Cenk hosting today. Another tragic shooting at Fort Hood by an Iraq War veteran possibly suffering from PTSD with easy access to guns. Video: Rep Michael Mccaul goes on Fox News with his solution for the shooting. Update on yesterday’s Supreme Court Mcutcheon v FEC ruling on the elimination of limits on federal campaign spending with video of Reince Priebus of the RNC claiming “victory”. Video: President Obama announced that the Affordable Care Act has met its goal of over 7 million sign ups. Videos of Rep John Barrasso of WY, Bill O Reilly and Charles Krauthammer claiming that the Obamacare numbers are phony. Rush Limbaugh claims that the Obamacare sign ups happened because of “fear” of noncompliance. Video: Senator Harry Reid gives Mitch Mcconnell the smackdown for the lack of sign ups with the Affordable Care Act from the state of Kentucky. Video: Greg Gutfeld goes on Fox asserting that Zac Galafinakas and Bradley Cooper are “tools” for having Obama on “Between Two Ferns”. Hobby Lobby’s investments are called into question. Their 401 (k) and mutual fund are invested in various programs that help, protect, and give access to reproductive healthcare for women. Twitter Storm with Kim Horcher.