The Young Turks July 23, 2014 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by sobeyar19 Comments

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Cenk hosting. Dinesh D’Souza was interviewed on a talk radio show about his issue with Google and CostCo for “actively discriminating” against his books and movies bashing President Obama. He whined about CostCo taking his bad selling book off the shelves, and now he thinks Google has altered their algorithm to keep people from successfully searching for his new movie. The problem may be that all of his books and movies are named very similar things. In response, Rep Dana Rohrabacher is calling for a Congressional investigation on the practices of Google. An NRA Commentator released a video making his case for the government giving everyone a gun and subsidizing it like our education system. As the latest influx of illegal immigration has been highlighted in the news, Fox & Friends lamented emergency 911 personnel having to deal with “ILLEGALS” when their lives are in danger after crossing the border. Conservatives planned a national day of protest in 300 cities against the problem of allowing so many illegal immigrants into the country. Some pictures of the protests show numbers of people that could be counted on one hand. Counter protestors showed up in large numbers to shame these guys.The latest conflict in Gaza continues as Al Jazeera’s building was hit by Israeli fire. Employees relayed their story of witnessing the shots as they were preparing to do a story from the 11th story. This came just after Israeli officials openly spoke about their desire to end Al Jazeera’s coverage of the situation. Israel’s Justice Minister rejected the cease fire until they’re done with their objective of destroying every tunnel. An Israeli professor and right wing researcher said that the only thing that would stop a suicide bomber is the knowledge that his sister or mother would be raped if captured. It has been revealed that Netanyahu has actively worked to avoid peace and fight against the recent unity among Palestinians. The U.S. FAA warned citizens to refrain from traveling to Israel and diverted American flights from certain Israeli airports due to the violence. Michael Bloomberg and Benjamin Netanyahu claimed that everything is perfectly safe and told people to defy the warnings and keep coming into the country, for tourism purposes. Bloomberg took the flight himself to show its safe. Cenk points out that they can’t have it both ways: claim that Israelis are in fear of their lives everyday, but tell travelers that its completely safe to go to the country. Video of Rep Gohmert calling for us to cut all aid to Palestinians. He went on to say that we need to bomb Iran right now, or allow Israel to bomb them. He says this despite the fact that Iran has ridden itself of all of their enriched uranium as part of a deal that was negotiated through diplomacy. A few years ago, Gov Cuomo of NY appointed an independent commission to root out political corruption throughout the state. Since then, Cuomo has dismantled the commission to keep them from coming after him or his political friends.

Show notes by Jayar Jackson

Hour 1 Source Articles:
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Fox hosts outraged that Texas 911 operators are ‘forced’ to help dying non-English speakers

Cuomo’s Office Hobbled Ethics Inquiries by Moreland Commission

Dinesh D’Souza ‘Doesn’t Want to Seem Like a Crybaby’ About Google and Costco, But…

Michael Bloomberg flying to Israel to protest FAA ban

Al-Jazeera Gaza offices evacuated after direct hit by Israeli fire


  1. Netanyahu’s nephew refused to serve in the military and did time in prison. Then he came to the U. S. and went to Brown University.

  2. I LOVE how Dinesh D’Souza basically admitted that his followers are too stupid to use a search engine.

    1. exactly, if you search “d’souza america movie screening times” the very top link his the website for his movie with screening times

    1. just stop. Repeating “debunked” over and over does not make it right. Posting completely unfounded Russian PR is every bit as bad as anything else you complain about

      1. JUST STOP. Saying “Russian PR” mantra does not refute any arguments that were laid out.

        What part of argument is “unfounded”? Video of chaffs falling at the crash scene? Video of witnesses saying that there was military plane? Radar data confirming the same (that, by the way, not contested by any other party with “alternative” radar data)?

        1. RT is Russian PR, has been shown this way for a long time

          untrained militia fucked up using military grade weapons. It is not a complicated thing

          Ukrainian and Russian military are too well trained to mistake a passenger jet for a military one. Neither side had anything to gain by doing this either. Stupid mistake in a stupid border dispute

          1. 1) RT is Kremlin PR, but so CNN and the likes are StateDep PR;
            2) As I wrote, it could be mistake by either party, including rebels. I am just saying that Cenk’s coverage FULLY relies on rehash of MSM reporting, which is a disaster because it fully one-sided and oftentimes distorted;
            3) Buk systems can not differentiate between civilian Boeing and largy military cargo plane like Il-76 — so whoever it was, professional military or rebels, it could happen anyway. (By the way, back in 2001 Ukraine downed civilian plane, Tu-154 — professionalism did not help at all.)

            Whoever actually has shown down this plane, as per ICAO convention the country is responsible. Ukraine claims they knew rebels had Buks (whether it is true or not is irrelevant in this aspect) and yet they did not close the skies AND they sent military jet to the same path and place as Boeing was flying.

            Too many deadly coincidences to think it was purely incidental.

      2. The issue with TYT coverage is that it only presents half of the story. I have NO issues with whatever Cenk says as his own conclusion, but report BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY FIRST.

    2. On TYT 140 segment: USA’s authorities say that Ukrainian Buks systems were out of range, but their forces are as close as 25 km from the plane where Boeing was shot, and Buk system’s range is 50 km. Not sure how it adds up.

      1. As far as I can tell, seeing the name “dderss” with a comment, is the equivalent to pro-Russia propaganda. All you ever cry about is how Cenk is sooo wrong and a MSM or US gov tool (depending on the day) and poor Russia and benevolent-dictator Putin are misunderstood heroes.

        What a tired played-out joke.

        1. As far as I can tell, seeing the name “chetzmom” with a comment, is the equivalent to StateDep propaganda. Because instead of arguing on the essence of what was said — apparently, impossible for him/her due to lack of actual arguments — accusations in propaganda follow, just as instruction for StateDep troll army says.

      2. Range entirely depends on what model of the Buk and which missile is being used. So neither the US authorities or you can put a range on it unless you know exactly what was used

      3. It also looks like you are confusing target acquisition with actual tracking, locking on and firing

        1. I am not; the line of the flights’ route and military-vs-rebels territory map very well fits to all of those.

  3. Imagine the reaction if Hamas had rape squads hunting down spouses of members of Knesset and the IDF?
    I am sure that would be seen as patriotic.

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