Ana notices that Cenk’s mood is in a different zone lately. Cenk agrees and gives some details of his mood in relation to his schedule. Ana talks about purchasing a bicycle and the struggles of bicycle riding in Los Angeles. Cenk mentions he would give Ana $500.00 to not ride a bike in the dangerous streets of LA. Cenk dives into his reason why he doesn’t ride a bike.
Notes by Bart Kyle
It gets muscle if you work out your ass so its not fat and it won’t be bigger or smaller just more hard
You can get some bikes for still 25-100 dollars just not the good road bikes that are also good for you back those are about 500 dollars
jory found good bike that was good for his back for about 200 dollars
sometimes you can get great used ones for 100 but you need to really do research about this stuff before buying one
My uncle road his bike everywhere when he lived in LA it’s not as dangerous as you think. Just always wear a helmet just in case.
I really appreciate that Anna feels open enough to have the “your tired, man” conversation and that Cenk can hear it. He’s rationalizing, as all of us might, but I hope it sparks change. :)
Wow its shocking to me that anna is only 5.3.-5.4, for some reason i thought she would have been a lot taller.
Here, Ana, is a list of bike paths in LA:
You can get a rear-view mirror mounted on your handlebars OR on your helmet. You MUST do this if you are on the road, or it is way too dangerous.
ALSO, there are bike paths in parks all over the place. PLEASE ride the trails!
We want to keep you around a while!
Hey Cenk, love your videos, but please don’t use the word ‘spaz’ (12:28 mark). I’m not sure about over there in the States, but here in the UK it’s an incredibly offensive word and I was shocked when I heard it. There are hundreds of alternatives that I could think of for that very sentence that don’t alienate those with disabilities; fool, kluts, careless etc. Obviously I know you’re an incredible guy and given the context I’m certain there is no malcontent, but please try and delete that word from your lexicon. Peace and love!
Wow, I had no idea that this was an offensive word in the UK! Over here it’s not considered offensive at all. I’m glad you said something–I will try to eliminate it from my vocabulary too :)
Does anyone know the song that plays at the beginning of the post game intro here?
I also want to know the answer to this.
If anyone knows that would be awesome!
I couldn’t find a bike my size because all bikes are too small – directed to children where I live. There are branded bikes who are insanely expensive, though. I bought a motorbike (cheaper) and I miss bicycles though.. it’s the only workout that doesn’t ruin your joints and is fun IMO.
A scooter or a motorcycle? Where I live in San Diego California, which is almost as bad as what Cenk & Ana were talking about- All of Cali is awful to try to get around on a bike which is truly awful & annoying because our public transport already sucks + is minimal. But yeah I live in a suburb of North County San Diego (Oceanside/Vista) which is literally the first place/town you hit after leaving San clemente / orange county, so it’s literally about an hour of empty mountainous hills (camp pendelton military base) ANYWAY,, all of cali is awful to actually travel via bike the onlly way to be truly safe is to fuckin drive your bike on your car somewhere? wtf so lame isn’t the point of a bike to USE IT TO GET PLACES!? I want a motorcycle or rad scooter/moped SO BAD but even traveling that was is dangerous on the road because everyone is the US SPECIALLY cali is accustom to cars almost exclusively so everyone drives not even looking out of anyone on a bike (have even heard of people in cars trying intentionally to knock my friend off their bike)
Where do you live by? WIsh I was in europe where bikes, motor & otherwise are more common or at least respected on the road!
I live in Thailand, actually. The danger is the volume of traffic and speeds. Bike lanes are rare in the cities.
In the us, the problem is car lanes so wide and some people are all over the place. it would be safer to bike there if everyone could stay in the middle of their lanes – you realize your lanes are more than twice the width of a car. Or make the lanes thinner and add more lanes, where slower vehicles can be accepted.
Another problem might be the love with stop signs and red light intersections which are unfriendly to bikes (people turning and not looking). But I can’t imagine a day where californians can learn how to perform a U-turn or roundabout.
Get a Sonders ebike! I ordered mine.