The Young Turks January 8, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Elderrune36 Comments

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Ben, Iadarola, and Dave Rubin hosting. Latest news from the Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris. Two of the three suspects are still on the run after an 18 year old suspect turned himself in. 7 other potential associates and family members have been taken in for questioning. John and Dave are amazed that they’re still on the run after such a brazen act. Ben wonders if it was worth innocent employees’ lives to publish the cartoons even though he doesn’t have a problem with it. Some Conservatives in America continue to politicize the terrorist attack. Video of Col Ralph Peters blaming lavish welfare programs of France for attracting lazy Muslims, looking for a handout, that carried out these killings. Videos of CNN’s Don Lemon asking a Muslim Human Rights Lawyer if religious leaders should come out and condemn the attacks before asking him if he supports ISIS.

Now that Rep Boehner retained his speakership after a challenge from a few GOP members, he has begun strike back on those defectors. Two Repubs on a leadership committee were taken off, and when they come up for reelection, donors will be told to not give them money, which will probably cause them to lose their seats. Videos of Louie Gohmert and Ted Yoho voicing their concern over Boehner punishing members for voting the way they wanted to. One of Boehner’s aides defended the act of political strike back. A segment of the Dodd-Frank bill would force corporations to disclose how much more money their CEOs make than their other employees. Videos of Fox News hosts Kennedy and Andrea Tantaros calling this ‘slut shaming.’

Hour 1 Source Articles:
Sign up for The Young Turks daily source articles email newsletter:

‘Do you support ISIS?’: CNN’s Don Lemon stuns Muslim human rights attorney

Sean Hannity’s xenophobic Charlie Hebdo response: Muslims need to be “assimilated”

Paris Terror Attack: Suspects in Charlie Hebdo Attack Possibly Spotted Near Forest



  1. Louie Gohmert is by far uglier. Being taller doesn’t make you more attractive either John! But no, Louie looks like a hideous real life Champ Kind.

  2. Dave Rubin is an asshole. Every time he’s on, I’m reminded of his approval of the murder of civilians in Gaza. I think he has a prejudice against Muslims in general, but knows he can’t come out and say it on TYT.

    In this hour, He kept throwing in little things while they covered the story. He tried to tie it to TYT, to say “we’re just like Charlie Hebdo” but John and Ben weren’t biting. Then he wanted to give credence to the bigot on Fox for saying that these people come here and don’t assimilate, throwing in a Rah Rah Rah America is pretty great for good measure. Then he tried the Bill Maher/Sam Harris bullshit where they take one study and try and use it as a shield to cover their bigotry. Then he said the guy being interviewed by Don Lemon professional moron didn’t answer the question.

    Again with the polls. If you are going to cite a poll, you have to know how the question was asked, and you can’t know how the people interpreted the question. Do people support ISIS? They probably do support aspects of ISIS, because unlike with white westerners, when they see people who look like them and share a similar faith being murdered every day by the American military machine, they don’t look at those people as non-human garbage that deserve death. To them, they might see an actual human being, and they may answer a poll in a certain way, because they see the wholesale slaughter of human beings being treated as somehow just and moral.

    Americans tend to view the world as though killing massive amounts of Muslims every day for the last 14 years nonstop isn’t a real thing, where real people with families and lives aren’t being killed. Somehow it’s so shocking to them that 12 cartoonists died, because those are real people, white people with a right to live. In Iraq, the US has basically been at war with that country for decades. When the US supported Hussein in the 80’s, he murdered and raped and punished his people. When the US went to war with Iraq in 1991, the US and Saddam both murdered Iraqis. Then the devastating US sanctions caused untold death while all the squeezing of Saddam left him perfectly fine, but the civilians suffered for a decade. Then an invasion in 2003 that killed even more Iraqi civilians. How much murder do you think a people can take? So, yes, in the face of the non-stop and constant murder of people, largely Muslim people, all over the world might make some Muslim in France to say they support ISIS, but how is that different than all the Americans who support torture, who want the entire middle east to be nuked, who blithely go about their day while people are just murdered. We live in a country with a secret kill list, and we get all hot and bothered and outraged when some French Muslims have the audacity to tell a pollster something? Telling something to a pollster and taking up arms are very very far apart. Have you looked at how Americans poll? Even discounting American actual daily murder, of blowing up children at weddings, making heroic movies about snipers who love killing brown people, the polls show a bloodthirsty moronic lot of people.

