God, I love this Network. Love all of you. Even the Clinton supporters, confused as they are, are hillarious & brilliant in so many ways. Listening back every main show, Old School & Post Game for over a year. Greetings from 1/8/16.
Jimmy takes his clip mic off in such an angry fashion. I wonder if doesn’t want to be there sometimes! hahaha. This was my favorite Old School episode, so far! Loved it.
Cenk keep in mind Jimmy has an adorable vibe and is fucking hilarious. He also knows exactly the right thing to say at exactly the right time. He was a player like Ben but in Jimmy’s case he would leave the state and never have to deal with those girls again unlike Ben.
Could you post a short summary of the episode, maybe one or two sentences with who was on the show that week. I like to binge watch the shows and I’m never sure if I saw a particular episode.
The reason why I like Old School is because it’s like when I get together with my friends and talk about anything and everything. I like listening to these guys too.
I love Cenk’s bitterness at how awesome Jimmy Dore’s life is, Cenk really enjoys portraying himself as a shallow prick the more time goes on. It’s amazing how much he constantly talks about banging other chicks and porn. He seems like the kind of guy that would pay for endless escorts if he only knew how easy they were to find, he can read articles and yell loudly but it’s frustrating knowing how shallow he is underneath all the big talk. Having said all that his perspective is still interesting and I still love TYT and will always watch even if he’s a bigger prick than most people who have talk shows.
In fact, I agree with Cenk’s sentiments on this issue, I am 100% like that, i’d figure it is him keeping it real, and i would probably say the same… except, i would never talk or brag about the women i slept with, unless it relevant to something and there is a funny story there, i might mention it but that is unlikely if it could be interpreted as bragging… so i agree with cenk minus the show off parts cenk sometimes has.
But that’s the reality of being a guy! I take it you’re female?
Lulz na bro, I clearly said Jimmy Dore had an awesome life, I’m more of a Jimmy Dore than a Cenk, just a guy who’s not an envious douchebag. I have been watching this show forever and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard Cenk tell the same sex stories he’s so proud of. Nice Jimmy put him in his place and no need to take my comments personally. I concede most men are going to be like Cenk, bitter they didn’t get laid and then when they did bitter it wasn’t enough
I noticed cenk’s shallowness when he said that he always wanted to be famous and that it was a main goal of his, and he was talking abotu being famous for teh sake of being famous, ie: the superficial stuff that comes with that like the attention and the love etc… i thought that was pretty pathetic, sad and made me loose a lot of respect for him.
The move to pull off Sony leak video was WRONG, because you guys confuse personal privacy with commercial secrets:
1) personal data such as social security number, possibly home address and other things of the kind, which are protected by personal privacy laws. The fact that this data also leaked is wrong, and you should not make videos that disclose such information (and you did not, so calm down);
2) business communications such as electronic mails are not personal, but corporate thing. Unless it is specifically outlined in the hiring contracts, it is not to discretion of employee what will happen with it, including to whom the employer will forward it or share it or publicize it or do whatever necessary. In a sense, business mail is product of the job, it belongs to the company. They lost their “property” and (possibly) commercial secrets, employee’s privacy is quite far from this whole issue. Even more: not only employees, but even corporations themselves are limited to what they can do with this property: they absolutely must archive all of business electronic mails, deleting it is illegal.
Corporate mails are not protected by personal privacy laws, there nothing wrong in the video TYT has done about an electronic mail. It has nothing to do with any personal mail accounts or any personal business. It was corporate mail.
I know you all won’t read this or at least the panel of Old School, but I gotta say this is the most enjoyable 90 minutes I spend each week. To have Jimmy Dore, Ben Mankeiwicz and Cenk on was sheer brilliance. You guys are amazing. Thanks for a wonderful 90 minutes.
God, I love this Network. Love all of you. Even the Clinton supporters, confused as they are, are hillarious & brilliant in so many ways. Listening back every main show, Old School & Post Game for over a year. Greetings from 1/8/16.
Jimmy takes his clip mic off in such an angry fashion. I wonder if doesn’t want to be there sometimes! hahaha. This was my favorite Old School episode, so far! Loved it.
It’s true what the other commenters say, this is 100% random and one of the best tyt shows.
Btw. Cenk, relax, my sex life is A LOT worse than yours.
Jimmy Dore should be on every Old School. Love the Show!
This is officially my favorite show on TYT.
I suspect folks think I really have turned into a crazy old lady … listening to the podcast on my iPod with headphones, and laughing hysterically .
when I grow up I hope I am as awesome as these cats.
