Cenk hosts TYT. Alabama has decided to ban Sharia Law in the state, as if this means anything. Talk about the sheer number of Republican seats from the midterms and their agenda to immediately destroy any opportunities for the lower and middle classes in order to help the rich even more. Cenk points out that the money spent by Conservatives is the reason Americans voted for Republicans despite their blatant disdain for the very people that supported them. President Obama spoke to McConnell after the election about the Conservative ideas that he is ready to work with the GOP on, which would destroy Americans’ lives even more. This agenda was being blocked by Reid and Senate Democrats, but now Obama can do the horrible things he agrees with the GOP on. Cenk is frustrated by the media ignores how Republicans run on populous agendas, but immediately talk about working for corporations when elected. No one wonders who ran on cutting rich, and corporate taxes, and lifting all regulations. Cenk talks about the crazy things some newly elected Republicans have said, like Joni Ernst on Agenda 21, Tom Cotton on ISIS crossing the Mexican border, and Jody Hice claiming that Muslims don’t deserve American rights. The question of whether or not Conservatives will compromise and work with Obama is an obvious no. Videos of Conservatives rejecting the idea of an Obama mandate after he won reelection. Videos of Obama surrogates rejecting a mandate, as well as Obama himself. In a stark contrast, videos of Conservatives claiming a GOP mandate that tells them to not work with Obama at all costs. Now that Democrats got their asses handed to them after running away from Obama and the Democratic base, the Executive Director of the NRSC talked about how they were baffled by their plan to abandon Obama and his accomplishments. The Communications Director for the NRSC outlined the accomplishments Democrats had, that they never even mentioned during the campaign. Despite these revelations, Hillary Clinton allies have a plan to distance her from Obama for 2016. Twitter Storm with Kim Horcher.
Show notes by Jayar Jackson
comment on twitter storm: me me , almost voted for Rocky Anderson. He was the one I wanted. But I was afraid of “let them eat cake” Romney
Antichrist reference from Big Business. Hmm seems to me the antichrist is a fake religious monopoly loving global corporation, Republicans should love the idea that the antichrist is real and coming soon
If I could have a Hobbit home I would be very happy.. plus I would not mind a Hobbit life. Low heat cost, low air conditioning, its socially cool to be fat, your ppl are difficult to corrupt, I don’t have to wear shoes. oh no save us all from such a fantacy
WHAT IS THIS??? No public funding of art? Not even a few nickels and dimes?
I fear the new trade organizations most out of everything else. I think that’ll finish our already wounded country, and preform a finishing blow on the massive upwards gust of wealth, and make us finally, officially a corporatocracy, and not a “pseudo” one.
(Oh and probably some other countries I am also fond of will be effected as well.)
Another awesome pun that cenk should mention on air…
If you remove the vowels from the name of Reince Priebus, you end up with this…
For those that didn’t get it,.
RNC is who he works for (Republican National Committee)
PR = Public Relations
BS = Bull Shit.
Ha! That is just glorious.
I don’t know if cenk did this on purpose, probably not, but when he talked about the blood moon and called them lunatic, it made me laugh because of the origins of the word lunatic…
From Latin luna ‘moon’.
Lunatic = the belief that changes of the moon caused intermittent insanity.
The best unintended pun cenk has ever made. lol.
Enough Red Wedding references, and for that matter Game of Thrones jokes.
I was just about to say that those jokes are getting very old and dumb.
plus getting old, some of us don’t have enough money for premium cable. Income inequality and all
You do realize that torrents exist don’t you?
The Senate Democrats should NOT use the same filibuster tactics the GOP used in minority, it will play right into the hands of the GOP. If the Dems try and filibuster, the GOP (through Fox) will just run rampant in the media saying “see….here we are trying to get things done and the Democrats keep blocking progress and legislation….this is why we need a Republican President who can actually work with the Congress, instead of obstructionist Democrats”. Secondly, the Democrats should NOT work with the GOP to pass bills. If they do that, they will say “look, see this, once you have the GOP running things, bills get passed, things get done, this proves that the GOP is the party that can get things done and the Democrats are useless at getting things done when they are in power”.If the Democrats were smart (which recent evidence suggests they are not), they should let the GOP pass all their batshit crazy bills, and anti-gay, anti-women, anti-middle class, anti-climate, anti-science, pro-christian fundamentalist, pro billionaire, pro wall street bills, but have Obama veto them when it comes to his desk. Then bring out the whomping stick in 2016, campaign hard on the GOP’s voting record, point out all the disastrous bills that each and every one of them voted for, and point out how the USA is lucky that they had a Democratic president in place to prevent that from becoming law. Then have candidates running tough campaigns in their state/district highlighting each of those votes (which are now an the record and cannot be disputed) and how they would have negatively impacted the lives of people living in their state/district…….It isn’t rocket science. It blows my mind how STUPID the Democrats are at running campaigns.