August 21, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Bradley Manning sentence.  Jeffrey Toobin, Glenn Greenwald and David Miranda. With the revelations and stubbornness of the NSA spying, the President is losing support of the youth in America.  60% of 18-29 y/o say that the information was helpful to the people, while only 36% of people over 65 y/o agreed.  Up to 1300 citizens are reportedly dead from chemical weaponry in Syria. A foiled elementary school shooter was arrested today after the school’s bookkeeper talked him down.  This ending happened despite Wayne LaPierre’s assertion that the only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.   While the NRA endlessly fear mongers its members and supporters against the government compiling a gun registry list, it turns out that the NRA has been compiling a gun registry list for decades that contains 10s of millions of people. PPP polled GOPers in Louisiana and found that more believe President Obama is responsible for the lack of Hurricane Katrina response than President Bush is.  The large majority just aren’t sure.  Article.

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