TYT May 30, 2014 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by sobeyar4 Comments

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Ana Kasparian and Dave Rubin hosting. Police raided a house in Georga while executing a search warrant for crystal meth complaints and injured a toddler from the use of a stun grenade in the process. A bipartisan agreement from the House of Representatives will establish that the DEA will no longer raid homes that grow medical marijuana. New stats show a comparative look of heroin use from the 1960’s to present day. A wheelchair bound student from Oakland, CA was beaten by a security guard for not hurrying up for class. In Tulsa Oklahoma, a policeman shot teenagers who were making out in a car before driving away from the cop. A father from Hawaii received one year probation for abusing his son by walking a mile for punishment. The Department Transportation Department goes after Southwest airlines for it advertising $59.00 seats when in reality no seats were sold at that price.

Hour 2 Source Articles
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Toddler injured by police flash grenade in drug raid

Student In Wheelchair Beaten By School Security Guard In Oakland, Police Say (VIDEO)

House Blocks DEA From Targeting Medical Marijuana

Campus cop fires gun at teens he caught making out in car parked at OK school


  1. Have you guys thought about the possibility that the cop fucked up? Maybe he was trying to scare them into stopping so he fired in the general direction of the car, but not towards the cabin. Maybe he meant to hit the road. The story said that there was alcohol in the car, and that he thought they were underage, and that they were trying to drive away. So maybe the cop fired his gun to scare them into stopping because he didn’t want underage drunk kids driving around and he was hoping firing the gun might have scared them into stopping?

    Now. If that WAS the case, this is exactly WHY cops protect each other. Because if he only meant to scare a couple of underage drunk joyriders into stopping, but accidentally hit the car, then he was doing the right thing, but it will look like excessive force to others. And if cops can try to do the right thing and try to short circuit a potentially dangerous situation and still get written up like this, then of course the other cops who know the real story will try to protect them.

    And the biggest problems is we just don’t know. Maybe this is a case of the police protecting an honest fuck up, or maybe it’s a case of the police protecting a raging asshole who overstepped his authority

    We can’t know because of the way the police system is designed right now. Seriously, play devil’s advocate for me here. Imagine that in this case the cop really did honestly fuck up and was just trying to scare those kids.. That’s innocent, right? Now stop playing devil’s advocate. This guy shot at 2 people making out in a car. That’s OBVIOUSLY excessive force. But of course! Everyone sees that. Everyone sees that story and demands the guys head on a pike. So….. if this was a screw up…. of course the cops would try to protect this guy.

    It’s precisely because we demonize cops who fuck up so hard that cops DO protect each other. We need to rebuild the system so that there is PROTECTION in place for a certain degree of fuck up. This is just like doctors. Cops can fuck up and when they fuck up it means people can die or be maimed. But we don’t fire doctors every time a patient dies. We can’t fire cops every time they fuck up. Otherwise there is NO job security. With no job security they HAVE to protect each other. Which incidentally allows the real maniacs to get away with shit the same as the people who honestly fuck up.

    So you guys. Anna. Dave. Jimmy. You need to change the focus of your ire.. Cops are just a symptom. The problem is the system. Just the problem is the system with every other fucked up thing you guys cover. We need to install protection for cops for REASONABLE degrees of fuck up. Which should be debated state to state. This is like, a new concept. A new paradigm. Reasonable fuck-up protection for the cops. If you fuck up and kill somebody or fuck up and maim somebody, you need to be able to keep being a cop. I know that sounds horrific. But it’s the same case with doctors. Doctors work a job where there good or bad decisions kill or save people., but unless it’s a case of well substantiated gross negligence, we don’t fire every surgeon whose patient dies on the table.

    We need a new system where cops can be guaranteed they wont be fired if they accidentally kill somebody or accidentally maim somebody, otherwise the cops will keep protecting each other, even when they’re protecting TRUE MANIACS, because with this current system when you fuck up, like any normal average human being does, the police stations only recourse to appear like they’re cracking down on bad cops is to fire the cop who fucked up and the media caught wind of it.

    When cops have reason protection in place for accidentally killing or maiming people in place, then cops can point out the cops that REALLY ARE THE PSYCHOPATHS, or really are the people who just aren’t competent enough to be cops. A system could be established to reward police officers who are whistle blowers rather than the current system that effectively punishes them.

    But all of this is about changing POLICE STATION POLICY. Not about asking cops to be nicer. Cops are handcuffed by the system they exist in, if we want better cops, we need a better police station system. We need better police station policies.

  2. Haven’t been able to see the show for over a week on my tablet now…….. Is it getting fixed before Cenk gets back?

    Also can I get a refund for the whole week of shows I haven’t been able to see.

  3. Wow, he thinks they get a paid vacation…that’s entirely false.
    Try doing some fact checking.

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