TYT Apr 22, 2014 Post Game

In Membership, Post Game - On Demand by sobeyar7 Comments

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Cenk and Ana answer viewers’ tweets.  Would Cenk ever consider living in Germany?  Ana talks about how she asked a Swiss German date tons of inappropriate questions on their first date.  Cenk answers what he thinks his life would be like if he never left Turkey.  Cenk’s views on different levels of Socialism.  Talk about who Cenk and Ana hate the most in the media.


  1. Socialism has nothing to do with state ownership. That is stateism. Socialism is when the working principle is to each according to his/her contribution. That can totally be a private market system. The workers would just own the means of production and distribution instead of the owner or the stockholders.

  2. Isn’t roshambo just another word for rock-paper-scissors?

    I remember a South Park episode where Cartman tries to make it a different game, as in “I’ll roshambo you for it. The way it goes is, first I kick you in the balls…” Then the other kid falls down in agony and never gets a chance to kick back.

  3. Democratic Socialism has resulted in much better outcomes for its citizens with far less money spent. I.E. education, crime/rates of murder, prison rates/recidivism and less debt. The only way to save this Democracy is to take money out of Politics.

  4. Ana’s German date. Cenk was right about the beard. At her age, I’ve been there. Once I went to a party at a guy’s house, maybe 6 months later, and it was all men.

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