
  1. Aw, man! I LOVE the panel shows! I do feel like Ana does take herself/the show a little too seriously sometimes, but I know she’s gonna feel like people say the exact opposite.

  2. Try going George Costanza bald from starting at age 16 and ending at age 18 and then let me hear you complain about how much it sucks to have hair.

  3. What I hate with the panels is people get cut off mainly Jimmy and Ana too. Make it just two people. Then in the second hour maybe switch one person or make it 3 peoples. Or make it 3 for the post game just for something different. I would love Ana and Jimmy to do one show. I like that would be interesting since those two get cut off the most.

  4. What I hate with the panels is people get cut off mainly Jimmy but Ana too. Make it just two people. Then second hour maybe switch one person or make it 3. Or make the post game 3 people for something different. I say have Ana and Jimmy do one show. I think that would be interesting since those two get cut off the most.

  5. Ana then just have Jimjam and you. That would work well. I don’t understand THE FUCKING PANELS AS WELL.

  6. Ana just do it on your channel it doesn’t matter. Even some males have done make up vids. It’s not a big deal. Alli Trippy maybe it’s Alli Speed now she did a make up vid and everybody takes her seriously.

  7. As others have said it is easy to recognise the frustration Ana has over panel shows. Ben dominates over both John and Ana which it is clear pisses them both off. Ana says she was waiting to be asked to host 1st hour on her own, however I suspect that even if she pushed just a little bit Cenk would have allowed it. Therefore, that suggests to me that her lack of confidence has stopped her pushing for it.

    1. The thing is, Ben dominates because he is much better at hosting than both of them combined – keeping it real. He is ridiculously entertaining to listen to and watch. Ana just chokes like the stereotypical little girl when there is competition that she knows is out of her league and won’t hand her a chance to jump in at every turn. Then, instead of trying to compete in the game she doesn’t shine in yet, she pulls back and lets all her preparation go to waste and wants daddy Cenk to be back in control. I guess this is in part the motivational difference between men and women and the reason why men love competitive sports and women love intrigue and psychological games (go ahead, call me sexist). Fact is, I wish she would talk more in the panel shows, so she can be in Ben’s league one day along with Michael and Cenk. She should be. That’s what you need to do to grow – repetition of the things that you keep avoiding, because you don’t excel in them already. Right now, she just works well with Cenk around to hand her the openings she needs. So I’m afraid it seems that she doesn’t believe in the value of her points enough to step over a few people to get them across. So I have doubts that she really wants to be in that league – we’ll see.

  8. I love the panel format, it’s much more spontaneous and natural than the stupid “Let’s watch a clip, then listen to Cenk commenting off-handedly, then listen to Ana repeating 99% of what Cenk just said”. Ana’s obsession with being “produced and professional” is sadly misguided – that’s not what got TYT to where it is today.

    If you don’t get to all your stories, cry me a freakin’ river, you either get to talk about them tomorrow or you wasted some time, big deal. It’s much, much worse to do a boring show, which happens when you go through the motions and go back to your talking points over and over and over again, without anyone to throw in even a moderately fresh viewpoint.

    1. Also, both John and Ana are *insanely* insecure for two moderately successful, smart, and sexy young people. Who the fuck cares if you cut your hair too short?! Who the fuck cares if you’re outed as being OMG into fashion?! No one thought AK was a buttoned-down serious journalist in the first place, and no one will point at Johnny Pie and laugh significantly more than they normally do.

  9. Beauty? Lame. I’m sure some people will say you’re not as credible, even if it’s unfounded. Would people even want to watch that? Just put it on your own youtube channel.

    1. Beauty videos are really big on YouTube.
      I say go for it Anna. A TYT network fashion/beauty show would bring in a whole different audience to the network.

    2. I would totally watch it. I already take notes on how she does her make-up but I would love some more in-depth tips.

      1. I’m not sure about it as a regular show, though. It seems like it would be tough generating that much content, but clearly . . . I’m not an expert haha.

  10. This is the first time since 2010 when I question myself whether tyt will be fun to watch if cenk is absence , the answer would be ; it’s gunna be alright .

  11. I just noticed that Ana has never done a solo first hour, I’m actually really excited to see it! Also, I like when Ben does the first hour, hopefully he gets to do it in the next few weeks.

  12. Is anyone else surprised that the first hour is handled like that at TYT? I had always thought the environment was that if Anna wanted to do the first hour when Cenk is gone she could have done it or it would have been a no brainer that Anna would just pick up the 1st hour. I just didn’t realize it was this thing that one of the hosts had to be invited to do or that Cenk didn’t realize that it would probably hurt a TYT veterans feelings that they never get asked to do it.

    1. Yea it’s a little strange. The last couple minutes of this post game felt uncomfortable -both because of that particular reveal, but also because Ana ignored John mentioning he would like to do the first hour, so she could talk (brag?) about how Cenk pulled her in his office to ask her specifically. Did that seem a little insensitive to anybody else?

  13. I don’t know if i’m the only one but i always assumed Ana never really liked the panel shows, especially when Jimmy,Ben. and Cenk are involved because she never really gets to talk. I personally like when they ramble on ,but i could totally see how she gets annoyed.

    1. Yeah, She has to wait for a break when they’re talking then scream over everyone else. That can be frustrating and I’ve noticed her getting angry but ofcourse not complaining. It’s kinda easy to notice when Ana gets pissed off. LOL

    2. I think she is referring mostly to the show where Jimmy Dore and Michael Shure started to go at each other. She looked so uncomfortable in that show. I think she enjoys Gina And Ben’s company more.

      1. Specifically with regards to Michael Shure, I remember her mentioning in an old PG that she feels they lack chemistry when they co-host and it makes her uncomfortable (or something like that). Self-fulfilling prophecy a bit, perhaps?

        Ben on the other hand… She might actually have better chemistry with him than with Cenk. It’s always a fun time when they’re paired up.

    3. I can’t imagine anybody is surprised that Ana doesn’t like panel shows. She’s always seems less comfortable, and doesn’t toss around jokes the way everybody else does.

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