Ana,John, and Ben hosting. Video of a Toronto public meeting comes to light with a prank roll call. Over 270 people in Turkey were killed in a recent coal mine fire. A member of Turkey’s parliament (Yusuf Yerkel) is seen in a video kicking a protester as concerns of safety and a lack of regulations are brought to the surface. The CDC is pursuing a preventive drug in reducing the occurrence of HIV. A Dallas morning news show “The Broadcast” discusses the Michael Sam kiss. One of the co-hosts, not agreeing with the kiss, walks off the set and says “”I’m going to Midland”. An update on the Jay-Z/Beyonce video is given as the identity of the person who leaked the video on TMZ is revealed and was promptly fired. The Tech industry is concerned about how out of touch the Supreme Court is on matters of current technology in relationship with current cases and rulings. Are cats “man’s best friend”? A video from Bakersfield, California shows a cat saving a boy from a vicious dog attack. Morristown New Jersey holds a “Mormon Prom.”