TYT 12.17.13 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by omegacat0 Comments

Cenk hosting today. Infighting within the GOP/Tea Party is discussed. 7 of 12 senate republicans have primary fights, whereas 0 of 16 democrats do. Politics has been pushed to the right because of the GOPs shenanigans including the government shutdown. War on Christmas is discussed, with Bill O’Reilly talking about Megyn Kelly’s white Santa remarks. A lady ringing the bell for the salvation army got punched because she said “happy holidays” instead of “merry christmas”. A high school in Florida that was named after the creator of the KKK finally changed it’s name after 54 years. The school was 60% african american, but surprisingly the majority of faculty and alumni opposed the name change. However, 64% of the students wanted to change the name of the school.

MediaMatters may have won the war on Fox News. Why? Glenn Beck was driven off the network and Ailes has stated that they need to move in a new direction. In addition, there is near universal recognition now that Fox is a biased news source. An anti-immigrant, jingoistic propaganda cartoon from Bioshock Infinite was was adopted as the poster for a conservative right-wing tea party organization. Iraq still faces record levels of destruction as the war between Sunnis and Shi’ites rages on. Just in 2013, 7900-8700 have been killed. Putin gets more aggressive in consolidating power in Russia. He absolved a state run news agency, and created a newly merged media group (called Russia Today) that is being run by an ultra-conservative news anchor.

The Pope had a birthday breakfast with the homeless, and talked to his personal staff one by one. He is also quietly reshaping the structure of the Vatican. Specifically, he is removing conservative cardinals. Jeffrey Toobin has to deal with judges ruling that NSA data collection as leaked by Snowden was unconstitutional. Glenn Greenwald tears him up on Anderson Cooper.

Look for TYT Announcements from Ambassador Jeni here: http://bit.ly/TYTForum


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