TYT May 15, 2014 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by sobeyar0 Comments

Ana,John,and Ben hosting. The New York Times fires Jill Abramson. She was the executive editor and the first woman who ran the NYT. Equal pay to that of her male predecessor is in question upon Abramson’s exit. Harry Reid is pursuing trying to get “money out of politics” and thwarting the Koch brothers for attempting a “hostile takeover of American democracy.” Net Neutrality update: The FCC voted today 3-2 to allow the advancement of a plan to allow internet providers to pay more for getting faster speed. Marco Rubio is drinking the Kool Aid as he spoke at the National Press Club in matters of climate change denial. Rubio also appeared on Sean Hannity’s radio show to further his beliefs on climate change, along with his view on hypocrisy from libs and scientific consensus on human life. Bill O’Reilly looks into the meaning of “white privilege” and wonders if his trip to Hawaii, his past economic circumstances and achievements exempts himself from “white privilege”. Stuart Varney also chimes in on white privilege saying it only existed in the past. It’s Pat Robertson vs. Ken Ham in a battle royale over the Earth’s formation with Pat surprisingly mentioning carbon dating and that  young earth creationism dumb.

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