Cenk hosting. More fun from Louie Gohmert with Louie making a “video bomb” appearance on Fox News. The Supreme Court rules Massachusetts abortion clinic buffer zones to be “unconstitutional” letting pro lifers intimidate women who are seeking abortions at clinic. Cenk points out the hypocrisy of the Supreme Court with this recent ruling. The NRA now adds stalkers and domestic abusers, on their list of people, in defending their rights to have guns. The Supreme Court handles another decision, regarding presidential appointments during congressional recess. Cenk takes a look at other presidents in recent history on recess appointments with the “Gipper” Ronald Reagan leading with 240 compared to Obama with 32. John Boehner and the Republicans are beginning to embrace Tort reform in trying to block President Obama policies. Scott Walker supporter Robert Monroe got caught with 13 counts of election fraud but claims he had temporary amnesia in casting his votes. Twitter Storm with Kim Horcher. Questions on World Cup Soccer,ducks, Bill Maher,war crimes, the new studio, “female Mitt Romney”.
Show notes by Bart Kyle
Both the streaming version and downloaded version has bad audio, but the mp3 audio file is fine. I just played the mp3 synced up with the muted downloaded video. Necessary? No, but works if you really want to see the video and not hear the crackling audio.
sound quality on chrome is not good.
Dred Scott 1857
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819)
The Civil Rights Cases, 109 U.S. 3 (1883)
Lochner v. New York, 198 U.S. 45 (1905)
Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919)
Hague v. CIO, 307 U.S. 496 (1939)
Korematsu v. United States, 323 U.S. 214 (1944)
… these are just a few cases, I could go on and on.
The Supreme Court of the United States has been used to limit freedom, inflict harm, pain, and abuse citizens of the United States for over 200 years. The Supreme Courts fights tooth and nail against expanding freedoms and liberty to U.S. citizenry and has used its power to harm the masses, dispossessed, the poor, labor class, and minority. The only sliver of hope that the Supreme Court had in its history is the Warren Court (1953-1969). We are in a very sad state currently with the courts in this country.
I propose that pro-choice people bring dogs for very early morning walks to the area where the
anti-choice folks stand and NOT scoop that poop. No dog~? Scoop your cat box. BYO~!
What is wrong with the sound in this clip? It’s terrible!
That abortion protest story pissed me off, so, so, so, much. I think I gotta go drive around to cool off. To hear about them pushing around an old guy that’s there to support his grand daughter. Fuck these people. I hope there is a hell, so every one of them can burn in it.
I think we should form an organization to escort women to and from abortion clinics, but we will excersize our 2nd amendment rights. We will have armed guards as escorts but black panther style. That’s right big black men with shot guns just daring one of those anti choice wing nuts to make eye contact..Want to bet how fast they want that 35 foot barrier put back in place. And just to irritate Cenk I will end with lol lmao
Two birds with one stone!
Omg…we could only wish! No one’s going to allow black men with rifles to exercise their Second Amendment rights. That’s just crazy talk!
We also need to post YouTube videos of the “caring, consensual conversations.” Free speech rights obviously don’t include the right to engage a personal conversation with any individual at any time of your choosing or the supreme court would have to listen to any of us at any time. Free speech should be limited to the right to express your opinion in a venue that is public, not at any location that you choose.
Sound quality really has been bad the last days, I hope you can fix this rather sooner than later.