Cenk, Ben, John Iadarola, and Eboni hosting. WSJ Kimberley Strassel wrote a piece defending the Koch Brothers’ funding of campaigns by comparing it to all the unions in the countries. The problem is that she omitted the dark money & undisclosed donations behind Super PACs. When this is taken into account, the Kochs funded more than 2x the top 10 unions, combined. More from CPAC. The Minority Outreach Panel was greeted by a nearly empty room that was later packed when Wayne LaPierre took the stage for the gun rights panel. Video of a Black Republican on the panel calling out the assertion that goodies are the only way politicians can appeal to minorities. Yesterday, Paul Ryan told a story of a kid that got a free lunch, and didn’t feel he wasn’t loved. Video of Cenk’s reaction to the story on yesterday’s show, where he predicted that the story was bullshit. Today, it has been exposed that the story was in fact, made up. Conservative Radio host Michael Medved was a part of a panel at CPAC, and claimed that there isn’t one state that has prohibited gay marriage. In reality, 30 states have banned gay marriage. TYT wonders where his brain was on this assertion. Video of Oliver North complaining at CPAC about Obama’s weakness on foreign policy and “lab rat” experiments on our Army by allowing gay soldiers. Gun lobbyist Larry Pratt spoke on Conservative radio about why the media and politicians are against radical 2nd Amendment rights. He claimed that they want to assert their perceived rule over everyone else and guns keep them worried that they may get shot if they try it. The new movie Noah, starring Russell Crowe, is already catching hell from Christians that have forced Paramount to edit it down and list disclaimers that it isn’t true history that the Bible depicts.
i love Ebone and her point of views, but she talks fast !
did you notice Eboni’s body language move away from Ben when he told the incest joke? LOL!
TYT got some facts wrong about the origin of Paul Ryan’s story. Here’s more: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/fact-checker/wp/2014/03/06/a-story-too-good-to-check-paul-ryan-and-the-story-of-the-brown-paper-bag/?hpid=z3
Hour 1 source articles
Russell Crowe film ‘Noah’ edited to appease Christians upset by ‘historical inaccuracies’
Live from CPAC: The Most Important Panel Everyone Missed
Gun lobbyist: ‘Healthy fear’ of getting shot keeps lawmakers and Piers Morgan in line
Report: Paul Ryan’s ‘brown bag’ CPAC story stolen from a book about a homeless child
In Sweden we all get free lunch up until we’re ~19, and it’s awesome! :D
I can’t believe that I am actually defending unions! I am just done with that knee jerk anti-union “I am fair-minded”/”look I now have credibility because I am bashing unions too” crap. And how surprising that it comes from an attorney. The union bashing is the same process as using the “welfare queen” label to characterize black inner-city poor women. Slick republicans found a ugly exception and pushed the idea “they are all like that”. Same thing happened with the unions. The VAST MAJORITY of union activity is undertaken by very dedicated and hardworking people with the best intentions. And how ironic that an attorney criticises anyone else for lobbying! FYI Unions actually support Wolf-PAC because they have enough trouble lobbying for their own members’ interests against the big cooperations. They don’t want to be in the position of trying to level the playing field in national elections!!
Let Johnny talk sometimes! jeeeze
I think you’re being too kind to Republicans who didn’t bother to show up to the minority outreach conference. It’s not only that they’re not interested, they likely didn’t want to be seen there, because they would consider that embarrassing or a give them a penalty with their voters.
Ben… looking especially yummy today! Cenk… come on, give Ben a run for his money and show off your new lean look! You don’t HAVE to wear a jacket – you’re the BOSS!
Everybody keep up the great work – I don’t know what I’d do without your familiar voices on my commute!
AK-47 Front Assault!!=BAD ASS!
Frontal assault ftw!
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