January 6, 2014 Post Game

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January 6, 2014 Post Game

Talk about Cenk’s first New Year’s Resolution.  He never did them before because he doesn’t believe in them.  To break his rule, he’s resolved to lose weight and get healthier.  Cenk’s starting weight is 245 at the beginning of this year.  Ana’s resolution is to go to salsa dance classes this year and meet some latin men.

Look for TYT Announcements from Ambassador Jeni here: http://bit.ly/TYTForum

The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET.

Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary)

The Young Turks (Winner – Best Political Podcast & Best Political News Site of 2009) were the first original talk show on Sirius satellite radio and the first live, daily webcast on the internet. But that is not the revolution.

We are a rare show that combines all of the news that people care about in one place. We are not afraid to talk about politics and entertainment and sports and pop culture. But that is not the revolution either.

The real revolution is in daring to be honest with people. We don’t patronize our viewers or lie to them. We have real conversations and deliver the news honestly.


  1. One of the easiest things Cenk could do is to stop drinking soda and switch to carbonated water. I used to have a Coke a day and then bought a Soda Stream and now drink carbonated water with a little lemon or lime juice. There are so many calories in soda if you drop it will make a huge difference. I still have a Coke every once in awhile and it now no longer tastes that good to me.

  2. Cenk, I had knee problems for the longest time. When I went on my birthright trip to Israel my knees got fixed just from the walking. Don’t go through knee surgery or anything stupid until you walk a lot. I loved this postgame. I need to go on antidepressants and that’s my new years resolution. I said I wasn’t going to make one other then to not punch Shay from shaytards in the face. I decided I need to be on antidepressants so I am going to make that my new years resolution since I will do that anyways.

    1. Careful with those AD’s. I avoided taking them for years and then finally gave in. Doing so was literally in the top 3 worst mistakes I’ve ever made in my life. And then, getting off them was the darkest 6 months of my life. Do your due dilligence in researching the lasting (sometimes permanent) side effects. Get ready to play the AD game where you switch meds every few months/years as each one only has a limited period of efficacy after you develop tolerance. Get ready to not be able to function again without them unless you have the stomach for several months to several years of pure hell. Get ready for insomnia, weight gain, a limp dick, raging daily diarrhea, and a laundry list of other fun times :D

      1. What you say is sad but true…. Not to scare Kazooga away from them if they’re really needed, but definitely pure hell. And I was on a wonderful cocktail of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds… Which to put it in blunt simple terms is basically uppers and downers at the same time….. Something like 14 pills a day at one point. They did help to a point, but then I just plateaued and they were doing more harm than good at that point so I said enough. Gaining 30lbs in a month, and sleeping 16-18 hours a day! Not worth it! They’re supposed to improve my life, not make it impossible to have one. And then, I wish I had been warned ahead of time that weaning off one of the anti-anxiety meds was similar to trying to wean yourself off heroin or other opiates as far as the physical addiction and withdrawal symptoms goes… I never would have started taking it had I known how bad it was going to be, and I weaned off Slowly! Over 3 months…. Felt ill for those 3 months, and another 3 after it…. Brutal.
        Will never go back on any meds again, unless it’s not by my own choice.

  3. Cenk no need to visit all those doctors go see a good nutritionst.Good health begins in the gut ie good bacteria. The basic truth is eating natural uncooked foods as much as possible is the only way.

    1. The doctor usually gives recommendations for dietitians and stuff if it’s needed or wanted. I think once he starts to run his knees will be fixed that’s what happened with mine. Even bike riding helps the knees.

    2. LMAO, seriously?

      Having the correct proportion of various kinds of microorganisms in your digestive tract is one of a countless number of things required to be healthy. It is not the foundation or basis of all good health. Hippy.

    3. You sir (indynews), need to go do some research. What you are saying about uncooked foods is simply false in many cases. In fact, some foods have additional benefits when they are cooked that you can’t get when left uncooked. Eating a truly healthy diet is a complex endeavor, and by only eating what you suggest, you will be losing out on highly beneficial nutrients. You are making the same mistake many dieters do when trying something. If it is found that reducing intake of carbs is beneficial, then getting rid of them completely is the best… right? No. People that used to live for an average of 30 years used to eat all sorts of uncooked foods and they seemed healthy for their entire life, so that must be the way to go… right? NO. People with Celiac disease can’t eat gluten, and many people have gluten-intolerance issues, so we should all cut out gluten from our diet… right? NOOOOOO.

      Don’t commit the same mistakes that others do that lead to disease and shorter life span. I am not endorsing going out and eating every processed food you can find, but use some common sense and for christs sake use MODERATION. Eating a well balanced diet will do far more for your overall health, and act far more quickly than what you are suggesting, Indy. If you balance your diet, and eat probiotics like yogurt, your digestive bacteria levels will be just fine. Eating “natural uncooked foods” simply increases your risk of disease.

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