TYT Apr 16, 2014 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by sobeyar20 Comments

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Cenk and Ben hosting.  Latest on the Cliven Bundy conflict with the federal government over his cattle grazing for free on public property.  Videos of Sean Hannity attempting to push Bundy into believing the government is going to raid him in the middle of the night and that he has to have a gun fight with them.  Surprisingly, Glenn Beck has been feverishly speaking out against the Bundy supporters getting violent.  After internet Conservatives slammed Beck for being “weak” he responded with more peaceful talk, telling them to unfriend him, and unsubscribe from his sites.  Ben talks about how much he likes Beck’s camera angles and set design. An obvious poll shows that states that have embraced ObamaCare’s core tenets like Medicaid expansion, have a significantly lower uninsured rate than states that have rejected it.  Some Republicans are now asking GOP leadership like Eric Cantor and John Boehner when they will finally get an alternative plan to replace ObamaCare with, but they’ve received no answer.  Michael Bloomberg has initiated a plan to put $50 million toward challenging the NRA and their pushy policies.  He also spoke about how he’s so sure that he’s going to Heaven that he won’t even stop for an interview at the gates. An ancient papyrus that was written about Jesus had him talking about “his wife” and a female disciple, has been analyzed and determined to be authentic.  Christians are disputing this conclusion as it rejects their beliefs that Jesus wasn’t married and that there were no female leaders of the church.  A hair salon in London put up an ad that pictured Kim Jong Un that read, “Bad Hair Day?”  The next day, a couple of representatives of N. Korea came by from the nearby embassy and told the salon’s owner to take the picture down.


  1. Come-come-come-com-on as Cenk would also say—who didn’t fall in love with Cenk’s pronounciation:
    pap-a-rus. One main reason I love tyt is Cenk’s passion, and I wouldn’t watch if he were boring and plastic and perfect!

  2. I watch every TYT 2 hour daily show from the archive the next morning… The absolute best shows are when Ben is there!…

  3. I got no love for this Bundy Clown, but it sure would be nice to see Harry Reid talking so tough about not letting law breaking going unpunished when it comes to the bankers or the Bush Administration`s ordering of torture etc. This is the problem when there are two sets of laws for two different sets of people (the powerful and well-connected vs. the rest of us), it breeds disrespect for the law and authority. When the legal system is rigged like this, the natural reaction of the powerless is to respond in the only way they think they can. (guns and violence). My main point is that a system this fucked up can not be sustained for long and will inevitably collapse and i fear it will not be a peaceful breakdown.

    1. Yeah, I had to facepalm so hard at this. -.- This is one of those occasions where Cenk being so cocksure backfires terribly on him, because he lacks any classical education.

    2. With Cenk’s ignorance on the dinosaur part I could not stop thinking of Venture Bros

      #21: You can silence me but there will be others. Semper Fidelis Tyrannosaurus!
      Dr. Killinger: It’s Sic Semper Tyrannis. You said, “Ever faithful terrible lizard.”
      #21: I did? Cool

  4. The right created their monstrous base, where everyone left of Genghis Khan is a tree-hugging liberal, and now even the most crazed right-wingers are called traitors for not being right-wing ENOUGH. Be more funny if it wasn’t scary.

    1. Gonna add that I don’t applaud Beck for being “reasonable.” Yes, it’s true he’s always stayed 1 foot away from calling for violence, but his entire schtick is getting the craziest of people, AKA his target demographic, to believe that everything is a conspiracy, nothing can be trusted, and the world is run by Jews, or the Illuminati or something. How do you THINK the type of people who listen to that are going to react?

      You’re not allowed to dial it back now and tell people to vote and call their congressmen. “You mean, the congressman that was put in place by GEORGE SOROS?” Up yours, Beck. You saw the light years too late, after the rise of right-wing violence by people with YOUR book in the glove compartment.

      1. Beck knows where the real money is and now that this shtick has panned out, he’s moving on. He will now become a televangelist.

      2. I think this is simply a matter of a huckster getting officially spooked by the angry mob he’s cobbled together. It was all fun and games until he saw the real life consequences of his words and he knows where this is going better than most because he’s spent a lot of time with the crazies.

        1. Of course, another thing that just occurred to me is that if extremist violence is about to break out, it would be mighty convenient for beck to distance himself from it now so he can claim no guilt after the fact. He spent years riling these people up, and now that they’re ready to start shooting people, he can walk away and pretend that he had nothing to do with it, after all, all of those violent crazies even unfriended him and unsubscribed!

  5. Cenk thinks Latin is “made up words” and/or dinosaurs? Don’t Latin phrases come up in, oh I don’t know, STUDYING FUCKING LAW?

    I love Cenk but sometimes he says really, really stupid things.

  6. I know commenting on Hanity’s FOX propaganda and its continuous verbal vomit on that show is good filler, I just get tired of even listening to ANYTHING that spouts out on FOX or right wing radio. Its just what we(normal people)have come to expect form them, in fact if they ever actually had any significant points or arguments backed with some rational facts, that would be NEWS! Is it any wonder FOX viewership is slipping and its audience is slowly dying off?

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