The Young Turks January 8, 2015 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Elderrune7 Comments

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Criticism surrounding the film American Sniper. Some were upset that it didn’t fully depict the real life sniper’s beliefs and feelings about killing. When some pointed out that he was proud of indiscriminately killing Iraqis and some Americans in Hurricane Katrina, they were greeted with death threats online. Ben talks about the negative response he’s received after alluding to some calling a sniper a coward. Mike Huckabee sold his email list, which contained a note that claimed a mysterious healing message in a scripture in the Bible that cures cancer. After the odd picture of Malia Obama wearing a rap group’s t-shirt was circulated, the WH is investigating how it came to be. 13 flight attendants are suing American Airlines after they were fired for refusing to fly upon seeing sinister faces and messages on the tail of their aircraft. Ben doesn’t see the craze over this the way John and Dave do. A soccer coach in Connecticut accidentally sent a Snapchat video of himself masturbating to his girls soccer team instead of his girlfriend. John thinks he should keep his job since it wasn’t intentional.

Bruce Oreck, America’s Ambassador to Finland sent out Christmas cards that show off his muscles. His incredibly tight t-shirt was a problem for everyone. Since S. Korea is the only Asian country that farms dogs for food, so the Humane Society has saved 23 of them as a symbolic move to reduce overall dog meat consumption.

Hour 2 Source Articles:
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The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots treating him as a hero?

White House reportedly investigating possible photo of Malia Obama

One coach’s nightmare—sending his wank video to female players

Mike Huckabee Is Literally a Con Artist



  1. Some serious rationalizing going on here. Why is it ok to criticize religion people for being hypocritical when it’s ok for us?

  2. Ok so here is the thing. PIGS are in fact smarter than dogs. hands down. the end.

    Having said that pork is YUMMY. I have made a choice to not bring pork into my home.. Though I still eat it if I’m out or offered it by another. I only buy free range pork with my money and this has cut down my consumption. The truth is that much of the meat trade IS cruel. however I reject 100% that the anwser is to be a gaunt vegan. Instead i think the answer is reform. We have already reformed the meat industry more than once. And we can do it again if we choose. We must pass laws mandating larger cages, that cavles remail with their mothers for at least week and that all food animals have room to move as well as enrichment. we must also move funds away from factory farms and give that money instead to smaller farms and that no public funds should go to any farm that is not free range. Yes i realize that this is a lot to ask but we must have lofty goals.

    Free range meat and poultry is delish,we should make that the norm not the exception. yes meat will be more expensive. but it will be a higher quality and thats more important. I know we can’t do it now with the political process as it is but well wolf dash pac dot com


    1. I actually think the reforms you mentioned are quite minor don’t go nearly far enough, but they would be a good start. In the meantime, find local farms that raise their food/dairy/egg animals under normal, natural conditions and slaughter them humanely. Check out, a wonderful resource.

      Unfortunately, the “gaunt vegan” stereotype persists because so many people go vegan but don’t know how to eat a truly healthy vegan diet. It IS rather easy to be healthy and not become nutritionally depleted as a vegan; it just requires a little research and planning when making the switch. And if being 100% vegan is too hard, aim for 90%. Striving for perfection often leads to giving up on the diet altogether. Lessening suffering as much as you comfortably can should be the goal.

    2. I agree with you Karia. Pigs are smarter than dogs, and goodness knows that Americans, as a whole, would lose its proverbial mind if pork was outlawed. If you eat meat, you are rationalizing the killing of animals. Think about how many chickens die the next time you get a plate of buffalo wings. I love meat, I eat it all the time, many different animals – never, as far as I know, a dog, but I cannot condemn people for it as long as it isn’t one of MY dogs. Either don’t eat meat at all, eat locally sourced, free range, and small farmed meat whenever you are able, or say screw it and eat all the factory farmed meat you want! However, unless the animal is endangered, don’t make it seem as if killing one type of animal is more or less moral than another.

  3. Yes, Ben. It would be great if people got jobs because they were qualified. But until then I’ll remain an unemployed journalist.

  4. Guy draws in the dirt of a plane? FIRED! Guy “accidentally” sends himself jerking off to underage girls he shouldn’t have on snapchat anyway? PASS! Jon’s logic is leading to crappy employees failing upwards.

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