TYT 12.09.13 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by omegacat0 Comments

Cenk hosting.  The Conservative reaction to some Republicans’ positive statements about Nelson Mandela’s death has been filled with anger.  GOPers like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Newt Gingrich caught hell from their followers.  Videos of Newt Gingrich defending his positive words for Mandela.  A Sheriff in South Carolina refused to lower the flags to half staff for Mandela since he wasn’t “AN AMERICAN!”  FoxNews.com posted an extremely ironic piece that went after the Pope for his concern for the poor.  A War on Christmas ad depicts a little girl screeching at the end.  Its so ridiculous, it makes some wonder if its a parody ad.

Latest Snowden revelations show that the NSA infiltrated the World of Warcraft, Second Life, and XBox Live to discover potential terrorists networking through online gaming.  One problem they ran into was that NSA agents kept running into one another in the virtual world.  Online websites like Yahoo and Google have admitted that the government has been receiving all of users’ account information.  The Trans Pacific Partnership is a trade agreement that Obama signed onto that assists huge corporations to bypass decisions made my international countries to not participate in trade with them.  Cenk points out that despite Obama’s heartfelt message that his life was inspired by Nelson Mandela, agreements like this show its not true.

After Rep Sensenbrenner called for James Clapper to resign after lying to Congress over the NSA’s spying program, Fox and Friends asked Dick Cheney to criticize the spying program, but he refused with silence.  Video of the hilarity.  Rand Paul told Chris Wallace that unemployment benefits that reach 99 weeks is a disservice to workers since employers are less likely to hire people that have been out of work for so long.


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