TYT July 2, 2014 Post Game

In Membership, Post Game - On Demand by sobeyar6 Comments

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Ana talks about a recent experience of being alone in a bar. Cenk shares his recollections of his bar experience. Cenk talks to visiting member John Painter and when he started listening/watching TYT.


  1. I think they should start making the Friday show three hours. That way everyone has enough time to talk AND you get all the stories.

  2. I prefer Jimmy Dore being on and I don’t care who is on as long as it is Jimmy. My fav would be Jimmy D and Steve Oh. Then it can be the D and O show.

  3. I don’t like the idea of going to restaurants and stuff like that alone. I just feel weird doing that but I feel like I should. I probably should also do what Ana did it sounds like fun.

    Thanks for the ha bisky post game story.

  4. Ugh Ana is so embarrassing, not even getting the Yoko reference.. they weren’t talking about Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan.

    1. Ah, come on, she got it eventually. And shes still young, she just went to a bar on her own for the first time, like a big girl. In time, she might even learn that “newness” actually is a word.

      My needless dickishness aside it was a fun story. I kept waiting for her to trot out the previous PG’s bullshit and say something along the lines of: “I feel like young women are going out on their own more and more frequently these days… and t’s a good thing, you know?”

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