The Young Turks February 26, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by sobeyar0 Comments

Cenk and John Iadarola hosting. The FCC’s decision on Net Neutrality has come down, mostly in favor of fair internet access. Talk about the muddied message Republicans had to pitch in order to attempt to destroy this legislation. Bill O’Reilly has been caught in yet another lie that he has been telling over the years that prop him up as an amazing guy. Videos of Bill telling people about witnessing nuns being gunned down in El Salvador while he was there covering wars. Video of O’Reilly telling the same story accurately, acknowledging that he arrived to El Salvador after the nuns were killed. He also wrote in his book that he got there after the nuns were murdered. Fox News has come out in even more defense of old Bill. Cenk points out that Bill and FNC haven’t responded to the JFK lie and the nuns lie since they can’t spin it to blame others for attacking him.

CPAC kicked off its 1st day with clown speeches from Dr. Ben Carson and Mia Love to claim that the GOP is the Party that looks out for the poor by taking away any assistance. Video of Carson proposing a way to eliminate the IRS. Police in Pasco, Washington were caught on tape shooting a Mexican man to death in the streets for throwing rocks at cars and the police. Latest reports after the autopsy was conducted showed that he was shot at 17 times. This killing was the 4th by Pasco police in less than 1 year, with all other 3 exonerating the police in question.

David Rubin joins Cenk to announce his departure from the TYT Network. ISIS militants recorded themselves destroying ancient sculptures from as far back as 3500 years. Cenk has a visceral reaction to seeing them destroy things that we can never get back. Dave and Cenk point out that this is another ploy to appall us and drag us into coming after them in a specific way.

Show notes by Jayar Jackson

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