Ben hosting. Rush Limbaugh pointed out for the 2nd time that he is the only person that lives in a colorblind world, while Liberals don’t. Video mashup of how he sees the world in a very colorful way. Videos of Allen West criticizing Democrats’ decision to participate in the Benghazi panel after hinting to boycott it originally. He also claimed that he isn’t sure about Tammy Duckworth’s loyalties to the military since she will be one of the panelists knocking this fake conspiracy down. When Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis came to California, she was greeted by a poster calling her “Abortion Barbie.” Since Erick Erickson came up with this moniker, he spoke about how proud he is that it has taken hold. Although Congress is polling at an all time low, voters still end up voting their incumbents back into office. Michael Kinsley, a well accomplished journalist, feels that media outlets shouldn’t have the final say in whether or not government secrets should be published. The government should decide that. Video of John Boehner linking the stalling on immigration reform to ObamaCare, but being confronted by Jorge Ramos in a press conference. The governor of Tennessee has signed a law making it legal to execute prisoners via electric chair as a 2nd option. Ben talks about using the firing squad as an option. The NRA is vehemently opposing a study by the CDC that will put a number on violent gun murders in the United States. Republicans, along with the NRA are calling for the CDC to be defunded. John Iadarola comes on to point out that studies on climate change are also being defunded so that the public doesn’t know serious the problem is.