ANA, does this mean that the later story you tell (I think on the PG) about this incident, which was told by you saying you DID give/send her boss that email, does that mean you pulled a Brian Williams? ;)
Ana talks a big game, but if Fernando Torres came to her door and went “Hey bitch, get in line”, she’d be “Well… OK!”
Unfortunately he’s by all accounts a genuinely nice guy. And married with two kids (to a childhood sweetheart, of all people). It’s like he’s not a professional athlete at all!
Ana all you can do is talk to your cousin about not dating him and why. Try to get her to see it from another point of view. Ignore the ex girlfriend. Just make sure that your cousin understands the mental problems she can cause herself and things like that. You can’t really stop people from being in abusive relationships you can just be for them after it goes to hell because they will just go behind your back if you try to forbid it.
Ana should watch John Green’s game time of FIFA. John Green set up his team so there are two gay guys Bald John Green and Other John Green. Then you have some other awesome players in the Wimbly Womberlys. I don’t allow cheating but I also know some crazy bitches that want the ex back and say horrible things as if he was cheating when he isn’t. My friends brother died because of some crazy bitch that he broke up with. She ran him over with a car.
Cheating is a fuck no. There are other things that are 3 strikes. Cheating isn’t one of them.
You’re setting your relationship up for failure by saying one fuck up, done. It depends on the expectations but so many people put these INSANE expectations on relationships that they are doomed to fail. The whole “you can only have sex with me for the rest of your life” when getting married is so fucking retarded, I can’t stand it. Get over sex- it’s just fucking sex. You want someone you can trust, someone to come home to, someone you can share experiences with and problems and life with- sex is one tiny little act that means nothing- and people throw away relationships because of the other person having sex with someone else. Give me a fucking break. And btw, I am a girl.
Good advice from Life Coach Cenk to Ana’s cousin (who probably wasn’t listening). Totally agree with him. Something is either a dealbreaker for you in a relationship or it isn’t. Stay or go but don’t expect change.
I first noticed Ana seems to not be engaged, is responding but looking at her hands seemingly uninterested… wait.. is that her phone!?!? OK – the post game point is being la – we are hanging out – but that is also why I feel I can tease her about it :D And as a female that has loved soccer since 4 years old – Um YEAH! Pleasantly surprised that the US has started to pay attention!
The way Ana is about her cousin reminds me of how I am about my sister (I don’t have any close cousins). If anyone tries to fuck with her, I’ll be there in a second, even if she and I are at odds at that moment. Even my brother to an extent.
Damn, I was gonna say I have so much respect for Anna finding out that she is big soccer fan. But yeah, I guess it makes sense, why women are into sports, especially soccer.
I don’t get this super protective of family shtick that some cultures have. My perspective is that they are grown-ass adults that can take care of themselves and if they continue to put themselves in a toxic situation with both eyes open, then it’s on them. Why would I draw battle lines for a person who is being idiotic?
As for the one fuckup rule, I think it is generally good if it is applied correctly. Especially with something like respect because the respect that one thinks they deserve is a very introspective and cannot be known a priori by another person. For what it’s worth (which is nothing), I would go with a one warning rule for the less obvious disrespectful actions that tend to vary from person to person. It seems like that is better for communication, which is never bad when it comes to inter-personal relationships.
I had the second chance rule myself… but it only ends up with shame on me. The old fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. So now I’m with you Ana. Zero tolerance… that is how I approach relationships.
And … sorry to be THAT guy, but Torres plays for Chelsea. So you may have been watching him there.
And … Damn you Ricky! Getting paid to watch soccer. That is a dream job.
ANA, does this mean that the later story you tell (I think on the PG) about this incident, which was told by you saying you DID give/send her boss that email, does that mean you pulled a Brian Williams? ;)
Ana talks a big game, but if Fernando Torres came to her door and went “Hey bitch, get in line”, she’d be “Well… OK!”
Unfortunately he’s by all accounts a genuinely nice guy. And married with two kids (to a childhood sweetheart, of all people). It’s like he’s not a professional athlete at all!
Cenk it is your heart there is a brain in your heart. That is what it is that she is listening to.
Ana all you can do is talk to your cousin about not dating him and why. Try to get her to see it from another point of view. Ignore the ex girlfriend. Just make sure that your cousin understands the mental problems she can cause herself and things like that. You can’t really stop people from being in abusive relationships you can just be for them after it goes to hell because they will just go behind your back if you try to forbid it.
Ana should watch John Green’s game time of FIFA. John Green set up his team so there are two gay guys Bald John Green and Other John Green. Then you have some other awesome players in the Wimbly Womberlys. I don’t allow cheating but I also know some crazy bitches that want the ex back and say horrible things as if he was cheating when he isn’t. My friends brother died because of some crazy bitch that he broke up with. She ran him over with a car.
Cheating is a fuck no. There are other things that are 3 strikes. Cheating isn’t one of them.
You’re setting your relationship up for failure by saying one fuck up, done. It depends on the expectations but so many people put these INSANE expectations on relationships that they are doomed to fail. The whole “you can only have sex with me for the rest of your life” when getting married is so fucking retarded, I can’t stand it. Get over sex- it’s just fucking sex. You want someone you can trust, someone to come home to, someone you can share experiences with and problems and life with- sex is one tiny little act that means nothing- and people throw away relationships because of the other person having sex with someone else. Give me a fucking break. And btw, I am a girl.
Good advice from Life Coach Cenk to Ana’s cousin (who probably wasn’t listening). Totally agree with him. Something is either a dealbreaker for you in a relationship or it isn’t. Stay or go but don’t expect change.
I first noticed Ana seems to not be engaged, is responding but looking at her hands seemingly uninterested… wait.. is that her phone!?!? OK – the post game point is being la – we are hanging out – but that is also why I feel I can tease her about it :D And as a female that has loved soccer since 4 years old – Um YEAH! Pleasantly surprised that the US has started to pay attention!
The end of this post game was missing an AK gun burst. just sayin
The way Ana is about her cousin reminds me of how I am about my sister (I don’t have any close cousins). If anyone tries to fuck with her, I’ll be there in a second, even if she and I are at odds at that moment. Even my brother to an extent.
Damn, I was gonna say I have so much respect for Anna finding out that she is big soccer fan. But yeah, I guess it makes sense, why women are into sports, especially soccer.
Btw, KaKa is one of the better players. xD
Kaka is not his last name – it’s just a nickname.
Almost all of the best Brazilian players are known by either their first names or their nicknames.
I don’t get this super protective of family shtick that some cultures have. My perspective is that they are grown-ass adults that can take care of themselves and if they continue to put themselves in a toxic situation with both eyes open, then it’s on them. Why would I draw battle lines for a person who is being idiotic?
As for the one fuckup rule, I think it is generally good if it is applied correctly. Especially with something like respect because the respect that one thinks they deserve is a very introspective and cannot be known a priori by another person. For what it’s worth (which is nothing), I would go with a one warning rule for the less obvious disrespectful actions that tend to vary from person to person. It seems like that is better for communication, which is never bad when it comes to inter-personal relationships.
I had the second chance rule myself… but it only ends up with shame on me. The old fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. So now I’m with you Ana. Zero tolerance… that is how I approach relationships.
And … sorry to be THAT guy, but Torres plays for Chelsea. So you may have been watching him there.
And … Damn you Ricky! Getting paid to watch soccer. That is a dream job.