Cenk hosting. Dinesh D’Souza was interviewed on a talk radio show about his issue with Google and CostCo for “actively discriminating” against his books and movies bashing President Obama. He whined about CostCo taking his bad selling book off the shelves, and now he thinks Google has altered their algorithm to keep people from successfully searching for his new movie. The problem may be that all of his books and movies are named very similar things. In response, Rep Dana Rohrabacher is calling for a Congressional investigation on the practices of Google. An NRA Commentator released a video making his case for the government giving everyone a gun and subsidizing it like our education system. As the latest influx of illegal immigration has been highlighted in the news, Fox & Friends lamented emergency 911 personnel having to deal with “ILLEGALS” when their lives are in danger after crossing the border. Conservatives planned a national day of protest in 300 cities against the problem of allowing so many illegal immigrants into the country. Some pictures of the protests show numbers of people that could be counted on one hand. Counter protestors showed up in large numbers to shame these guys.The latest conflict in Gaza continues as Al Jazeera’s building was hit by Israeli fire. Employees relayed their story of witnessing the shots as they were preparing to do a story from the 11th story. This came just after Israeli officials openly spoke about their desire to end Al Jazeera’s coverage of the situation. Israel’s Justice Minister rejected the cease fire until they’re done with their objective of destroying every tunnel. An Israeli professor and right wing researcher said that the only thing that would stop a suicide bomber is the knowledge that his sister or mother would be raped if captured. It has been revealed that Netanyahu has actively worked to avoid peace and fight against the recent unity among Palestinians. The U.S. FAA warned citizens to refrain from traveling to Israel and diverted American flights from certain Israeli airports due to the violence. Michael Bloomberg and Benjamin Netanyahu claimed that everything is perfectly safe and told people to defy the warnings and keep coming into the country, for tourism purposes. Bloomberg took the flight himself to show its safe. Cenk points out that they can’t have it both ways: claim that Israelis are in fear of their lives everyday, but tell travelers that its completely safe to go to the country. Video of Rep Gohmert calling for us to cut all aid to Palestinians. He went on to say that we need to bomb Iran right now, or allow Israel to bomb them. He says this despite the fact that Iran has ridden itself of all of their enriched uranium as part of a deal that was negotiated through diplomacy. A few years ago, Gov Cuomo of NY appointed an independent commission to root out political corruption throughout the state. Since then, Cuomo has dismantled the commission to keep them from coming after him or his political friends.
Show notes by Jayar Jackson