Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Actor Robin Williams has been found dead at his home of an apparent suicide. Ferguson Missouri police shot and killed an 18 year old kid in the middle of the street, shooting him many times after he raised his hand into the air. Different accounts from citizens and police. Cenk and Ana break down the holes in the cops’ story. St. Louis police have a history of needlessly harassing Black residents more than other groups. After the shooting, peaceful protests expanded into riots as nightfall approached. Some news outlets posted a picture of the murdered teenager that portrayed him more as a dangerous looking guy when there were clean cut, graduations pictures to use. This prompted the hashtag #IfTheyGunnedMeDown that compares two opposite pictures of the person that shows them as a clean cut citizen vs a dangerous one. NASCAR driver Tony Stewart hit and killed a fellow driver at a small time dirt race track. Discussion over whether or not Stewart was at fault for the accident. TYT Sports’ Jason Rubin pointed out that Tony Stewart has a history of getting into battles with other drivers, once claiming that he will hit another driver. USC researchers conducted a study on racial disparities in the top grossing films and found that although Latina women are in a smaller percentage of the actors, 38% of them appeared naked on camera. A publishing company is creating a book that is compiled completely of Kim Kardashian’s selfies. A blogger attended a sex workshop that does group masturbation and spoke about her experience at the workshop where the 85 year old instructor went to work on her.
Show notes by Jayar Jackson
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Robin Williams Dead: Beloved Actor Dies In Apparent Suicide
Tony Stewart Hits, Kills Driver Kevin Ward Jr. At Canandaigua Motorsports Park [GRAPHIC VIDEO]
Anger, confrontation after fatal shooting of teen by Ferguson police o
Vandalism, Looting After Vigil For Black Teen Killed By Police
#IfTheyGunnedMeDown: African-Americans protest media portrayals of black victims
Gotta say, watching that last story and trying to enjoy my juicy fruit candy, way harder than you would think. Glad I wasn’t having a doughnut lol!
i watch some weird porn but you couldn’t pay me to watch an 85 year old woman masturbate
Just saw this now, it looks to me like Stewart’s car does that little yaw due to impact with the guy’s body, not the car yawing into the body.
I really don’t understand Cenk and Ana’s prudish herteronormative reactions to anything that’s different than there sexual behavior. They seem to try and be open minded about most things, and they have the philosophy of “do you boo”, so they’re correctly accepting of other behaviors, but they’re always so giggly and confused and gobsmacked when heterosexual people do anything in groups or if they’re naked in public or anything that is outside the normal 2 person, private, standard sex acts.. Cenk also annoyingly reacts like a 9 year old boy when it comes to dicks, as if seeing a naked man is somehow physically sickening. You don’t have to swing from “not attracted to” to “physically sickening” to show you’re not gay, dude. That’s just so juvenile and pubescent. We live in the internet age now. We don’t have to be a society of 9 year old boys when it comes to sexuality. When something isn’t what you’re into, so what? Just calm down. You’re better than this.
Cenk the Gaza analogy, is perfect!! The only difference is they have allowed us to spread out over most of the country.Put all of us, in one State, (theres only about 27 million of us) and Gaza would be a joke, when compared to the ‘Black State’. Now please understand that I’m not just being ‘the angry black man’. I realize that most white people do not understand these things., and the gaza analogy gives great context and I’m just backing that up. We, as Americans, like to pretend we dont have any racism anymore, but all the people in power are old white men (the sheriff, chief of police, judges, city managers, wardens….) The one demographic in this country that doesnt like anyone, including women.
So far all the reports on Robin Williams’ death stress his movies and don’t mention
his fabulous stand up shows. Last night I youtubed one from 5 years ago. HBO. Hour and a half.
Maybe these are neglected because of his salty language and outrageous sexual material.
Netflix and others, also youtube, …..tons of great RW stuff.
What a fucking loss~!
There are a few things you left out in the Tony Stewart story. Things that should be known for the pole.
1:) These cars are WAY more dangerous then that of a Nascar. It was almost one year ago to the day that Tony Stewart broke his leg in the same kind of car. (
2) These cars are often called go-karts on crack. These cars are about half the size of a Nascar. Where Nascars have around 750 horsepower these winged sprints have 800-900 horsepower engines.. On dirt even the slightest tap of the gas can cause the rear of the car to shoot out. This is done to get around the corners at speed (drifting like).
3) Unlike Nascar these tracks are quite narrow and sometimes not very well lit. I am told from the daughter of one of these drivers. “before these races the drivers attend a drivers meeting. In this meeting the they are told to remain in their cars until safety workers arrive, unless the car is on fire for this very reason.”
