Ana, Jimmy, and Desi Doyen hosting. Republican lawmakers in North Carolina are creating a law that would make it illegal to reveal the substances and chemicals that companies insert into the ground while fracking. Common Core educational standards is evoking gay conspiracies from one Florida lawmaker, Charles Van Zant, who thinks its objective is to make everyone’s kids as homosexual as they possibly can. Video of his comments. In the aftermath of Karl Rove suggesting that Hillary Clinton has brain damage, Sarah Palin took to her Facebook page to compare the off limit nature of Hillary to speculation about her baby with Down Syndrome while she was running. Dick Cheney claimed that Obama is ignoring the law while implementing the health care law. Sean Hannity spoke with a Utah St Senator that is in favor of capital punishment via firing squad. He also had no problem with the botched execution on Oklahoma. A poll shows that opinions on the approval of the death penalty has remained the same, generally in favor of acceptance since 2000. The Guardian is bringing awareness to the problem of female genital mutilation that exists in America. We’ve always seen this as a problem that only happens in other countries in Africa and the MIddle East.