Cenk & Ana hosting today. A new asian themed club in Las Vegas called Tao opens. The club has bilboards advertising the opening with a half-naked model with Asian characters tattooed on her back along with the slogan, “Always a happy ending”. Is it sexy or racist? Sex assistance workers help people who are disabled in Spain and other European countries. A report from UCLA says that New York’s educational system is the most segregated in the nation. The Los Angeles Police Department defends its new license plate collection program, which utilizes new camera technology, against the ACLU. Timberlake Christian School in Virginia is criticizing a little girl for not being feminine enough. Japan releases its longest serving death row inmate who was held for 48 years.
Hour 2 source articles
“We’ve been viewed as sexless little angels, but that is not the case”
“Happy Ending” Billboard Near LAX Offends Some Asian Americans
School Tells 8-Year-Old Student She’s Not Girly Enough
Retrial for Japanese man said to be world’s longest-serving death row inmate
Is Armenia in Central Asia? If it is, then Anna is Asian
Anna’s dislike for Larry King cannot be hidden. And she hates the fact that Cenk idolizes him.
Regarding that first story, it’s totally racist. If they were talking about a party on a college campus (which they cover pretty regularly), I think they would have recognized it as such. Why is it less offensive when it’s a business establishment? If anything it’s *more* offensive.
On the licence plate issue – come on guys, no abuse there. Your licence plate is *not private information*. It’s there for security reasons, and there should be no limits to cops being able to monitor them. They’re not collecting confidential information of any kind, they’re not “peeping over your shoulder at all times”, and they can’t tell “who you saw”. You’re being paranoid.
“How many murder cases did they solve using that program?” That’s a dumb question. There are crimes other than murder, how about hit-and-runs? Please, give up on the freedom fetish, and pick your battles.
I think the problem is that it is only being used for expired registrations, since tickets for that is a revenue stream for the city and not used at all for for crime prevention or crime solving.
Constant indiscrimnate surveillance is an issue especially when law enforcement selective uses it not to the benefit of the public at-large. It isn’t that “I have something to hide” mentality, but why is that our government with our tax dollars acting as if those same people are guilty. The government shouldn’t be creating fear in the public; the public should be the ones creating fear in public officials and law enforcement if not protecting and serving the public to their liking.
I used to work for a Global East Asian consumer electronic manufacturer, where there was an internal risk avoidance work group. The name of the workgroup was being debated, with the head-Asian-in-charge repeatedly uttering “Happy Endings Room” among legnthy non-English conversations. The more Americanized Asians always diverted his attention away from that specific title. The work group ended up being named “Risk Sensing & Solutions Center” regardless of the executive’s preference to name it in a very unfortunate “Happy Endings Room.”
This is hilarious