The Young Turks February 05, 2015 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by omegacat20 Comments

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Hannah Cranston replaces Shure for SCS for the 1st time. A new study illustrates the college graduation gap between wealthy students and lower-income students. A Florida man claims to have had a sexual relationship with a dolphin because it seduced him. The Florida Supreme Court has to decided whether or not gay sex is considered intercourse since an HIV Positive man had sex with another man without telling him. When the newly infected man looked to press charges, the state has to decide if its a legitimate sexual act to be prosecuted as intercourse. found that people who use more emojis have more sex. More details about which emojis are used by women that achieve orgasm easily. The UK is set to be the 1st country to allow 3 person IBF techniques that stop genetic diseases to be passed down from mother to child.

A study showed that internet commenters affect society’s opinion on the vaccine debate more than actual research and information.

Hour 2 Source Articles:
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Florida court to decide whether gay sex should be defined as intercourse

UK Courts Say 3-Parent IVF Babies OK

The Zoophile Advocate Who Had Sex with a Dolphin Is Now the Star of a New Documentary

People Prefer Vaccination Advice From Random Internet Commenters (Rather Than, Say, Experts)


  1. Hannah was great! To be honest, I actually haven’t watched Think Tank yet so I hadn’t really seen her “in action”, but she made VERY cogent and interesting points. That’s one thing I’ve always liked about Jayar, he always has a very interesting note or point of view on just about every topic. I seriously think he must hold a record for the number of times Cenk has said “Jayar made the best point” or “Jayar makes an EXCELLENT point”. But I digress. Hannah was great. No guff.

  2. I cannot believe how dumb this panel is. You have no experience in ethics, and probably history about genetic modification. You claim to have watched Gattaca and obviously have not comprehended the message. On different show you will claim how great it was that you weren’t spoiled and that you had to make your own way in life which taught you all about life. Then you say it would be okay to genetically modify your children so that they get ahead without having to put the work in. Watch Gattaca and understand what happens to the perfect child when a couple of years later genetics change and that child is no longer the top.

    Secondly what happens to a generation of people left behind without genetic manipulation do they all become the eloi to the genetically modified morlocks. Hitler was the biggest proponent of eugenics and the ‘master’ race and we all know how that ended up. You work in the media so I shouldn’t expect you guys to have an deep understanding of anything but come on try and see the other side of the argument for once.

  3. I think people don’t appreciate the nuance of how our “understanding” works. I doubt many of the people who are affected by anonymous commenters believe that commenters are influencing their opinion. Even when humans try to be explicitly rational we often fail. I think seeing the comments ads “weight” to an idea they already like.

  4. The comments about replacing Ana are simply just sensless!
    Ana is great at what she does and provides great commentary. (Substance)
    So big deal she stumbles on reading here and there, get off your false hi-horse.
    Why does it have to be one or the other? I submit that harmony rather than division is a better state of mind in this case. I also submit they are all great at what they do here on TYT, hence why I am a huge fan.
    Having said that, I also congratulate Hannah on an amazing job, and look forward to her being in the mix permantly. I also submit that WOW, she is beautiful

  5. Ugh. This new chick creeps me out. She moves her mouth in a weird way. Like every word is painful or like she wants to murder you with every letter!! Flee flee flee for your lives!!

    1. At least she can read names & stories correctly. Ana stumbles & bumbles on every story she does… Like she never does any prep beforehand – which happens all the time.

        1. Ah, but you don’t have to watch it if you don’t want to. You can just listen. It’s more work to skip over Ana’s stumbling.

  6. OMFG really!? he fucks a dolphin!? Has he been arrested? A FUCKIN MOVIE!? Fuckin Florida…

    Does crazy, like venomous snakes, prefer tropical climates?

  7. I don’t know why that came up again and nobody from TYT reads these comments anyway, but could everyone please stop with this Nazi belt-buckle crap? Those were the Wehrmacht, which was the regular German army. Hitler’s ideological army was the SS.

    It’s ludicrous to say that the Nazis were doing it in the name of Christianity. The only people who claim that are atheists who want to bash Christians. Just read what historians say about the Nazi ideology. AFAIK, there isn’t even a straight link from religious antisemitism to the genocidal antisemitism of the Nazis.

    1. Sure lets ignore the facts because you don’t like them.

      I’m not atheist or Christian but I think people need to stop being so melodramatic about this whole thing. Yes Christianity was used as one of the many “justification” for the nazis and for slavery and for segregation. And so what? It doesn’t mean Christianity or Christians today are bad people. Nor does it mean that Christianity will turn you into nazis. Just that the nazi, pro slavery groups and others were batshit crazy. Unless you are also batshit crazy don’t take it personal.

      1. Exactly Karia!
        If I was an evil dictator hellbent on world domination and mass murder, and most of my followers were of a particular religion, you bet I’d use that to manipulate them in to supporting my bat-shit-evil policies. Why is this so hard for people to grasp? It was an expedient means to manipulate the masses for Nazi propagandists. If the people of Germany had predominantly been followers of The Flying Spaghetti Monster, they would have used that!
        Terrorism clearly has socioeconomic roots, but terrorists generally don’t think clearly enough to realize that (or they would turn in to MLK’s and attack socio-economic problems with ideas instead of people or governments with violence). They need some justification for what they do to avoid cognitive dissonance. So they find an expedient one… And hey look at that, religious doctrine to the rescue! We’ll just ignore all this doctrine about peace and protecting the innocent and focus on the holy wrath parts of it….

    2. Well my whole point is that you shouldn’t ignore facts just because you don’t like them and if you know something I don’t, I’m willing to learn. I am not a historian. But understanding history is more complicated than looking at a single inscription or a couple of Hitler quotes.

      You can certainly say that the vast majority of Germans were Christians and that didn’t stop them from becoming Nazis, but I think very few if any at all thought of themselves as religious warriors the way ISIS see themselves.

      I’m not even sure if it’s accurate to say that Christianity was used as a justification. Can you name an example? I can’t think of one. Sure, sometimes you would hear something like the Jews killed Jesus, but not much. Did Hitler talk about this in his speeches at rallies? Again, not much. Ultimately, the Nazis weren’t interested in sharing power and they did try to undermine the Church as an institution, so why would they make this a religious affair and rely on it for propaganda?

      Again, it’s a complicated subject and please let me know if I’m wrong, but I think if you ask any historian to name reasons why people supported the Nazis, I think Christianity wouldn’t be very high up on that list.

  8. Who WOULDN’T want to be a designer baby? Be an athletic, intelligent model with no disease. I don’t care if I can’t be a professional athlete.

  9. It took me a while to realize the emoji story was about actual SMS “texting”. Didn’t see those emoji for a very long time. Why are people still texting in the US? We use social media on the internet which has a lot more colorful stickers and emoticons.

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