Mississippi has abstinence only sex ed, but the majority of the kids have sex, and the state leads in unplanned pregnancies with ⅓ of teenagers having babies. In response, a teacher explains condom use by using a sock and foot example. Video of his presentation. Cenk and Ben bet on how quickly this teacher will be fired for this reasonable move. Benedict Cumberbatch appeared on The Tavis Smiley Show and spoke about the lack of diversity in the film industry in the UK. People were upset because he called people colored. The panel thinks the outraged reaction is overdone. The outrage led to a huge apology. Ben tells the story of a friend that is extremely PC and was mortified when Shure called someone colored.
Show notes by Jayar Jackson
Hour 2 Source Articles:
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Mississippi Wouldn’t Allow This Teacher to Show Kids How to Use a Condom. His Simple Solution Is Brilliant.
Gay Alabama Lawmaker Threatens To Expose Colleagues’ Marital Infidelities
Benedict Cumberbatch Apologizes For Race Comments
Ex-Army Prosecutor Who Oversaw Sex Assault Cases Found Guilty Of Rape
There are no African American Vampires in England. I’m a Blackula Hunter.
I’m sure I heard about this rapist years ago on Democracy Now — that they appointed a rapist to overlook rapists and it was openly known by women in the military that he had raped a woman or women.
Cumberbatch doesn’t realize the same thing goes for white actors, look at half the shows in the U.S. and they have an english person in them and they are mostly white so I would say the acting industry in general sucks over there for the amount of jobs available.
How can we enjoy the second hour when Ana comes in with her pouty face like a fucking 5 year old who doesn’t get her way? GET THE FUCK OVER IT, ANA. You want people to like you and “your” hour, but how the fuck do we do that when you have such a shitty uptight bullshit attitude? You’ve been there for almost 10 years. Either get the fuck out or be a mother fucking professional.
Yes! That’s exactly what I was thinking. That great first hour of Ben and Cenk went a little over, and I have to watch her pouting like that, was so annoying, not to mention that very funny conversation Cenk and Ben were having at the end of the show was ruined with her sitting there with her long face, pissed me off!
Just replace her with GINA!!
Gina rules. Not enough of her on TYT.
The comments about Ana are bullshit. In a professional manner, she made a funny comment about something that happens almost every day. You guys sound like pathetic, pouty little boys.
We are not talking about one comment she made specifically today , but rather we are referring to her pouty attitude, which seemed have become almost a daily occurance regarding the 2nd hour not starting on time.
So Ana holds time in high regard. So do I. When people don’t show up on time to my appointments, it pushes back everything else in my day. Not to mention, she probably works REALLY hard on prepping stories that she’s excited about getting to. She’s a professional that takes pride in her work, and Cenk should feel lucky that he has someone like that on staff.
I don’t blame her for wanting things to stay on schedule. Interestingly enough, I also have a problem with a co-worker who is consistently late. What I don’t do is express that towards my students because they are not paying to see/hear my problems.
Yeah, Ana, be a motherfucking professional (gigolo?) on TYT, like Cenk and Jimmy always are.
The guys are right, your sass shows a distressing amount of spirit for a human female. We’d all be much more comfortable if you just smiled demurely, did your nice reading and let the men do their thing.
I’m sure you won’t notice the cognitive dissonance evoked by TYT fans espousing these attitudes because your too busy being unprofessional and emotional, like Cenk and Jimmy never are.
Next week, me and the rest of the TYT fans will be holding forth about Gandalf (Grey and White) being a bit too magical for context of Middle Earth.
NB: I’m missing a definite article and an ‘edit’ button, both of which misfortunes are also Ana’s fault.
The irony is that you are, in fact, the sexist one here. Your argument is basically, “You can’t say anything negative about Ana because she is a women.”
I didn’t treat her unfairly in my comment. If Cenk or any of the guys came on air pissed off to the point of making the show extremely uncomfortable, I would be just as quick to point it out. And, yes, Cenk HAS come on air pissed off about something going wrong with the production or technical side of things. What he doesn’t do is derail the who FUCKING show because of it. He admits he is in a bad mood, apologises for it, and continues on with his fucking LIFE, and sometimes uses that anger to make the stories he is covering even more interesting. This is not about sex. It’s about Ana’s clear detain for the audience and the people she works for/with.
Show me where I am wrong rather than just making up shit in a sarcastic tone, you fucking thickheaded dick face.
Oof! Rejoinder with a roar! Ladies and gentlemen leave your rods at home, fish here jump into the boat for you.