Cenk can I break your machine yet?
Cenk you also forget you were a republcunt Jimmy was always a liberal who the hell would fuck a republicunt that wouldn’t let them have an abortion
Cenk keep in mind Jimmy has an adorable vibe and is fucking hilarious. He also knows exactly the right thing to say at exactly the right time. He was a player like Ben but in Jimmy’s case he would leave the state and never have to deal with those girls again unlike Ben.
PANDA BEAR i love him being on old school so much. I hate how behind i am in everything. Jimmy D is so hilarious and completely awesome.
Could you post a short summary of the episode, maybe one or two sentences with who was on the show that week. I like to binge watch the shows and I’m never sure if I saw a particular episode.
Do you have to curse so much, Dude?
What the fuck are you talking about?
I might be in the minority here, but I think Jimmy Dore is a douche and not particularly funny.
everybody is entitled to their opinion
The reason why I like Old School is because it’s like when I get together with my friends and talk about anything and everything. I like listening to these guys too.
It was pretty damn great.
I love Cenk’s bitterness at how awesome Jimmy Dore’s life is, Cenk really enjoys portraying himself as a shallow prick the more time goes on. It’s amazing how much he constantly talks about banging other chicks and porn. He seems like the kind of guy that would pay for endless escorts if he only knew how easy they were to find, he can read articles and yell loudly but it’s frustrating knowing how shallow he is underneath all the big talk. Having said all that his perspective is still interesting and I still love TYT and will always watch even if he’s a bigger prick than most people who have talk shows.
In fact, I agree with Cenk’s sentiments on this issue, I am 100% like that, i’d figure it is him keeping it real, and i would probably say the same… except, i would never talk or brag about the women i slept with, unless it relevant to something and there is a funny story there, i might mention it but that is unlikely if it could be interpreted as bragging… so i agree with cenk minus the show off parts cenk sometimes has.
But that’s the reality of being a guy! I take it you’re female?
Lulz na bro, I clearly said Jimmy Dore had an awesome life, I’m more of a Jimmy Dore than a Cenk, just a guy who’s not an envious douchebag. I have been watching this show forever and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard Cenk tell the same sex stories he’s so proud of. Nice Jimmy put him in his place and no need to take my comments personally. I concede most men are going to be like Cenk, bitter they didn’t get laid and then when they did bitter it wasn’t enough
I noticed cenk’s shallowness when he said that he always wanted to be famous and that it was a main goal of his, and he was talking abotu being famous for teh sake of being famous, ie: the superficial stuff that comes with that like the attention and the love etc… i thought that was pretty pathetic, sad and made me loose a lot of respect for him.
Cenk is not shallow. He’s keeping it real about his desires. He’s honest about his fantasies. He’s honest with himself and others.
At least that’s my opinion from years of watching him.
I think we’re all overthinking this.
PS: I just became a member and TYT old school is 99% of the reason why.
The move to pull off Sony leak video was WRONG, because you guys confuse personal privacy with commercial secrets:
1) personal data such as social security number, possibly home address and other things of the kind, which are protected by personal privacy laws. The fact that this data also leaked is wrong, and you should not make videos that disclose such information (and you did not, so calm down);
2) business communications such as electronic mails are not personal, but corporate thing. Unless it is specifically outlined in the hiring contracts, it is not to discretion of employee what will happen with it, including to whom the employer will forward it or share it or publicize it or do whatever necessary. In a sense, business mail is product of the job, it belongs to the company. They lost their “property” and (possibly) commercial secrets, employee’s privacy is quite far from this whole issue. Even more: not only employees, but even corporations themselves are limited to what they can do with this property: they absolutely must archive all of business electronic mails, deleting it is illegal.
Corporate mails are not protected by personal privacy laws, there nothing wrong in the video TYT has done about an electronic mail. It has nothing to do with any personal mail accounts or any personal business. It was corporate mail.
Three middle age men talking about sex is embarrassingly funny to watch.
Jesus. One day you too will be middle aged. And if you’re lucky, you’ll be having sex.
I know you all won’t read this or at least the panel of Old School, but I gotta say this is the most enjoyable 90 minutes I spend each week. To have Jimmy Dore, Ben Mankeiwicz and Cenk on was sheer brilliance. You guys are amazing. Thanks for a wonderful 90 minutes.
I second this!
I third, Jimmy Dore and Ben Makiewicz are my favorite parts of the show and any time they are together I get prepared for magic