Cenk hosting today. Latest developments on the murder of Ezell Ford in Los Angeles by LAPD. His family pointed out that he was shot in the back 3 times while he was lying on the ground. After President Obama spoke about the murder of Michael Brown in Missouri, some Conservative commentators criticized him for “standing up for his people” rather than criticizing the looters. Marc Lamont Hill called the continuous murder of Black people domestic terrorism. A professor at Rutgers, Brittany Cooper, wrote about defending Black rage in the face of these murders. Gun stores in the area around Ferguson have experienced a big increase in sales from non-Black customers that all mentioned the unrest in the area as they bought their firearms. The governor of Oklahoma is bashing the anti-moral Satanists planning on setting up temples in her state. Cenk is amused by her full belief that these Satanists are for real, and not just trolling them. Dennis Michael Lynch appeared on Fox & Friends to talk about how he guarantees ISIS is already in America by way of Mexico since he’s caught some and found prayer rugs and Korans. A Washington Post story broke down the amount each Congressman gets paid to pass a bill based on their extremely do-nothing nature. Each bill passed is worth just over $2000 to each member. Conservatives are criticizing Obama for going on vacation again when its obvious that he’s gone on far fewer trips than President GW Bush, which they never mentioned. The regulations on lobbying have been loosened by the Obama Admin after he promised to curtail their influence. An ISIS member from Australia took his kids to the middle of the battles they are perpetuating and took a picture of his 7 year old son holding up a severed head. We have landed some special forces ground troops in the area that ISIS is controlling, and Cenk is ok with this move.
Show notes by Jayar Jackson