    1. I agree, Dave is consistently the most irrational and emotional of the panel. He clearly cannot empathize with people who are not white, which was embarrassingly apparent when he sanctioned the death of palestinians because ‘Israel has the right to defend itself. The french are the snobbiest of snobs, I don’t find it hard to believe the muslims in those countries would give an emotional reaction to pollsters. That 16% that has sympathy with ISIS doesn’t meant they support ISIS, it means they can understand what would make them so pissed off

    2. An amazing display of intellectual dishonesty from Gathly…again.

      Dave is indeed an asshole but because he is pro-Israel no matter what. Not because he correctly recognizes the dangers presented by Islam and those who believe it. Recognizing patterns isn’t bigotry, Gathly, it’s intellectual honesty. And no Dave can’t come out and say it because Cenk, I guess due to his immediately family being Muslim, has completely shed his credibility on this issue and Dave wants to stay with TYT.

      If you immigrate to a country and make no effort to assimilate, even making an effort to push your culture on your adopted country, is 100% a problem. You not believing it is happening in France is your ignorance. If you immigrate and dont assimilate, even a little, then YOU are the problem.

      Gathly, you are so dishonest on this issue. Why? “Then he tried the Bill Maher/Sam Harris bullshit where they take one study and try and use it as a shield to cover their bigotry.” Usually the science and fact deniers are on the right wing. This isn’t one poll, or one study. You should be ashamed of your intellectual dishonesty in disregarding a credible poll because it devastates your narrative.

      Your 3rd paragraph really shows your apologist side. Gathly, only SOME KKK lynch and murder. So if I support them, how dare anyone make the logical assumption that I am OK with lynching and murdering…….can you see how your argument is silly?

      The cartoonists killed noone. Those two muslim terrorists that murdered them had no grievance, at all. Born and raised in France. If they shared any affinity with anyone in the middle east, it was their religion, Islam, that you defend as not the problem.

  3. Again, horrible 1st hour *NOT* by Ben Mank; who is excellent at “par.” Rather; John as usual turns hour one into the TYTU Hour (as far as intellect), and Rubin is just a mean human. I see John or Rubin listed as host; I don’t even check the YouTube channel. If the news was an earth ending meteor or event… I would rather not know, than be told by John or Rubin; both of whom are cruel and ignorant.

      1. That’s your opinion on John, but so was your opinion of Rubin. Not that your point wasn’t valid. Just show me where John increases the intelligence of the hour? I’ve been watching TYT before John started, and I thought the same thing then. John belongs on TYTU only. Its not solely his age. Ana is spectacular for her youth; but she also teaches at the university level; while John probable just parties at a University Level. Also, it is clear you are versed in the Islam situations around the world, but my criticism of John is foremost valid on the Eurasian events (Novorossiya attacked by Ukraine). Rubin is just like you say on your issue, but John is equally bad on the other issue. However; i wouldn’t call John an “asshole,” just an ignorant young man. Still; ignorance is evil, and being ignorant on either Islam or Russia today is playing with a nuke.

          1. I disagree with all of you. I love everyone. They all rock in their own ways. They all offer different educated opinions and perspectives that offer substance. That’s my opinion though. You are entitled to yours obviously. Just thought I’d show my support.

            1. *By the way, Rubin never said he supported the attacks in Gaza. You either haven’t watched enough or do not understand. There are multiple perspectives to consider, to not consider them is being close minded. Rubin was showing the other side. Doesn’t mean he approved of the attacks on Gaza. I think people just hear a part of a conversation without considering its entirety.

  4. In what universe is Russia not communist ?? You know a citizen can’t own an inch of land for example over there? Russia and china are 100% communist. I know they would say otherwise. So stop the bullshit. I live next to russia. Americans and large portion of the world knows jackshit about Russia and Russians.

