Cenk, John Iadarola, Jimmy Dore, and David Rubin hosting. Video of Snowden asking Putin a question about the Russian surveillance program; if its similar to the United States. Many believe that Snowden is working in cahoots with Putin to free his country from speculation. Snowden responded to the criticism with denials. While Republicans continue to stonewall any progress on immigration, Obama had a cordial conversation with Eric Cantor over the phone, which he followed up with a scathing statement about the President. Video of Obama responding that he was surprised by the negative statement right after a very nice conversation. The staffer that Vance McAllister believes leaked the video of him kissing another female staffer has quit without a clear reason, considering she denies leaking the tape. McAllister’s team claims to have not forced her out, either. Cenk reveals that this resigned staffer used to work in the camp of the candidate McAllister beat. Conservative talk radio host Bryan Fischer had a creationist on to explain how all the animals, including dinosaurs, fit on Noah’s Arc. A chart on gun deaths after Stand Your Ground was implemented was put out by the FL Dept of Law Enforcement. The chart showed that gun deaths dramatically dropped, but when it was discovered that they simply inverted the chart, they had to remake it to show how sharply the numbers increased.
Hour 1 Source Articles
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Creationist Carl Kerby insists dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark: They took the younger ones
Edward Snowden defends decision to question Vladimir Putin on surveillance
Obama ‘Surprised’ By Cantor’s Attack After ‘Pleasant’ Phone Call
Hey Reuters, we fixed your “Gun deaths in Florida” chart for you
Alright, I am sleeping to this live show.
I hate to be that guy about the chart, but I actually had no trouble reading the chart even when it was inverted. If you look closely, you can see that 0 is on the top and that the numbers increases as you go down, so you just read that way…
The chart is technically correct, but it is still obviously and intentionally misleading. It’s very easy to misrepresent statistics when the data doesn’t line up quite how you want it to. The expectation with most graphs is that they increase in value from the bottom up, and there was no legitimate reason to do it differently here (unless you buy the BS excuse given). The danger is not in people like you that look closely and see the correct picture. The danger is in the people who take a quick glance and come to a conclusion opposite to the reality.
Sometimes, I’m amazed that someone like Cenk, who constantly criticizes Christians for not reading the bible, shows his own lack of understanding of it. Regarding the story of Onan, he fails to mention that 1) Onan’s brother was dead, which changes the implication of adultery; 2) it was a common practice in ancient times that, if a woman’s husband died without bearding a son, the woman would be wed to the husband’s brother; 3) it was part of God’s law at the time that Onan was supposed to impregnate his (dead) brother’s wife, and when he wasted his seed on the ground, he was in violation of God’s law. Just a few things that are worth noting if you’re going to criticize biblical illiteracy.
re: it was part of God’s law at the time
It appears that you are saying that “God’s law” changes over time. Interesting. I would think that you would believe God’s Law is inviolate (assuming that is the correct term).
More Noah info. A lot of that story is based on an older Babylonian story that was very popular. Noah might have been a way to keep the Jewish ppl from “whoring after Babylon” by giving them their own end of the world flood story. Ppl have not changed much. Back then a flood was good enough, Now we want a zombie apocalypse or we get board.
I hope Cenk will come back soon. Sloppy work should merit one warning and followed by a firing. When he mentioned ZOG in the Antisemitism story and shrugged his shoulders, I paused and did a search. It was the first item, therefor he is currently one-sourcing all of his first hour stories now which is the worst thing someone can do when using The Internet.
I couldn’t believe he is doubling down on the Antisemitic pamphlet hoax (standing by the loser Secretary of State) when he should have been skeptical from the very beginning.
Even if I could get Hulu, how useless would news in 140 seconds especially knowing how well TYT does research? In addition, everyone even Jimmy is just shaking their heads in slack-jawed agreement as he spews this crap.
I love those guys, but the during the last week I found myself disbelieving more analysis than ever before on TYT. I even disagreed with every TYT Supreme Court this week. I hope they can hire some research assistants with the Buddy Roemer money or this is going to get sick #fireCenk.
You’re nitpicking. C’mon, ZOG wasn’t that important to the story, was it? Did it change the outcome of the “reporting/opinion”? And some people may enjoy 140 seconds of news and come to the best news show available because they saw it. It’s called marketing man. Lighten up a little. The whole point of the Supreme Court is to get everyone’s opinion. Opinion. Can you please talk about the 98% of positive things you learned/heard rather than focus on the 2%?
