The Young Turks January 8, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by Elderrune1 Comment

Ben, Iadarola, and Dave Rubin hosting. Latest news from the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris. Two of the three suspects are still on the run after an 18 year old suspect turned himself in. 7 other potential associates and family members have been taken in for questioning. John and Dave are amazed that they’re still on the run after such a brazen act. Ben wonders if it was worth innocent employees’ lives to publish the cartoons even though he doesn’t have a problem with it. Some Conservatives in America continue to politicize the terrorist attack. Video of Col Ralph Peters blaming lavish welfare programs of France for attracting lazy Muslims, looking for a handout, that carried out these killings. Videos of CNN’s Don Lemon asking a Muslim Human Rights Lawyer if religious leaders should come out and condemn the attacks before asking him if he supports ISIS.

Now that Rep Boehner retained his speakership after a challenge from a few GOP members, he has begun strike back on those defectors. Two Repubs on a leadership committee were taken off, and when they come up for reelection, donors will be told to not give them money, which will probably cause them to lose their seats. Videos of Louie Gohmert and Ted Yoho voicing their concern over Boehner punishing members for voting the way they wanted to. One of Boehner’s aides defended the act of political strike back. A segment of the Dodd-Frank bill would force corporations to disclose how much more money their CEOs make than their other employees. Videos of Fox News hosts Kennedy and Andrea Tantaros calling this ‘slut shaming.’



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