The Young Turks January 27, 2015 Post Game

In Membership, Post Game - On Demand by Grassias9 Comments

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Cenk tells a story of meeting a teacher who gives high praise for TYT. Cenk, Ben and Ana talk about their memories and the life of Michael Hastings. More discussion of Joe Scarborough’s praise for the Koch brothers.

Show notes by Bart Kyle.


  1. I miss Michael and it took me awhile to fight JImmy about what happened as well. We know everything with the car ended up being normal. When you put a gas tank in wrong and go 100MPH THE CAR WILL EXPLODE. That’s what happened. We saw him getting gas and knew that he was nervous. We also know the gas tank ended up in the right place. I miss him so much and I fucking hate the government for spying on him.

  2. What a shame about Hastings. I read his book The Operators about McChrystal which was great. I would have LOVED to see him on a Power Panel.

  3. You say the info wars guys are taking Hastings story and perverting it to meet their own ends, but that’s not true. You Cenk have said yourself how odd Hastings had become toward the end. How incredibly his conspiracy ideas and paranoia had grown toward the end. So he is the one that rose the alarm of suspicion. He said the govt was following him, and threatening him. I thinks it’s a little fair for you to just MAIN stream news the subject and say I don’t know and you don’t know so lets just mourn. Hastings said there was something fishy going on. We should continue his search for the truth. Same goes for 911. You claim we basically “know” what happened to the American victims that day. Now I am not saying that the planes were fake or anything like that. All I am saying is I know 2 billion disappeared (thanks Rumsfeld) the day before and on the day of WTC 7 went down at free fall speed with out being touched by a bomb nor a plane according to the official story, and that smells like BS to me.

    You guys expose financial conspiracies within our politics every day. Why do you discredit those that also want answers? We follow the money same as you do, and let’s be real with these issues.

  4. It’s nice to hear you guys talk about Michael Hastings. I can’t think about him w/o crying a little. My sister, who used to be politically illiterate saw Michael for the first time on Current with TYT. That changed everything for her. She still believes he was assassinated.

    I loved Michael’s brilliance and I loved that openness in his face — who could imagine he wasn’t telling the truth with that face? Recently, I re-read his article on McChrystal. First of all, his writing was so great that I had to remind myself that I didn’t see this scene in film; I just read about it — McChrystal comes up to him and says, “I’m sorry I threatened to kill you.” When Cenk mentioned that Michael would have been on power panels — that hadn’t occurred to me — that’s when I started to cry.

  5. Koch Brothers are they say, anti-security state, against using the US military as world police and nationbuilders, anti- drug war, pro-imagration as part of the free market of labor, keep government our of social issues, limit government involvment in the economy and low taxes. But if money=speech, they have spoken with the $s that they are just Republicans. They are one issue donors on the issue of income taxes. I have never heard of them writing check to someone because they voted against the Iraq war or against the Patriot. They put huge money against Feingold the one guy against both the Iraq war and the Patriot Act because he would limit donations to candidates. This is the test case as to whether they care about any issues outside of economics because Feingold would be the one guy that would line up with Libertarians on all issues outside of econ

  6. What the fuck,I literally just sent a letter to Senator Sanders before watching this telling that fool he needs to do interviews on networks like TYT to outmaneuver the kochs ( who will be saturating the fuck out of main stream media). Got damn . Seriously though you guys should start reaching out to some of these politicians to see if they will collaborate with y’all. Both parties would benefit immensely.

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