TYT Mar 6, 2014 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by sobeyar20 Comments

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Cenk hosting. Latest on the conflict in Ukraine. Crimea voted to join Russia on controlling the conflict and deciding the future in the Ukraine. Putin’s stance is noted of the conflict with no intention of annexing Ukraine with Russia. The West is looking further with sanctions and other financial situations.  The UN sends a special envoy in Crimea. Protesters heckled envoy and surrounded them with gunmen.  Mitch McConnell hangs out at CPAC with Tom Coburn. Tom brings a “visual aid” to CPAC. Mitch get some uncomfortable appliance and jokes about “Denny’s”. Paul Ryan also hangs at CPAC and says “Dems have no ideas” Video of Paul Ryan talking about a young boy who doesn’t  want a “free lunch” from government lunch programs. Video: Harry Reid goes on the warpath against the Koch Brothers. Harry points out how the Republican addicted to Koch. Video:Steve Doocy saying Harry Reid is “unamerican” on slamming  the Koch Brothers.Palin tweets on Harry Reid.Video: Joe Scarborough chimes in. Fox News and Joe loves the Koch. Wolf Pac Update: Maryland Bill: HJ 7 calls for convention of getting the money out of politics. Video: Wolf Pac representative shows up at testimony in Maryland. Gov.Tom Corbett (R) of PN  love giving tax breaks for frakking, but made a shocking move on protecting food stamps. Video:Abby Martin of RT talks with Piers Morgan on how RT “tows the line” on the conflict in the Ukraine and Piers is shocked how Abby calls him out on “towing the line” with CNN. Twitter Storm with Malcolm Fleschner. Questions on Jersey Mike’s,Phil Griffin & House of Cards.


  1. The segment of Mitch “Crickets” McConnell at CPAC was comedy. If Mitch was really talking to the “little people”, most likely they work at Dennys. Or are customers at the diner chain.

    Doesn’t he know it’s only safe to tell the “crap on the working people” jokes at $10,000 a plate dinners? Is he a rookie or something?

    Know your audience.

    1. That was another thing that Cenk was clueless about. Mitch McConnell, the senator from Kentucky, was presenting a Kentucky Rifle to Tom Coburn. Cenk was not even aware of that.

  2. I’m really appalled that Cenk is following the rest of the corporate controlled media concerning the crisis in Ukraine. Cenk is giving his opinion couched in a scathing voice saying, “Everyone knows that such and such.” I’ve seen that movie before and it was in 2003. Whenever I hear “everyone knows” my ears prick up and then my head explodes. I don’t want to hear what “some people say” which is, of course, Fox News-peak for we’re about to tell you a lie with no foundation in verifiable truth.
    I expect more of Cenk and he has a staff now to help feed him research material. I am torn on this because when it comes to mysterious turmoil erupting in a country where the Unites States Empire has “national interests” then I am skeptical and must always blame America first.
    I am almost totally with Putin right now but I can be swayed with facts. Cenk and The Young Turks are not providing me with any objective facts and, aside from the entertainment value, I thought that was what I was paying for.
    First of all, in today’s show Cenk is reporting the story like Russian Troops entering the Crimean peninsula was the trigger that started the crisis. That is not true and I don’t understand why Cenk reports it that way because he must know better. The crisis started with the overthrow of the democratically elected government in Kiev, not in the Crimea. As far as I understand, no Russian troops have entered the western part of Ukraine and the Crimea (Cenk as far as I can tell has not said this once) is an autonomous region in Ukraine. That is pretty significant. Has he said a word about the Crimean Tatars who were Nazi-sympathizers during WWII, deported by Stalin, and then recently returned comprising about 10-20% of the population of Crimea? That is significant as he pooh-poohs Putin’s insistence that there are Fascists active in Ukraine and threatening the ethnic Russian population. They are bitter enemies.
    TYT has partnered in the past with RT, but Cenk seems to be unwilling to go to RT (speculation on my part) to gather opposing or additional information. Here is the history of the region as reported by RT:
    Now here is the US State Department’s list of what they consider Putin’s fiction regarding the crisis:
    Everyone, including Cenk and others at The Young Turks need to read and report on these items in order to provide a professional, and fact-based reportage on this important story.
    This also peaked my curiosity. The US news outlets reported (BTW, the reporters were Eastern European refugees with understandable biases) that Putin’s news conference was, almost literally, the rantings of a madman. That was utter bullshit and was one of the reasons that confirmed my belief there was more to what Putin was saying about US and EU interference in Ukraine:
    Read the transcript or watch it yourself:
    I am of the opinion that the tenor and content of this news conference has been purposely distorted by the US and UK press.
    In any case, I want Cent to address the facts and not just give his opinion on this one. This could be an issue of war and peace and I live about 3000 miles closer to Ukraine than Cenk and on the same continent.

  3. Hour 1 source articles
    RT’s Abby Martin Goes Off on ‘Corporate Media’ Propaganda During Piers Morgan Interview

    Harry Reid: ‘Republicans Are Addicted to Koch’

    How to win over conservatives: Mitch McConnell’s desperate gun gambit

    Crimea To Vote To Split From Ukraine, Join Russia

    1. AARON~
      Thanks you so much for the source links.
      Please, please, please continue to include them. I often want to forward articles to
      potential members. This makes it easy…and when it’s easy, I’m likely to do it~!

