals.
I don’t live in fear of this. I don’t support profiling Arabs at airports (I think that is patently unconstitutional). I don’t support laws restricting immigration from the Middle East. I simply recognize that someone of the Islamic faith is more willing to do acts of terror in the name of RELIGION (not politics as the right winger would) and is more willing to condone horrible acts IF they are done in the name of Islam.
Religion is a choice. Race is not. Islam is not a race. Gathly doesn’t understand this. Christians have in their group a humongous organization that is across the globe in nearly every country. That organization systematically fucked young children then protected the people who did the buggering. Every single Catholic should be asked why they remain by choice in an organization that did/is doing still that. That is a legitimate question. We judge people in NAMBLA don’t we?
So, yes, Muslims should be looked at with suspicion and be asked why, in the name of their club, so much fucking evil is happening.
But Gryphon, what about economics and politics? Those two are not a common denominator among the groups of Muslims doing evil shit right now. Only religion, only Islam, is.
And for reasons I cannot explain, your compliment meant a lot to me and I appreciate very much you saying it. If I have said mean shit to you in the past, and I’m sure I have, and when I say mean shit to you in the future, know that that is simply my argument style. I can’t help it. Yes, I cuss at people in real life. No, I don’t call them names.
I liked Rubin I’m a bit sad he’s going. But the pro-Israel stuff always made me cringe so I’m also relieved I won’t have to live through it. Overall it was obviously positive of coooourse.
Rubin asks tentatively, ‘Did we leave too early?’ Back-pedals immediately and then goes on to plug his show at his new workplace HARD – man, I was cringing all the way through that goodbye. Don’t see him as a fit to the TYT network, good luck to him.
I can’t stand rubin, his hatred towards muslims is far too obvious.
He is right on Islam, wrong on Israel. Pattern recognition is not bigotry. Pew Research Center is not bigoted. Empirically, by the numbers, there is more MUSLIM violence than other religious violence. That is a FACT and pointing that out is honest. If you have a problem with that. you have a problem with REALITY.
Will you please read this article, you self proclaimed inellectual, you
It is sad when someone from TYT having a different stance on politics makes you cringe.
It reminds me of the conservatives who cringe at the idea of a non-white non-male or non-rich having an opinion.
Like the close minded conservative christians who cringe at the idea of gay rights or evolution being taught in school.
Part of being intelligent is listening even when disagreeing. A cringe reaction is inclined to block hearing them fairly. Save your cringing for police murder, isis destroying history, or conservatives voting.
Cringing at shit you think is wrong/dumb/evil is…totally normal. I cringe every time I read Gathly defending Islamic terrorism with his empty deflections to Christianity. He is a disgusting low life.
your racism is also troubling to me, but since you share that blind hatred and ignorance with the majority of Americans, I have become unfortunately used to it.
You call gathly stupid, a low life. you call ronnyrulz a complete idiot. Im sure im going to get a few choice words from you as well, Look I want to say this-i agree you are an honest intellectual, but you get wayyy too angry when it comes to muslims and islam and I get your anger, there’s never smoke without fire, but youve gotta have a CIVIL debate with the other side,that’s the only way there will be progress. You’ve gotta see how ironic it is that you keep claiming that islam and the majority of muslims believe in violence, all the while you are the sole anger fueled person to abuse people on the other side of the debate… Look, I beseech once again to have a look at this article by Prof Steven Fish “Why is terror Islamist?” a WaPo article (I posted the link as a reply to a previous comment of yours) that is a logical, fact based view of the current interplay of islam and violence & all the reasons involved therein. It totally mirrors my own views & position on the debate. Now Im sure you are more well read than me & you may have already come across this article, If it didn’t change your opinion one bit, well then I have nothing more to add, save for this cliche-it behooves the true intellectual to constantly keep questioning his/her logic, to constantly keep reviewing his/her positions and beliefs lest he/she may be making a grave error. After all an intellectual is a very important part of the process of human progress & cant afford to be flippant.
Well said and I will read your article right now as I eat my Chimichangas.
You are totally right about civil debate but only in the context of here. Regular peoples minds are almost never changed and definitely never if the debate takes place on the internet. I do get much too angry but it’s because I feel like they KNOW they are being intentionally obtuse and missing my point on purpose, i.e calling me a racist. Against what? Muslims? Not a race. Arabs? I am fucking Arab.