TYT May 23, 2014 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by sobeyar9 Comments

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Whitney Mixter and Dave Rubin join Ben for SCS stories. A principal of a Catholic elementary school sent out dance invitations with a picture of Ellen Degeneres on the front. When she realized the faux pas, she asked for them to be sent back so that she can “personally destroy” them. A couple of morning radio jocks were fired after they railed on transgender rights after the mayor signed a law allowing members of the transgender community to have gender reassignment surgery with taxpayer dollars. A 19 year old college student committed suicide after a casting couch porn she participated in was released, leading to huge online backlash and bullying. Many were from her former classmates and friends at her high school. Although she was depressed and affected by the bullying, she responded seemingly proudly online, just before she shot herself. Update on the manner in which the Donald Sterling tape was recorded and released. His comments were caught on tape months ago, but released strategically after she and his wife had some strife and legal threats. In Toni Braxton’s new memoir, she reveals that she had an abortion in 2001, and at one point, she felt that God gave her current son autism to punish her for the abortion. An abandoned Hillbilly Theme Park in Arkansas is up for sale. It originally opened in 1966 and experienced big success. Police in Pennsylvania now have the right to search anyone’s car with “reasonable suspicion.” They also outlaw secret compartments in someone’s car.

Hour 2 Source Articles
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Picture of Ellen DeGeneres has Penn. Catholic school destroying its own dance invitations

New York Radio Hosts Kimberly And Beck Fired After Making Anti-Transgender Remarks On Air

College Student Alyssa Funke Commits Suicide Following Cyberbullying Over Porn

Toni Braxton Says God Gave Her Son Autism Because She Got an Abortion


  1. Why can’t I watch the show on my phone anymore? I use to be able to but I can’t even see the video anymore, just says “there seems to be no file supplies!”

      1. How did you get it to work? If I click on Watch Hour 2, it says no file supplied but if I click on Download Hour 2 from the Archive page, it won’t play on my phone. The other links have played but not this one. Something has changed with the site where I may or may not be able to actually download the episodes too, instead of having to stream them.

        1. Just click on download video, it streams it for me then. I’ve never downloaded a show so I don’t really know how to but i got the stream to work by clicking “Download Video” then the video streams on another tab

  2. Secret compartments are illegal in Georgia if used for illegal purposes and adds a new charge and penalty to a case

    1. I agree – Mixter was great. I think Ben did a great job handling the first hour alone and leading the panel in hour two. In future, when Cenk is away, turn his position over to Ben. Of, course, the entire group at TYT are great, but I am still partial to Cenk and Ben. In particular, I enjoyed the harsh and well deserved spanking that Ben gave to Alan West. Great job Ben.

  3. Slut shaming only points back at the user of that language as a BULLY. The biggest sluts I’ve ever know are heterosexual males single and married. Men are the last people who should be calling other people sluts.

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