Cenk and Ana hosting. President Obama and Michelle Obama are making pies and cracking jokes for the White House pastry chef’s departure. Conservatives are reacting to feminist Jessica Valenti’s tweets regarding the Hobby Lobby case. Laura Ingraham appears on Fox and Friends and comments about liberals on the Hobby Lobby case saying that “women that they have a bad case of the vapors”. The House Ethics Committee took a secret vote allowing lawmakers to reduce the amount of trips to be logged in the House Financial report. Forbes’ recent list of the world’s most powerful celebrities has Glenn Beck at $90 million, Rush Limbaugh at $66 million and Sean Hannity at $30 million dollars. Rick Santorum spoke to Tucker Carlson regarding voter issues saying, “Egypt wasn’t ready for elections” and that Egypt should take a cue from the US saying further, “the founding fathers limited the amount of people voting in the US”. Rick Santorum also goes on the record for limiting access to voting by supporting voter ID laws. President Obama pursues comprehensive immigration reform through legal executive action in spite of John Boehner’s lawsuit and the failure of the House of Representatives to take action regarding the issue.
Show notes by Bart Kyle
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Obama jokes: Crack in White House pies?
Beyoncé Knowles overtakes Oprah as Forbes’ most powerful celebrity
Feminist Columnist’s Hobby Lobby ‘F*ck-In’ Joke Generates Angry Response
Laura Ingraham: ‘Vapors’ hit ruling critics
There’s a movie called Hysteria about the invention of the vibrator as a cure for the vapors. I think the facts are loose, but it’s funny.
This planet is dying from our over population and Republicons still want every sexual encounter you have to end up with another baby that they will immediately not give a shit about. The Republicon WAR ON WOMEN is real and immoral.
I’m begging Cenk to stop acting like he knows what he is talking about when it comes to Football based on the fact the US are watching this one world cup, Just using the English PL as an example betting under 1.5 goals in goals last year would have lost you the vast majority of games
What..? Cenk said in an earlier post game he’s been watching the World Cup since he was a little kid in Turkey. What’s your problem, assuming he doesn’t? Were you come off looking as pompous?
This was a really good first hour. I like the Anna and Cenk combo first hour. It creates a good balance.
Ughh no, save Anna for the second hour please
You Go Anna, That is so right on why they don’t like birth control. and same for Cenk on the hijab.