Cenk hosting. Monica Lewinsky is back in the news with a piece in Vanity Fair to clear air about her reputation. Republicans, including Lynne Cheney and Greg Gutfeld are assuming this is a conspiracy by Hillary Clinton to put the story out well before the 2016 elections so that it will be an old story before it will hurt her in that election. Cenk gives some credit to this theory. TYT Supreme Court over reasons she’s coming out now. Rep Trey Gowdy has been appointed the chairman of the GOP’s special committee on Benghazi and he’s declaring that this is not political and he won’t be fundraising on this issue. He said this as the NRCC is fundraising off of the backs of 4 dead Americans. Gowdy responded to that info by saying they shouldn’t do it. MSNBC host Thomas Roberts and his producer apologized for making jokes about Cinco de Mayo by drinking tequila and wearing sombreros. A candidate for Michigan state senate has been busted for an old tweet where he went after Melissa Harris Perry, telling her to keep her stinking paws of his kid, you damn, dirty ape. Republican candidate Ryan Zinke in Montana has begun his own personal Super PAC. He formed it to help his campaign, and stepped down right before he announced his run. Bad news on the Net Neutrality front. Obama’s appointee, Tom Wheeler has succombed to the money given to him by internet providers that want the control over which websites can exist at the same speed as others. A large majority of Americans polled said that they don’t trust the opinions of SCOTUS Justices based on their political biases. New chart shows how much each major cable news network covers income inequality. The most interesting number showed that the reason CNN was behind both Fox and MSNBC is because they mention the Malaysian flight once every 6 minutes on their air. Wild Card Wednesday. Establishment Republicans have been kicking Tea Partiers asses in primaries. Beverly Hills has become the 1st city in Los Angeles to ban fracking. Sarah Palin claimed that Hillary’s upcoming grandchild will cause her to realized that babies are real and need to be protected from abortion.