Cenk hosts TYT. Wolf-PAC update: Help is coming from MAYDAY.US and www.represent.us. In Tallahassee, FL a new ethics rule to limit contribution to city candidates for up to $250.00 and provide each voter with a tax rebate of up to $25.00. Catfight with Bill O’Reilly vs Reza Aslan both have written books about Jesus and Reza was asked about Billo’s book and mentioned that Jesus was about free medical care and helping the poor which would be a nightmare to Bill O’Reilly. A Pakistani police officer kill a prisoner with an ax for insulting the prophet Mohammed as well as an incident that took place in a village in Punjab when a local clerk told his community through a loudspeaker to kill a Christian couple for burning pages from the Koran. Also, a Pakistani court upheld the death penalty for a woman who committed blasphemy. President Obama met with the leader of China to come to an agreement on the reduction of carbon emissions, but Republicans in the past have come up with excuses in taking action against climate change and continue to do so up to the present. Update on Obama’s Net Neutrality announcement: the FCC will pass tougher regulations on high speed internet providers even though FCC chairman Tom Wheeler (a former lobbyist for the cable industry) told business executives that he was “moving in a different direction”. Michael Bloomberg spoke to bankers thinking that the banks are not making enough money under President Obama, Cenk breaks down the numbers on the real profits and the credit derivatives the banks received. Kansas’s budget is reported by Associated Press with a 279 million dollar shortfall by July, far worse than state officials have predicted. More tax cuts are on the way according to Shawn Sullivan the governor’s budget director.
Show notes by Bart Kyle
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On Money in Politics, 2014 Shows What’s Wrong — and What’s Right
Reza Aslan: The historical Jesus ‘is the nightmare of Bill O’Reilly’
China And U.S., Titans Of Carbon Pollution, Move To Cut Gases
Obama’s call for an open Internet puts him at odds with regulators
Cenk are SO RIGHT!! I loved every word you said about fundamentalists and violence, I would like a transcript and quote Cenk!!
I LOVE REZA ASLAN. I just have to yell that every time TYT does a story about him. oh oh I can’t stop my self, here is comes again I LOVE REZA ASLAN
Star Trek 5, The Final Frontier
Cenk, not so fast, my friend. Your assumption about Tallahassee being conservative is not borne out by the facts. A review of past elections shows Leon County (where Tallahassee and FSU are located) and Alachua County (mainly Gainesville, where UF is located) to consistently go for the more liberal, read Democratic, candidates. Surprise!! No wonder the current GOP legislature tries to disenfranchise students and gerrymandered Tallahassee in with the much more conservative neighboring areas. Tallahassee/Leon County is also responsible for ejecting Rep Southerland from office in favor of Bob Graham’s daughter, Gwen.