
  1. i just wanted to comment on the whole military discussion, I am currently in the Air Force and like John kinda touched on about the whole job security aspect and as to why people join, my reasoning wasn’t too far off from most, i got out of high school and because of some other circumstances college wasn’t looking like a feasible option for me at the time so i joined A, for something to do with my life, B for the money, C job security and lastly D a little bit of the of the “to serve my country”. For the first couple of years i was in i had no problem with the military, i was loving what i was doing, felt like i was doing something meaningful and serving my country and all that but as time went on and i became more aware of what was going on in the world and all of the politics behind the decisions that were affecting my life, i couldn’t buy into that ideology anymore, and like you guys said you have to have that faith and i lost it. it’s not just me either, when i talk to people i work and live with they have too, its getting harder to just accept what we are told when you see whats really going on. I’m stationed overseas right now and work as a technician on fighter aircraft, the amount of money that i see being wasted every day in our flying is just absurd, it costs about 10 thousand dollars in fuel alone for one jet to do an hour and a half training sortie, we typically fly around twenty to thirty sorties a day, five days a week! And that’s just the cost of fuel, not including parts and everything else that goes into putting these jets in the air. it just has really gotten to me lately and kinda makes me wish i hadn’t joined. i will say however I’ve made plenty of lifetime friends, met great people, learned a lot of great life lessons from it all so i do appreciate that. I am going to finish out my enlistment and not try to get out early because i did sign on the dotted line and i want to honor that commitment. I just am really looking forward to the day when i can finally go to school and hopefully be a part of something i am proud of again. sorry for the long rant i just had to get this out there.

  2. I reckon Laci Green would be great on the show when it comes to sex talks. And other YouTubers who live in LA like Hannah Hart are probably reachable.

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