Ana joins Cenk and Ben for SCS. The military’s man that oversaw the prosecutions of sexual assault cases in the service has been convicted of multiple instances of assault. There was a record number of exonerations in 2014, with Texas leading the way. A gay lawmaker in Alabama has threatened to out her fellow lawmakers that are cheating on spouses, while limiting the rights of gay citizens due to moral beliefs. Ben doesn’t agree with the tactic.
Mississippi has abstinence only sex ed, but the majority of the kids have sex, and the state leads in unplanned pregnancies with ⅓ of teenagers having babies. In response, a teacher explains condom use by using a sock and foot example. Video of his presentation. Cenk and Ben bet on how quickly this teacher will be fired for this reasonable move. Benedict Cumberbatch appeared on The Tavis Smiley Show and spoke about the lack of diversity in the film industry in the UK. People were upset because he called people colored. The panel thinks the outraged reaction is overdone. The outrage led to a huge apology. Ben tells the story of a friend that is extremely PC and was mortified when Shure called someone colored.
Show notes by Jayar Jackson