TYT May 30, 2014 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by sobeyar14 Comments

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Jimmy Dore, Michael Shure & Dave Rubin hosting. President Obama has accepted the resignation of General Richard Shinseki due to the political firestorm over the VA scandal. Sarah Palin talked to Sean Hannity and offered her observations on the VA scandal saying that “illegal aliens get better healthcare than our vets”. Press Secretary Jay Carney resigns after three years of dueling with the White House Press Corps. National Security Advisor Susan Rice appears on CNN and counters Edward Snowden’s claims of spy training in a recent NBC interview by stating that he was working as a “national contractor” for the NSA. Rice also mentioned that if Snowden returns home, he will have his day in court with a “fair hearing” and the full legal protection of the United States. People Magazine accidentally released tweets of Hillary Clinton having a “secret meeting” with President Obama. The tweets were later deleted and it turned into a “secret lunch” instead. Iowa Senate candidate Joanne Ernst of Iowa defends her campaign ad and her endorsement from the NRA in protecting the 2nd amendment in light of the shooting of UCSB students.

Hour 1 Source Articles
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White House press secretary Jay Carney leaving

Sarah Palin on Veterans Affairs: ‘Illegal aliens’ get better care

Shinseki resigns amid VA scandal over veterans’ health care

Obama & Hillary Clinton’s Lunch Was A Secret Until People Magazine Spilled The Beans


  1. I am so glad I am almost caught up with TYT stuff. Being 24 hours behind in youtubeland is very frustrating. I love that Jimjam is on TYT he is so awesome. I love that kute panda bear. He has the best vibe ever.

  2. God, i can’t tolerate listening to sarah palin speak. I feel like my skin is tearing itself from my body and trying to run away every time i see her on TV. It is disgusting that that child of a human being gets attention from mainstream media.

    1. I wish they would ban her. I don’t see the difference between her, Trump, or Coulter. She just gets paid money to say infuriating things.

    1. I’ve notified the team. I’m so sorry for not seeing your comments sooner. Please don’t ever hesitate to email me at feedback@tytnetwork.com with any issues. With the high volume of comments throughout our site some fall through the cracks. I apologize for this and sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding. – Jeni, TYT Community Ambassador

  3. Watch what happens to Snowden if he elects to””””Man Up”””””like Chelsea MANning..
    See ya in 30 years, Ed~!

    1. I agree. I can’t stand how they think they have a point when they tell Snowden to come back to the US. It’s like a scene in a movie where the protagonist is running from bad guys, and the bad guys (with knives being brandished) say with a devilish smile, “Don’t be scared, we won’t hurt you! We just wanna talk.” Or something silly like that.

    1. Yeah, to me Jimmy has risen to become the absolute second best thing with the main show. Second only to when Cenk goes ballistic. I mean how can you not love that guy? Funny as shit, speaks his mind, gets mad and calls people motherfuckers, and just as a bonus he shares my love for cops. Aaaaah Jimmy. <3

  4. I’m with Jimmy Dore – we need an outright ban on Sarah Palin. The idiocy knows no end. How is she any different than Trump?

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