4) Tony Stewart’s Temper is not exclusive to him alone and it is unfair to be singled out for it. Look up Jeff Gordon v Jeff Bourton , (in Nascar) or Danica Patrick v. Dan Wheldon (in Indy racing) at those speeds racers in general have the adrenalin pumping and do stupid things. Passions run high in all forms of racing but what does set Tony Stewart apart is his 2006 order from Nascar to take Anger management after hitting a reporter. The reporter putting a microphone in his face moments after a heated crash.
I am not sticking up for anyone here I am just pointing out the facts that should be known before taking such a pole.
Simply put
It was a slick poorly lit dirt track
There may have been fluids from the wreck on the track
Ward Jr was wearing black and was
walking towards 900 horses in an adrenalin rage
the 45 had almost hit him too
Its possible that Stewart did not see him till the last moment.
It’s possible when Stewart did see him that he hit the gas instead of the break
Its possible that Stewart’s car was damaged from the same wreck and could not turn as quickly as the 45 (who was not in the wreck)
Even under normal conditions Wing Sprints are more dangerous even at caution speeds then Nascars.
I am not a Tony Stewart fan myself, but I am a race fan. (Go 48, 24, 88, 10). As a race fan. I have to speak up and say this; The pole IS a fair pole, but the set up, was not. It was obvious no one there knows much about racing or at least the type of racing involved here. It was also clear that only the very minimal amount of research was done before the set up to this pole was aired. Seeing how Nascar is often viewed (correctly or incorrectly) as a republican, redneck or southern thing and TYT and its viewers are often seen as (correctly or incorrectly) the opposite, I feel a little clarity on what is known is in order.
On a personal note, Racing whether it is track and field, BMX, go-karts or Nascar is a dangerous sport. (Yes sport). Each athlete knows the risks every time they lace or buckle up. In motorsports all any racer has to do is look back at such names as Dale Earnhart Sr, Dan Weldon, Jason Lefler, Edward Glenn “Fireball” Roberts, Jr to know that. All anyone else need do is see the movie Rush to see those dangers for themselves. Please know that with each event safety measures are put into place to try and prevent these things from happening again but it is a fine line. After all, it is those very dangers that keep both drivers and fans coming back for more.
Tempers may flair from time to time but with the grim reaper having season ticket to all the races, no driver would ever willingly kill someone in this way, not when each one of them know 1000 different ways it could happen in the span of 1 single race.
That’s my two cents, for what its worth.
My heart goes out to the family of Kevin Ward Jr and to all race fans that have lost one of their own
I’m a motor head, this is how I interpret the Tony Stewart situation…
Just before he hits the driver on the track you can hear a big rev of an engine, in dirt cars this causes the back of the car to step out which is why he went under only the rear wheel, not the front.
The race was under caution, none of the other drivers are revving their engines in a similar manner that’s why it can be heard so clearly. So why did Stewart rev the engine at that time? Did he see the other driver on the track* and try to spray him with dirt or go sideways to piss him off? I don’t know if these cars have telemetry but it would be interesting to see his throttle trace…
Just my opinion…
* Yes it was dark but he would have been looking in that direction, black driver suit or not I think he would’ve seen him, leading to the “rev.”
Tony Stewart, I think he fucked up and hit the gas to move out of the way faster. Turning the wheel away would force the wheels if they lost traction to move in the original direction. Very understandable if he did not see him till the last moment.
Koch brother’s pamphlet saying they worry about our 17 trillion deficit is interesting since they and their 75 billion dollar fortune avoid taxes everywhere they can, while they buy congress to lower taxes on super rich.
I didn’t hear anything about the riots after the shooting until I saw this. But, all I watch for news is TYT and Democracy Now. I am such a lib
Cenk lives in his little bubble thinking that playing nice and bending over was the reason whites gave them their rights. Well its not and I am not a black but a neutral in this subject. It was the draft, the integration of blacks into the military, the millions of young military trained blacks who owned guns, it was the Watts riots, the Birmingham riots, the Harlem riots, the Cambridge riots, the Summer of 67 riots that made the whites realise that the Blacks will not take humiliation anymore and will fight back.
That, not the MLK or middle class bourgeoisie self appointed black leaders that ended Jim Crow.
LOL! Keep telling yourself that, Mr. History Professor.
I know history better than you do and I have first experience with violence and oppression and one thing history told us over and over again, playing nice doesn’t bring you your rights, fear of violence does.
Ghandi didn’t liberate India nor was he the real force behind it. It was the constant rebellions in what is now Northern Pakistan and Punjab, the Bombay mutiny by thousands of Indian soldiers, the Azad Hind Army when 10s of thousands of Indian soldiers defected to the Japanese rather than fight and of course the near bankruptcy of Britain after WWI.