The Young Turks Dec 23, 2014 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by omegacat11 Comments

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Cenk hosting. Sen Tom Coburn gives President Obama some love on 60 Minutes saying “he loves him as a man”. New York Rep.Michael Grimm is now weeping for being convicted in a 20 count indictment and has pleaded guilty for tax evasion and faces three years in prison. Rush Limbaugh is now furious over the possible casting of Idris Elba for the next James Bond movie. Rep Darrell Issa has concluded his investigation and found no evidence linking the White House in targeting conservative groups in the IRS scandal. Catfight:Marco Rubio vs Rand Paul over the recent open diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba with Rubio saying that Rand Paul is an pursuing the “Obama/Paul” foreign policy and Paul saying Rubio is an isolationist.

St. Louis Prosecutor Bob Mc Cullah recently made an appearance on a local talk show, talking about Witness 40 in the grand jury proceedings of Officer Darren Wilson saying that he put her on the stand knowing that the testimony was made up in the shooting of Michael Brown and that it is not his job as a prosecutor to get an indictment. The Feds are investigating Ex Milwaukee Cop Chris Manning over the shooting of Dontre Hamilton. The White House has hired a lobbyist to lobby congress.




  1. Stringer Bell as James Bond~!
    Be still, my heart.
    Can’t remember the last Bond flick I bothered to see.
    The franchise has long been stale.
    I’m putting this one in my Netflix queue asap.
    May Rush keep helping promote it~!
    Idris Elba is as sexy as Rush is nauseating. And that’s saying something.


  2. Idris Elba — OMG! I’m not into Bond films, but I won’t miss this one. Also, he has a great series on Netflix — LUTHER. I’m also not into police shows but he’s one of the most compelling actors I’ve ever seen. This Rush Limbaugh crap is the same thing they did when Michael B. Jordan was cast as the Human Torch in The Fantastic Four. People are pathetic.

  3. Interestingly, Santa Claus (St. Nicholas) was a Turk: “Nicholas was born a Greek in Asia Minor[14][15][16] during the third century in the city of Patara (Lycia et Pamphylia),[17][18] which was a port on the Mediterranean Sea,[18] and lived in Myra, Lycia[19] (part of modern-day Demre, Turkey),” -Wikipedia

  4. Cenk, i am asking you seriously here. How many people do we need to sacrifice to get the justice system to actually change? How many innocent people do you propose that we let die so that our government will force our justice system to actually be just?

    I ask, because it seems like their ought to be a number of people we need to let die to affect that change that is too much versus using violence against the system to affect change. So what is that number? Not asking for an exact figure, just a ballpark.

    1. you’re asking cenk, who really is actually for the death penalty, he doesn’t understand that revenge is useless and barberic. he keeps invoking the “if thye killed one of my loved ones, i’d want to kill em” line, but other times when he is talking about something else he always clarifies that “this is why the victims family cannot act as a judge or juryman/jurywomen on the case”… so really I am pointing out another contradiction he loves playing to.

      the reality is Cenk, your feelings re wanting someone dead or hurt because they hurt a loved one of yours is irrelevant, since we do not let people in that emotional state and biased position decide the fate of the perpetrator, so please don’t invoke that argument when you are trying to find a valid reason for wanting people dead and punished. We have this need/desire to seek revenge, but it is against the rules of logic, it makes no sense, meets no purpose or use other than a sick content feeling that you and we humans get once it is done.

      And no, i do not call this “justice”, it is revenge, sick revenge, call it what it is, not justice. Justice would be preventing someone from ever being able to carry out the same crime and giving them proper facilities like they do in the European countries. You should only be in prison to prevent you from harming people ever again, you shouldn’t be in prison to be miserable and get beaten up, raped or killed, you should be able to watch tv, cable, read books, use the internet and have your own private cell, no matter what your crime.

      1. oh and i forgot, healthy nutritious foods so that you don’t die an early death because of the garbage they serve you in prison apparently called food.

  5. I agree with Rush (can’t believe those words coming out of my mouth) on the Bond thing. The reason people want characters to be the same race as them is to better identify with them. If it’s not racist for a black person to say they want more black lead characters then the opposite shouldn’t be racist either.

    1. But Idris Elba would make an awesome Bond and getting upset over a black guy being Bond is pretty much appealing to racist viewers.

      I personally don’t care about the race or gender of any character, I care about what the character does in the story, I identify and empathize with characters more based on what they do, what they say and what they want rather they what they look like and perhaps it’s time people got passed skin deep characteristics.

      I don’t see any fault in Black people wanting more lead roles because they aren’t given enough, but White people getting upset at blacks getting more lead roles is not the same thing as whites wanting more lead roles (they are given plenty enough). It’s just silly to get upset as a white man that one movie has a black lead role that historically went to white people.

      Hope Idris Elba is Bond, and I hope all the racists reveal themselves, so what if the dumb hick redneck racist idiots don’t go see bond because they can’t identify with a black guy, I’m sure the studios care about those racist dollars but I think time has shown that diversity is indeed more profitable with all consumers and you don’t isolate your market.

      1. some people just like continuity in their fiction. It has nothing to do with race

        I haven’t watched bond since Daniel Craig because I never saw him as a fit for the role. I really like Idris Elba but he is obviously not James Bond

        and it is very easy to point the racist finger but if they made a new set of Blade films with say Channing Tatum as Blade then we would all(rightly) be pointing out how ridiculous it is

      2. Why should black people want more black lead roles if race doesn’t matter? That’s all I’m pointing out, there is a logical breakdown. People say black people should demand more lead characters in movies, then they say to white people, “you’re not allowed to want a white lead character because that’s racist”. Those two things don’t go together.

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