The Young Turks February 05, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by omegacat15 Comments

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John, Rubin, and Michael Shure hosting. NBC’s Brian Williams is under fire for revelations that he has been lying about the helicopter crash he was involved in while reporting on the Iraq War in 2003. Videos of him telling the story to David Letterman and Alec Baldwin on separate occasions over the years. Michael defended Williams mis-remembering the story. Rubin partially blames him for getting these details incorrect. The panel doesn’t see any shady reason he’d do this on purpose or push an agenda. Boko Haram fighters have attacked citizens in Cameroon, killing more. Several African nations have banded together to counter the terrorist organization’s murders. President Obama spoke to a Prayer Breakfast about the extremism of groups posing as religious groups, including some Christian ones. Rubin is over Obama and his dry, empty speeches.

President Obama left open only one route the Keystone Pipeline could be approved by him. That door has been closed as a study showed it could damage the environment while providing only temporary jobs. Newly released documents show that The Pentagon conducted mental analysis of Vladimir Putin back in 2008, and concluded that he has Aspergers Syndrome. Women in the Jihad movement with ISIS put out a report and manifesto about what its like to live their lives. They started off by criticizing Western cultures allowing their women to leave home, work, and develop anti-religious beliefs. They then got into details of how its normal for girls to be married at age 9.

Hour 1 Source Articles:
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Brian Williams Admits He Wasn’t on Copter Shot Down in Iraq

Boko Haram ‘kill 70’ in Cameroon border town of Fotokol

Pentagon Study: Putin Has Asperger’s Syndrome

Obama warns at National Prayer Breakfast of those who use religion to wage war


  1. Is Michael Shure a public relations agent for Brian Williams? If not, the Shure has the most superficial, non-inquisitve mind of any TYT commentator I have ever seen.

  2. Dave… It is for Breakfast Prayer Club…. Its not for a Daily Show…. not a Tonight Show… not every speech has to be flamboyant.

  3. I would like to send Dave Rubin another big FUUUUUUUUCK YOU from me.

    C’mon Dave, just say it. You’re holding back, but you so clearly want to say “Christians just aren’t as bad as Muslims.” Your bone deep support of Israel no matter how much atrocity they commit, makes you think of Muslims as “the enemy”, and you so so so want to say it out loud. You know you can’t, though, because you work for Cenk Uygar, and unlike on any other news show in the US, you’ll actually get some pushback when you join the chorus of anti-Muslim sentiment that’s rampant in US popular culture right now. Uneducated morons who join the chorus of chanting against whoever the “other” is in any given moment.

    I agree the crusades were a long time ago, but that’s not the point. They were using the same bible and the same Christ and the same faith to justify atrocities. That’s the important point to take away from the crusades, that the same text CAN be used for atrocities and good will. It’s not about the religion or the faith or the individuals who share it. Just like being Islamic has nothing to do with people being more violent. Again, it’s the same book, the same faith as when Muslim scholars were the greatest scholars in the world, the people who protected knowledge while Christian Europe was flea-covered and illiterate. It’s NOT.ABOUT.THE.RELIGION. It’s about power and desperation. Religion is only one tool that is used to control people, but that desperation and control is what leads to violence. You can do the same thing with no religion, like in Imperial Japan. You can do it soviet Russia with no religion. And you can do it with any religion.

    I’m not one to back Cenk on this “gott mit uns” reach to say that Nazis were killers for Christianity. Christianity was a part of their belief system, but it wasn’t used as the main pivot point. And you don’t have to use the crusades, because it’s not about my one religion is just as bad as the other, because it’s NOT ABOUT THE RELIGION. If you removed Islam from history, that doesn’t mean a single incident of violence would be gone. With the same history of imperial oppression and savagery committed by dictators, princes, kings, democratically elected leaders, or anyone else, with the same desperation, lack of opportunity, lack of education and dark times, you can turn anyone into Nazis. Human beings are naturally tribalistic and xenophobic. It really doesn’t take much to turn them on each other, and every ruthless leader since the dawn of humanity has used that to their advantage.

    The meme from the uneducated who seek to justify their own bigotry is that Christianity had its reformation and that fixed it so that it was less barbaric. No, the reformist movement in the church was about getting God out of the hands of a ruling elite of bishops and cardinals. They weren’t more enlightened or less violent. They just wanted their share. They wanted to disperse some of that power, specifically the Germanic princes who first sheltered Martin Luther from the wrath of the Roman Catholic Church. They still burned witches and gays and Jews. I say that, since Dave only seems to understand issues in terms of either how does it affect Jews or gays or both. They also burned Catholics and even other protestant religions that weren’t their own.