OK. Here’s the thing, you and others were definitely unfair, Ana doesn’t behave in a perceptibly less professional manner than anyone involved in TYT, apart from Menkiewicz, there’s just no evidence for it whatsoever. She has absolutely no ‘clear disdain’ for her audience or colleagues and I’d challenge you to dig up some serious evidence of it. I’m also yet to see her derail an entire show because of ‘it’, whatever that’s supposed to stand for, so if your going to make assertions fork up some proof as well because I’m not in the business of finding people’s orbiting teapots for them.
As for making the show extremely uncomfortable…really? It sounds like there’s a pea under your mattress, I have literally no idea what you’re talking about, was it because she asked ‘Are you done?’ After Cenk and Ben finished joking around? Because that was totally fine, she’s responsible for the pacing of the hour.
You may not feel that you’re being unfair to her but the criticism that she comes in for is totally out-of-whack with the way viewers respond to the behaviours and attitudes of the regular male hosts. I can’t see any rational mechanism for the lauding of one and the condemning of another so I’m forced to suspect the presence of latent prejudice.
It’s unfair that you were singled out, you actually seem least deserving of the serve when I review the complaints, so you have my apologies for that but please don’t call me a fucking thick headed dickface, it’s fucking unprofessional.
I’ve been made uncomfortable multiple times (not always) by the way she reacts to the show being late and made slightly annoyed by the way she derails the conversation because she thinks it’s childish. I, persoanlly, just don’t think that keeping the show on time while sacrificing a good back and forth is in the spirit of TYT, but resembles CNN more. The evidence of Ana’s attitude is in the hours of footage posted in the archives. If you are not aware of this fact, then you should watch TYT more.
Also, I think the other TYT hosts are “unprofessional” when compared to how the main stream media operates. I don’t find them unprofessional in the context of TYT. But, Ana’s attitude, sometimes, is unprofessional because she outwardly shows disdain for audience members and her co-workers.
Stop trying to make this about sexism when it is not. So many men are also deserving of criticism for being unprofessional. Recent presidents, right-wing television hosts, CEOs, and the list goes on and on. But, I’m speaking very specifically about this certain person (Ana), in this certain situation.
If you didn’t want to be called a thick headed dickface, you shouldn’t of worn that dress so short.
nope, you’re wrong. The other guys are also unprofessional and derail the show all the time. It just seems to bother you more when Ana does it. When Cenk does it, you consider it “making the story more interesting,” and when Ana does it, you classify it as “unprofessional”. Maybe it’s not sexism. Maybe there’s something about Ana besides her being female that annoys you, but probably not. It’s not necessarily your fault. There’s a long history baked into the culture that criticizes women for behavior that men are allowed to get away with. A bold woman isn’t strong; she’s a bitch. She’s not passionate; she’s shrill. When Cenk throws one of his pouty tantrums, he’s being fun. Ana does it, and she’s unprofessional.
I just had this conversation above. It’s like you skipped reading the conversation because your fingers were just too good damn ready to start typing out your bullshit.
‘If you didn’t want to be called a thick headed dickface, you shouldn’t of worn that dress so short.’
Just an aside, that’s bad debating technique given the issue but thanks for the free point.
I’ve taken a while to post this because I’ve been reviewing your evidence and it doesn’t stack-up. You’re shivering at the sound of the wind in the well, but there’s no ghost to be frightened of.
Ana doesn’t exhibit the characteristics that you ascribe to her, not only does she not make me or her colleagues feel uncomfortable but she seems to get along quite well with them. She occasionally gets upset with people who criticise her for running social commentary on a social commentary section but so she should, they’re being stupid.
As gathly said above, it may not be your fault but it smacks of double standards.
If Ana makes you uncomfortable then you need to swallow a cup of concrete and harden up, seriously, she’s as uncomfortable as bed socks.
Not to mention she mispronounces common words (lol prof. Ana) and can hardly read a single graphic without butchering it.
Shut the fuck up. Everyone makes mistakes. Come back when you are perfect, you piece of shit.
No, not everyone makes mistakes when reading English once every few sentences when that’s a huge part of their job. Not everyone fails to know how to pronounce common words. Not everyone teaching at a college is a fucking barely-literate dingbat. I would be basically perfect at reading the graphics, as most other viewers would be. But I don’t have tits so I wouldn’t be a suitable replacement.
Good job at be a fucking retard.
The irony in this statement is hilarious.
Why? Because of the typo? Good job. There is no fucking edit button.
We can’t get rid of the word coloured the same way we can’t get rid of the word black. There’s an entire race in South Africa called “coloureds”, if you want to know what they look like watch the Daily Show, Trevor Noah is coloured he’s the South African guy that did the bit abt ebola.
I disagree with Ben on the Alabama story. Why would you favour what is effectively a demonstration of fairness, rather than moral progress?
Can someone tell what the hell SCS means?
I think it means social commentary stories?
social commentary segment