Cenk hosting today. People are outraged by Kim Jong Un’s racist comments directed at president Obama. The official Korean Central News agency found a “factory worker” that said Obama has the shape of a monkey that should be living in Africa waiting for tourists to throw bread crumbs at him. The Pope is speaking out again in favor of redistribution of wealth at a high level. The FCC, which is planning to side against Net Neutrality, has had its internet hacked and severely slowed down by a group that is showing them 1st hand what it feels like to be limited. Now that the NRCC is fundraising off of the Republicans’ fake fight to politicize Benghazi, Rep Boehner was asked about this insensitive move, but he refused to answer whether or not this should be done. Since WalMart likes to brag about how they’ve become more green with their energy, President Obama used the company as a backdrop and example of a good company that uses green energy well. Labor groups and Liberals are pissed at Obama for giving credibility and cover to the company that barely even uses green energy. Anderson Cooper addressed how he’s confused with Dr. Drew and he told a man on the street “fuck you.” Cenk wonders if CNN pulled this move after he got a bunch of attention for flicking off the camera in a ranting rage last week. Latest rising escalation from the Bundy militia standoff in Nevada. A BLM agent was cut off while patrolling and two hooded men jumped out and threatened him with his life. This came just a week after the militia had an armed standoff with the BLM, trapping the local sheriffs in the middle. A new Conservative group’s march on Washington by Operation American Spring is planned for later this month. The chief of staff went on a radio show to talk about how they have to be safe and look out for Obama sending drones to bomb them at the capitol. Geraldo tried to show how regular Americans at a random diner feel about a lazy EPA employee that watched porn while at work. The piece featured two Fox Business hosts in the diner to prove their point.
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U.S. criticizes racist North Korean screed against Obama
Web hosting company puts FCC in the ‘slow lane’ in net neutrality protest
Anderson Cooper Says ‘F*ck You,’ Flips Off Person Who Confused Him for Dr. Drew
Robert Reich Trashes White House ‘Numbskull’ For Walmart Event
Ironically conservative did that during the MLK speech anniversary in DC. When I was there some right wingers were there trying to start fights with black guys while their friends had their cameras ready to video it.
Please schedule Jimmy Dore for as many episodes as possible while you’re gone on vacation! Also, what will it take to get the soundboard working again? Y’all are still great but the TYT I originally subscribed to had a soundboard! How will all the new TYT viewers have our set of collective jokes if we no longer inundate new viewers with the old soundboard clips?
Oh, he used the soundboard later in the show… ooopsie doopsie.
6:48 Jesus is right; those are not fails.
By the way Cliven Bundy’s wife apparently has went past them being able to use federal land as they want, and went on to just flat-out claim it was their land.
How can you still possibly be for trickle down economics? Isn’t that like continuing to believe the Earth is the center of the solar system? It’s not even 1% proven to work, there’s no nuance there. Is it, like, still in the middle of happening, and we just haven’t given it enough time yet?
That’s just mind-blowing.
Don’t get me wrong- I didn’t NOT know that Republicans believed in crazy, non-functioning economic concepts, I just didn’t know they were still sticking to trickle-down economics enough for it to be ka-razy controversial if someone mentioned what a failure it was.
Yeah the Pope seeking forgiveness for the priest molesting kids… and we should applaud him for that?!?
How about routing out all the molesters being the head of the Catholic Church, he is capable of ferreting out all the molesters from the ranks of the church, until that happens everything that Pope Francis does that is positive is merely shiny a pile of SH!T.
I did not know Kim Jong Un’s was a Republican.