“Keep it real” ? get the NRA ad off your website
Do they even have control over which ads appear? I’ve never gotten an ad for the NRA. I think the ads are chosen based on your internet history. After watching videos by Atheist bloggers on Youtube, I get ads for an atheist dating site. After shopping for hoodies for my nephews last year, every site I went to with ads had the same hoodies advertised! It was a bit creepy.
I’m not sure if this is how their ads work; just speculating based on the ads I get.
I think they use Google AdSense, in which case they don’t have any control.
Here I am, only a few hours removed from being kicked out of a NMH concert. I am fairly incensed, because me and my two friends (all of us Mexicans) were accused of assaulting a group of six white people, who shoved their way through to the front of the audience (general admissions area ) only minutes before the headlining band (Neutral Milk Hotel) arrived.
Mind you, my friends and I had been there for the opening band (at least an hour of standing there by that point) and didn’t particularly mind when people came and went near the front – sliding their way through (especially those who were there for a while and only coming back from a restroom break) – but when this group of 6 people came pushing and shoving their way through and making our party stumble forward, we got upset and squeezed our way back in front of them.
But then those 6 people that had shoved a lot of people out of their way, accused us of assault (it was a white lady and her husband screaming in my ear that we had shoved her and that they would get us kicked out- when we had simply plugged ourselves back in front of them, in the manner that they did to us) and then security personal came in. I raised my hand as they came towards us, I wanted to calmly explain what had happened. Then the security guards told me I had to leave with them, and I asked if they could also bring the accusing party, since I wasn’t guilty and didn’t think it fair that I be dragged out while they remained. But that didn’t happen and they began to ask for back-up – at this point we were fairly calm but the other party was screaming that we had shoved and assaulted them. At that point I realized what was happening, and so tried my best to remain calm and cool-headed, and walked out with the security personal thinking I could de-escalate the situation and explain what had happened.
And so I plead my case for 15 minutes. but the guards essentially shook their heads and told me that I could either head to the back of the room or be escorted out. Incensed and unwilling to admit that my party had assaulted their group and refusing to move to the back of the concert, me and my party were escorted out by 4 guards, and on the way out my friend kicked a trash can to the floor. Yes, that was probably uncalled for, (and me and my party immediately began picking up the trash, realizing our mistake and unfairness to the guards), but we were so damn fucking mad. Why were we presumed guilty? And why weren’t the group of 6 white people asked to join us to discuss the situation? Fuck that shit.
As a side not, the female friend of my group was not initially asked to leave when security came to take us out. But when she did eventually come out to see what was happening (at which point I was already outside of the building wondering what the fuck had just happened), she told us that the guards had profusely apologized to the group of white people and told them that they would provide them with any dropped beverages (to which the white lady had originally claimed we had made her spill on herself, but turns out, she didn’t actually have a drink, but a friend of hers did, to which the security guards asked which kind so that they could get her one immediately).
And so now I’m back home, mad as fuck, having written a 2 page letter complaint, wondering if it’ll have any impact to the theatre and wondering whether they’ll even respond. And wondering if I’ll even be able to get my money back. Wondering how I’m going to fall asleep being so worked up.
But then, to get my mind off of things, I log onto TYT, and the show somehow manages to put a smile on my face within the first 5 minutes. This is a great fucking power panel.
!@#@! Thank you TYT. It looks like I won’t be falling asleep totally pissed off tonight after-all.
So basically you had shitty day then you came back home with TYT waiting for your to make your night better?
haha, in a nutshell, yup.
But I was venting. I didn’t mean to write that much. And I even cut out a few paragraphs at the end, thinking I had made the message relatively short and to the point. But now as I re-read it, I realize I could have easily cut the length in half. Or just not post my story at all and just say what you said, but oh well.
Anywho, the two hour show was great. Great job TYT!
I’m glad you shared your story. I hope you get a response from the theatre. Not only did they treat you unfairly, they kissed the asses of the people responsible for the altercation. Maybe you should write a letter to the band whose performance you missed…?
Will the documentary be able to be viewed online somewhere, maybe free to members?
I seriously doubt it. The documentary is independent; it’s not a TYT production.
that would be great. I don’t even need it for free. I just would like to see it without going to a film festival. I have not money for that sort of thing.
In that tweeter’s defense, Cenk does have a really great pokerface while he was rattling off right-wing talking points. XD Even I was like, “Oh he’s just messing around. …… isn’t he?”
Thank you Dave Rubin for pointing it out, I was going insane watching, wondering when someone was gonna mention that in Eric Cantor’s quote he specifically says “we will not support any of your ideas” in the same quote where he tsks the president for not working with them.