TYT June 13, 2014 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by sobeyar10 Comments

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Cenk, Ben, John Iadarola, and Richard Fowler hosting today. President Obama spoke about the turmoil in Iraq and pointed out that he will not be sending more troops into the country. Cenk appreciates that Obama pointed out that the leadership isn’t reaching out to other members of society that aren’t a part of their ethnic background. John McCain continued his blame of the Obama Administration for the violence in Iraq due to the pullout. He repeatedly pointed out that we “won” the conflict until Obama messed it up. Video of Mika Brzezinski of Morning Joe challenging him on his assertions that we won. Chelsea Clinton’s new contract with NBC News is on a month to month basis. It has been revealed that she was getting paid $600K/year. Cenk is pissed by this number since she doesn’t do anything there and is simply there for access purposes with the Clintons. When Thad Cochran was asked about Eric Cantor losing his primary battle with a Tea Party candidate and revealed that he had no idea “what happened in Virginia.” Cochran also told a fundraising group that he used to do indecent things to animals while growing up in Mississippi. The number of school shootings since Sandy Hook has been reported to be 75, but pro-gun advocates disputed it and convinced CNN to take their number of 15. Their decreased number eliminates several kinds of valid school shootings like targeting shooting and gang shooting.

-Show notes by Jayar Jackson

Hour 1 Source Articles:
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Chelsea Clinton paid $600K by NBC

JOHN McCAIN: We Won Iraq — And Obama Lost It

Obama Says He Will Decide on Military Support for Iraq in ‘Days Ahead’

CNN cuts school shootings since Newtown from 74 to 15 to appease gun advocates


  1. My God, I have NEVER, EVER seen a TYT first hour THIS BORING! Wow, how on earth did they manage to make and put together such a terrible 1st hour?

  2. Great commentary, Richard Fowler was a nice addition. Only downside is the sausage-fest. Need more women in TYT!

  3. McCain claiming that the big mistake in Iraq was leaving, is like saying a convicted mass murderers big mistake was not hiding the bodies better.

  4. With respect to the “definition of school shootings” at the end of this hour: The mentality of these people is of course, insane. I guess they would also believe that 9-11 victims that died due to the buildings burning and collapsing shouldn’t be considered actual “victims of the attack”, since the “attack” was by Al-Qaeda members flying planes into the buildings?? I mean, by these nut bags rationale, I suppose only those who were either on the planes or who were directly hit by the plane were “victims of the attack” — they should consider the rest (the majority) of the victims suffered due to some unfortunate fires, smoke inhalation, and a happenstance structural building collapse?? Ah, that’s right, 9-11 isn’t part of the school/gun debate, so they are able to think rationally when it comes to those victims…. /sigh …

  5. Ben and Richard were kinda unbearable in the Chelsea Clinton segment. It’s like they were missing the point entirely and talking about how well she does on her… couple of TV appearances. Thank god Cenk brought it back to talking about how insane it all was.

  6. One of the most substantive and complex discussions on the situation in Iraq that I have seen since the beginning of this crisis. Thank you power panel, four separate stances, and all within the Cenk Uygur signature wrastling move: the bounds of reason. Oh, and some very nice facilitating John!

    1. You are joking right?

      There has never been an ill-informed panel as this one in the history of TYT (and there were quite a few).

      Redrawing Iraq’s borders on “ethnic” lines? There is not a single province in Iraq that doesn’t have a significant minority in it. Hell Karbala province, Najaf province and Samarra in Takrit (which is north of Baghdad) all of which have the Meccas of shiism are in Sunni majority provinces. What do you suggest we do with the Sunni”s there? Religiously cleans them (because they are all Arabs from the same tribes)? What about Baghdad with its mixed population or the shia minority in Kirkuk and Diyala (both North of Baghdad)?

      Cooperating with Iran? A country which spent 30 billion dollars to enslave the Sunni majority in Syria resulting in 250k direct deaths and displaced 40% of the population (all sunni) with the help of tens of thousands of shia militias from Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan Pakistan and even the west (the other foreign “Jihadists” no one talks about in Syria). A country that was directly responsible for the religious cleansing of Sunnis, Christians and Mandanaeans from the South (3 million people in total out of 12 million) not to mention supplying the Iraqi insurgency with arms as many many reports from Wikileaks etc. has proven.

      Oh and by the way ISIS is not at war with Iran. Al-Baghdadi himself declared that to the public explaining why in 12 years of terror not a single Iranian was willingly killed by his militias:


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