    1. Russia and China Communist?? LMFAO!!!! LOLOLOL!!! Where were you in 89? 91? China has more elite wealthy capitalists today, than the USA. Wearing a Red Star in China is nothing but fashion now; and to say otherwise is pure ignorance. and the only true evil in the world is ignorance. As far as The Russian Federation; if you can find the name Marx or even word “Bourgeoisie” in the language of Any modern RF Laws..please send. Otherwise…mite i suggest you start dating Orly Taitz; regardless of your sex (being bisexual myself, i don’t discriminate on sex).

  5. John’s response on the murders is slightly sickening. You shouldn’t HAVE to be desensitized to something that offends you. Everyone has a right to be offended. It’s a very arrogant thing to say.

    I’m sorry, but if you egg someone on and egg them on and egg them on….eventually someone is going to react negatively. Horrible that it resulted in murders, but, to act like they should have just accepted the offenses is HIGHLY ELITIST.

    1. People who are offended have that right. People who grow as individuals eventually learn to take themselves less seriously and become more secure in their ideology, or otherwise adapt accordingly.

      People who spend their lives being offended are sad sad people.

    2. That is easily the stupidest hing I have read this year. Mayb since I last heard Bush say anything. Uh-oh eventually bush is gonna react negatively I better sut up right?
      And no you ont have a “rght” to be offended. You hae a right to SAY “I’m offended” that is not a justification for any “negative” response. Fact is I have the RIGHT to offend you. See ho that woks, we both get to SAY anything. Wanna hurt me with words go for it champ.

      You don’t like a newspaper? Wow that’s so terrible how ever could you- oh wait maybe don’t fucking read it? If these guys egged their office it would still be an over reaction to me mocking your imaginary friend no matter how much you believe in him.

      I’m offended by religion and religious people. NO MORE CHURCH I have a right to not be offended… such a stupid comment you must be a troll

    3. Accepting that other people have different opinions than you and may say shit that offends you is not elitist. It’s called being a grown up. If you don’t like it, don’t pay attention to it. End of story.

  6. Dave Rubin is getting way ahead of himself. Cartoonists are the next tier in journalism. They get paid less, they have less opportunity, they get less respect, people actively hate them more, they are bigger targets and have a greater impact. Cartoonists are much more bad ass than journalists.

    1. I’m sorry I’m still in my twenties I’ve never seen a journalist, what do they do? write journals? cuz it cant be thos robots on the news.

    1. I agree with superdudeman. We are just lucky Russia wasn’t also a huge story here; otherwise those two would be asking WoldPAC to start sending guns and money to Kiev or the WWIII Fundraiser; rather than, money out of politics. A “Phobia” is an irrational fear of a non specific anxiety trigger. John is afraid of Russia; just as much as, Islam, and it is obviously youthful ignorance for him. Putin and Fundamentalists ARE worthy of great disdain; however, the religious fanatics are no more “ALL ISLAM” than President Putin is “ALL RUSSIA” or President Bush was “ALL AMERICANS.” Don’t bother debating this point with success or civility. some on TYT (John, Rubin) are as bad as the MSM in these areas, and many TYT fans are worse than FOX loyalists, ObamaBots, Libertarian NRA Nuts, or Stalinist Sectarians (To grab the whole spectrum). If i asked John or even most TYT hosts (whom are wiser) the significance among: Peter The Great, Crimea, The Russian Navy, and the defeat of the Tartars at Azov; as they relate to the current Ukraine Vs Novorossiya conflict; after a day of Goggling, they would still be confused, irritated, and lacking a response.

            1. DDERSS isn’t a commie. Russia was never communist. He’s a paid shil for Putin’s Russia, which also isn’t communist, you sad, uneducated moron.

                1. America is the biggest terrorist state, and the greatest threat to the world at large. I have never apologized for America.

                  There’s different levels of terrorism. There’s the desperate act of uneducated, largely illiterate peasant folk, who are living under oppressive regimes that keep them poor and uneducated, where they only learn and know their holy text, and what other people tell them about the threats to that holy text. Then there’s the richest country on Earth killing poor people left and right just because it can, just to be top dog, just to rule the world, like a goddamn gangster.

    2. Wow, really? I’m surprised anyone could have that view. All of their comments about Charlie Hebdo and Islam were super innocuous.

  7. Ben is nuanced as ever, thank the universe for the Ben’s. of the world Think guys think outside the box. the details matter Peace

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