Gina admits that she isn’t in favor of Cenk’s scruff beard for the job of delivering and giving his opinion on the news. She also talks about the 1 fight she was involved in with a boy. Her tactic was to fall to the floor and kick wildly. The reason she was good at fighting boys was because of the epic fights she had with her older brother. Cenk describes some of his epic fallouts with his big sister. Story of the evolution of men and how buttressed faces on men benefitted their survival. Cenk tells the story of the last 2 fights he ever got into. He realized that his last fight that he always thought he lost was actually turning in his favor when the other guy’s friends jumped in and stopped him.
-Show notes by Jayar Jackson
Seriously! Gina is great. I respect Ana and appreciate her vital role in the show’s history. That said, I miss the days when they would toss out a short segment about celebrities w/o it having to have a broader social message. From what I’ve gleaned watching every clip available on YouTube (relatively new member here), Ana didn’t want to do those clips because they had no value aside from being puff pieces for the willfully-ignorant masses. I hate putting words in people’s mouths so maybe that’s not why the non-political aspect has changed. And of course Cenk is the boss and has the last word – it just seems like Gina wouldn’t have those concerns. Disclaimer – they’re two totally different people; I get that. I just find myself being really excited when I see Gina is co-hosting or will be on a panel. Gina. Also, I LOVE Ana’s own channel. Love her vlogs. Okay, just spent a long time sharing my opinions with probably no one who gives a damn.
Gina is awesome, I love how energetic and happy she always is. Gina FTW :D
My sister is even worse then when we were younger I can now say I hate her. I used to not hate her but now I do.
There is a clear pattern here: Ana only post games – 6 minutes; Ana and Cenk post games – 12 minutes; Cenk only post games – 20 minutes. Is Ana actively uninterested in providing member-only content?
She’s always ready to leave whenever they tape the PG.
Hard to disagree with that. Cenk and others (including Ana) has repeatedly said that when the main show is over, Ana is pre-packed up and ready to get in her car and get the fuck out of work. I agree, if the post-game is supposed to be a consistent product for us paying members, Ana needs to think about it as part of her job – rather than tossing us a quickie “bone” before she exits the stage. That, or just tell her to go home, and have someone else do the post game show. As an old school subscriber, I find them all interesting – (even the ones where they give a crash course in the basics of audio / video mixer board techniques.. )
I agree 100%
It’s hard to blame somebody for wanting to go home after a long work day.
Oh lordy. Do not take beard advice from Ben.
Since Cenk doesn’t know what race he is, I wonder which group he end up in in prison?
Lastly, I can believe men ruined their pretty faces with violence. Good one, men.
As both the youngest brother in my family, and being among the shortest in every class I attended, growing up in rural New Hampshire *shit got real* when it came to passing the time waiting for the school bus, and some rather intense fighting strategies were on display. You either learned quickly, or you were forced to eat *dirty snow* (as in, black, sooty, oily car exhaust snow ) — or worse: have slush crammed down your pants after school. (The bullies learned not to do this before school in order to avoid going straight to the principals office’ upon arrival) Ultimately, even though I was shorter than most, I learned the basics of fighting: By *far* the most important was the ability to “push/trip” your opponent and get them on the ground where they were utterly vulnerable… The bigger kids would always start with trying to push, shove, or punch me. I learned to wait, dodge the first punch, then when they grabbed me for the push or shove, wrap my leg around the back of theirs, throw my weight on their chest and push and trip them backwards where they *always* dropped to the ground where I could pummel them. It didn’t take long before I was considered one of the bullies, even though I never actually started the fights. As an adult, I do feel bad about making one kid in particular put nasty black oily/slushy snow down his pants after losing several fights. ( I actually *was* a bully to him, which was flat-out wrong) That said, being one of the shortest kids in class in a rural New England town in the early 80s could be really rough if you didn’t have thick skin — and I did whatever it took to make sure I wasn’t the one eating yellow snow.
Man, I love all you guys, but Gina is the Hostess with the Mostess. :3