The Young Turks December 19, 2014 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by omegacat20 Comments

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Cara Santa Maria replaces Wes for SCS. Updates on the Sony hacks and eventual elimination of the movie The Interview. The government has announced that N. Korea was behind the hacks and threats. Discussion about Sony’s bad decision and the public reaction drastically against it. One doubter claimed that N. Korea doesn’t have the capabilities to pull off this kind of hack.

In Kissimmee Florida a new theme park opens allowing children to shoot machine guns with real bullets at the park’s shooting range. In Cheraton Wyoming a dog owner was accidently shot by his dog, when the dog was playing with the gun, with the safety off, in the bed of a pick -up truck. A study from the British Medical Journal has furthered reinforced that medical shows like Dr. Oz. & The Doctors give out poor medical advice to its viewers. The European Court of Justice has made a ruling that obesity can now be classified as a disability, but a spokesperson from the National Obesity Association has concerns for the ruling, in regards of how obesity is classified as a disability and the accommodations for people who are obese.


  1. Great how John pipes in to make the very important distriction that comparing file sizes of movies to text is not apt (huge understatement), and Ben just mocks him

  2. No one in NK knows algebra? Sure, their ballistic missiles can’t reach very far, but you don’t get to the failed launch step without algebra.

  3. BMI is bullshit. People need to stop listening to it. It wasn’t even supposed to determine the proper weight to height ratio for the people it was measured against…

  4. Cenk sounds like such an IDIOT in his views on North Korea, it’s like Dave Koller says though and this is why I love Dave, any time Cenk has an opinion its as if the heavens have opened up and blessed Cenk with their wisdom and he’s such an asshole in his unwavering unchanging views. He always brags about being the most reasonable man but he’s absolutely retarded when it comes to technology and arrogant in his opinions. He seems to think talking over the two smarter people on the panel like an ape is an efficient argument and his refusal to acknowledge what the FBI claims is embarrassing.

  5. I concur with SABU not being credible. Of course they did it from another country (the hack) and the first argument against sabu also destroys sabu’s second argument, because sabu is assuming it will take one year because of N Korea’s bandwidth problem – if they did it from china, it won’t take that long. And Cenk says they didn’t and could not have had 1 year’s notice of the movie coming out. Cenk seems to think that people are made aware of a movie as soon as the first trailer comes out. WRONG!

    Usually, people have advanced notice of a movie being worked on or prepared ages before coming out, another diss for Sabu’s second argument.

    Cenk is usually good at logic, but when he believes he can make logical connections between things he doesn’t understand, this is where he misses the mark often, and I would expect him to not be so firm in his statements especially when he knows he is talking about something he doesn’t understand.

    If they asked nicely, I would help them out with the technical stories relating to hacking/programming etc…

    1. Not sure if Cenk is being serious about N Korean’s not knowing agebra, thye have universities there and good students are harboured and trained by the elite, knowledge is valued there and there are many sciences that are well funded, because they understand it’s value for money, just like how cyber warfare is value for money compared to normal warfare.

      I can’t believe Cenk thinks there are no universities in N Korea, has he seen any of the N Korea documentaries? Come on Cenkie….

  6. Ha Ha DR Oz and The Drs. I knew it, I knew it. I never watched those shows always thought they were quacks. Dr Phil nepotism has to stop

    1. Agreed.

      Not trying to troll, but what I love about the TYT main show is the thoughtfulness, empathy, and nuanced opinions and commentary of Cenk, Ben, and Anna. Steve Oh, Rubin, Wes, and Jimmy also give some memorable commentary that bursts with humanity and thoughtfulness.
      Not to leave him out, but Iadorola is a web connected guy of a certain age, so I am similar enough to him that I don’t watch the videos for his commentary (except game of thrones).
      Now, I am sure they are both wonderful people outside the shows, but Cara Santa Maria is the Alonso Duralde of the main show.

  7. you have to wait 6 mo to 1 year and pay a shit ton of money to get a tag for a full auto or a suppresser. also the atf can just say no for what ever reason and the paper work stops like 90% of people from trying.

    1. Sabu flipped around and know he is a reliable source? Come on guys, that guy is desperate for attention. And also Sabu is an average hacker at best, he had lulzsec with him on his hacks, who were the real hackers.
      Just ban Sabu from every coverage at all. He send some brothers to jail for a long time, he will say everything the FBI wants him to.

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