    I say all this, because despite the seemingly effortless way that people are convinced to hate on some “other” seems to bypass reason and compassion in even the most intelligent people, not that Dave Rubin is intelligent. When everyone is shouting “burn the _______”, you should always stop and pull back and look around and make sure you’re not falling victim to primitive tribalism. The US kills so many people today and even though it’s a majority christian nation, they don’t kill people for Christianity, even if they lean on Christianity to let Americans cheer for religious war, They kill for empire, for power, and for money. That’s what almost all conflicts are really about. Some group, usually small, wants more for themselves, and they use some narrative, religion, politics, jingoism, genetic superiority, brown eyes versus blue eyes, and they get the people who are already powerless worked up with hate and fear. Rinse and repeat. It’s almost too easy.

    So, again, fuck you, Dave, and you’re little subtle jabs about every Islamic country, like a heel-clicking little propagandist for the US and Israel. There are no barbaric people who are beyond reason. It’s all circumstantial and adaptable and far more to do with things that propagandists in the Western world would rather not face up to, like their own horrific violence.

    1. Well, he has to support the “main stream” since he works and earns his living from that side of the economy. I still like to listen to what he has to say because he reminds me of what the “status quo” thinks.

      1. I agree, it’s actually quite refreshing to have him on The Young Turks now, more than ever, because he works for a network that is certainly part of the MSM (mainstream media), albeit a different perspective than the more watered-down corporate alternatives like MSNBC, CNN, and Fox. Michael Shure is able to provide a bridge from the MSM to TYT and I welcome that, even though I will criticize much/most of what the MSM has to ‘offer.’

  4. I think there are plenty of negotiation positions on the Keystone pipeline. Obama could make the pipeline contingent on:
    1) Must have a multi-billion dollar insurance policy for disaster abatement.
    2) Must raise CAFE standards by 3 MPG for all vehicles.
    3) All energy companies must publicly list all chemicals and substances used in fracking operations.
    It’s just idiotic that companies can now dump shit underground and keep it secret because “business secrets”.

  5. This is not a new idea that Christianity motivated the holocaust. Even if Hitler himself wasn’t a Christian (which is clearly not the case at the time of his writing of Mein Kampf), he was capitalising on centuries of anti-Semitism in Europe. That anti-Semitism was propagated by Christians, calling them Christ-killers. That was part of the Catholic Church’s official dogma up until the 1960s. On the belt buckle of every Nazi read the words “God On Our Side”. Yes, economics and imperialism definitely played a role, but religion was still a huge part of it, especially when you look specifically at the attempted genocide of the Jews.

  6. Anyone else get the feeling that Rubin was completely on a different side than Iadarola? John didn’t like the speech because he hates the boring, meaningless talk (Obama’s usual schtick) – Rubin, on the other hand, kept going back to the point about how he hates that Obama included Christians in speaking out against religious violence.

    Just because, thankfully, they are happy with their lives with the internet and TV and football, and live in a better-situated, better enforced country where they are less likely to be drawn towards violence, doesn’t mean we don’t have thousands of Christians in this country who want Armageddon in the middle-east, who are against peace, education and prosperity, for religious reasons.

    The problem with Obama’s speech wasn’t that he was unfairly equalizing things- that flies in the face of logic. Hell, they JUST did a segment before that that says “well the American media laser-points to a certain part of the world and makes every American believe that the worst possible thing is going on right there.” That’s exactly the way it is with separating Islamic and Christian violence, as well.

    1. Yes, totally. Rubin is always subtly revealing his anti-Muslim stance. As one of the crazy people who defends Israel’s mass murder campaign in Gaza, he’s always willing to view Muslims as “the enemy”.

      1. I also find Dave Rubin’s obvious anti-Muslim stance very troubling. His unfettered support of Israel and the IDF, especially during the recent massacre perpetrated against Gaza, gave me a very sick feeling deep down in my gut. I unfairly criticized him recently for something I totally misinterpreted when he was co-hosting with Ana on a segment about a cop who killed a passenger getting out of a car, but I’ll not back off of my criticism when he continues to treat Israel and the IDF with complete impunity for the atrocities they commit.

        Sometimes I wonder aloud if he might be more comfortable at Fox News instead of The Young Turks.

    1. Yeah, I thought it was strange that he called it a civil war as well. It was a onesides slaughter, not a battle between two sides.

  7. Just want to say how much I appreciate TYT uploading the show very quickly.

    The live show is at 5-6AM in my time zone but I can watch it at 8AM.


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