  4. Hm, some fair points on how indeed there could be some evul manipultion from the west too.

    But hell, I am biased and if it means less parts of the world becomes less like Russia, then I am all for it. But I have not seen evidence of western manipultion besides the obvious moves, which both sides have partaken in and Russia has done more then the west so I feel more comfortable supporting the west from that alone.

    Then added I agree with the west more, then yea. =P

  5. Anyone else get the feeling Cenk doesn’t understand at all what he’s talking about with Ukraine? The west backs a coup, and Russia resists and we try to sanction them? That’s some balls on the west.

    1. What if the people in Crimea actually do want to be a part of Russia? At least some do.. Russia didn’t invade. The troops have been in Crimean since the 90’s.

    2. All true, see my post on the subject above. Cenk is Cenk, but he’s a Turk and an immigrant. His family is from a country with a traditional rivalry with Soviet Union/Russia and he goes out of his way to be a super-patriot when the situation allows. I’m not surprised he is occasionally bias due to his own preconceptions – he’s a Conservative after all. Not a Conservative as in today’s nutbags, but the type of Conservative that was common when he was a Republican and the party veered way to the right.

      Look the whole crew is based in California and I have my own biases. Unlike what Ana says, California is NOT Liberal, not by a long shot. Doesn’t anyone remember Prop 187?

      I was born in Maine, but I have visited and have worked in California. When I’ve been there (months at a time) I really learned the difference between Easterners and Westerners. Cenk may be from New Jersey, but he’s from Kalee-fornia now. There are some wonderful people (San Francisco) and there are some very bigoted people (San Diego) and they really hate Mexican Americans. I was working in Mexico City when this was passed and everyone I knew there was freaked over this horrendous measure. As the American in the room, I was the target of inquiries.
      Doesn’t matter to me, I’ve been a fan for many years and I accept the good with the bad and appreciate the entertainment.

  6. Drawing a moral equivalency between America’s devastation of Iraq and Russia’s nearly bloodless pseudo-invasion of Crimea is reprehensible. Even more reprehensible than Cenk’s support for US military action in Libya and Syria. I might have to cancel my subscription before the regime change operation in Venezuela gets fully underway. It’s too painful to see this unthinking, jingoistic nonsense coming from Cenk.

    1. I understand the outrage over russia throwing it’s weight around, but what I don’t get is the hypocrisy of criticizing russia when it seems quite likely that this is a neo-nazi takeover of the country facilitated and funded by the west in order to bring ukraine under the control of the WTO and world bank and crush the people under extreme austerity and neo-liberalism. In other words, in principle I agree that russia should not invade crimea but we have no room to talk because we started this whole thing when we helped a bunch of neo-nazis overthrow a completely corrupt but nevertheless democratically elected leader so we could rob the ukraine blind.

      1. I don’t get the criticism. Cenk’s not in favor of the invasion of Iraq, he’s not in favor of coups and bombings, and he’s not in favor of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. What’s the problem, again? It’s a strawman to bring up that if he’s not in favor of the Russian invasion, he’s a jingoistic American hypocrite. This is the same as the conservatives that think that anti-war Americans are terrorist-sympathizers or some BS. And, AGAIN, this is not hypocrisy. He’s also against American aggression, and has pointed out American politician hypocrisy on this.

        Also, I should digress and say that this is ridiculous anyways. Cenk’s coverage of this story is of the least opinionated I’ve seen on this show.

    2. I was wondering whether I was the only one thinking that. I tend to agree with Cenk’s analysis on most issues but his handling of this story is ridiculous. Putin is simply a power-hungry cartoon villain and there is no more complexity than that? No attempted explanation why the EU and especially the United States are so invested in Ukraine. Why the instant power play of economic sanctions, 1 billion promised in aid and scrambling 12 fighter jets and 300 US troops to Poland? US is just a “good cop” and Putin is just a bad guy? Deep. Excellent analysis.

      Also, in US versus Russia intentional conduct, US has zero credibility left enforcing international law.
      Is it Russia that’s killing civilians with drones in Pakistan right now?
      Is it Russia that threatened to bomb Syria last September?
      Is it Russia that bombed Libya in 2011?
      Is it Russia that invaded Iraq in 2003?
      Is it Russia that bombed Yugoslavia in 1999? etc.

      Evidently, only America is allowed to accumulate land and “protect” Americans and their geopolitical interests beyond its borders.” If anyone else does it, it “sets a bad precedent and must not be allowed” and they’re automatically compared to Hitler. I recall the US charging into Grenada, in brazen violation of international law and in spite of Soviet protestations, under the pretext of defending American citizens — just coincidentally, they overthrew the anti-American government there along the way.
      Another precedent was when they decided the Albanians living in the Serb province of Kosovo had the right to be protected from the sovereign nation of Serbia. The establishment of the nation of Kosovo violated Serbian law but the United States, and the West, not only support this, their military intervention made it possible. So far, Russia has not even fired a shot, let alone dropped a bomb.

      Could you POSSIBLY see things from a different perspective.

  7. On the Paul Ryan bit. He said that the “kid” didn’t want a free lunch because he wanted a real lunch because that meant somebody cared about them. First off that implies that poor people dont care about there children. Secondly doesn’t the government give you a lunch because they care if you go hungry or not? Republicans would take that lunch away from you or put you to work so you couldnt get a free lunch because they dont CARE about you. His own fictional story doesnt support his arguement

    1. The second it gets into “if x, than y”, you’ve usually disassembled a great deal of conservative arguments. Like the Arizona conservatives that had no fricken idea that their idea was vague enough to apply to more than just gay people.

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