TYT May 13, 2014 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by sobeyar0 Comments

Cenk hosting today.  Karl Rove suggested that Hillary Clinton may have brain damage after her fall and head injury.  Even though people are lambasting Rove for the comments, Cenk points out how this will work in downgrading her competence.  Video of Rove appearing on Fox, claiming that he never said she has brain damage, but we do have to evaluate her health.  Video of former Bush spox Nicolle Wallace galvanizing Rove’s points about her health.  Donald Sterling gave Anderson Cooper an interview and simply dug a deeper hole for himself with his obsession over Magic Johnson. Updates on the Net Neutrality battle.  After many of the internet providers came out against the FEC’s plan to control the internet, the head of the FEC is scrambling to change his stance.  Marshall Henderson, former basketball player for Ole Miss, tweeted many hateful tweets directed at Michael Sam.  After he got tons of backlash and support, he revealed that he was conducting a psychology experiment for a gay friend that needed it for a school project.  Rahm Emanuel’s chances of being reelected as mayor of Chicago are looking slim after a poll shows how the large majority of citizens don’t believe in him. CNBC Anchor Brian Sullivan went off on how he can’t recognize the Republican Party and that they’ve pushed him away.  The most telling part is that he wrapped it up by saying this will be his last appearance on Morning Joe.

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